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To view this protected post, enter the password below: REACHING THE LOST - STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESS New Converts: The Basics Lock the Back Door! “Hey Bob, did you know the church of Christ believes they are the only ones going to heaven?” If the new convert has not been asked this question... REACHING THE LOST - STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESS Contacts: New Invitation Cards Developing contacts through your membership is one of the most productive avenues to achieve success in the Contact Step of the HTHSOE model. The first stage was to... REACHING THE LOST - STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESS Contacts: House to House/Heart to Heart Reaches the Unfaithful House to House/Heart to Heart is a multi-front approach to evangelism. Most HTH tools are designed to reach non-Christians. We are... REACHING THE LOST - STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESS Growing Church: Evangelism Trends Some congregations excel in the work of evangelism, while other congregations struggle. Professional sports teams examine winning and losing trends. Economic...
To view this protected post, enter the password below: REACHING THE LOST - STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESS Creating Contacts If you need more information on the three booklet study series or the new training/evangelistic video, please contact me at: REACHING THE LOST - STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESS A Congregational Website At this point in the program, you should have developed several different evangelistic works that your congregation uses to reach out to your local community. In our... REACHING THE LOST - STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESS Growing Church: Training the Congregation Have you trained the congregation to do evangelism? If not, this is why the congregation is not growing. If your job did not train their employees, they... REACHING THE LOST - STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESS Growing Church: It's Time for A Reboot It has been a blessing to have the opportunity to work with you. We pray the investments you have made in evangelism are producing fruit for your local work....