Reaching the Lost- Success Stories Statistics Total baptisms (2018-2022) reported from U.S. Congregations: 2,345 Total Seminars Conducted (2018-2022): 181 Congregational Enrollments in 2023: 41 Remote Enrollments for 2023: 30 Student Enrollment: 136 States Reporting:... REACHING THE LOST - STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESS
Reaching the Lost- Success Stories Statistics Total baptisms (2018-2022) reported from U.S. Congregations: 2,345 Total Seminars Conducted (2018-2022): 181 Congregational Enrollments in 2023: 40 Remote Enrollments for 2023: 30 Student Enrollment: 136 States Reporting:... REACHING THE LOST - STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESS Evangelism Coordinator Reports By Rob Whitacre The Willette church of Christ is a mission-minded congregation. They support missions worldwide and some of the most productive works in the kingdom....
Reaching the Lost- Success Stories Statistics Total baptisms (2018-2022) reported from U.S. Congregations: 2,345 Total Seminars Conducted (2018-2022): 181 Congregational Enrollments in 2023: 40 Remote Enrollments for 2023: 30 Student Enrollment: 132 States Reporting:... REACHING THE LOST - STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESS Baptism: Can You Be Taught Wrong And Baptized Right? By Rob Whitacre If you need more information on the three booklet study series or the new training/evangelistic video, please contact me...
Reaching the Lost- Success Stories Statistics Total baptisms (2018-2022) reported from U.S. Congregations: 2,345 Total Seminars Conducted (2018-2022): 181 Congregational Enrollments in 2023: 40 Remote Enrollments for 2023: 30 Student Enrollment: 132 States Reporting:... REACHING THE LOST - STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESS The Post Seminar Survey By Rob Whitacre When HTHSOE pulls out of the parking lot, there is much excitement at the local congregations. Elders and preachers are ready to take the challenge and...
Reaching the Lost- Success Stories Statistics Total baptisms (2018-2022) reported from U.S. Congregations: 2,345 Total Seminars Conducted (2018-2022): 181 Congregational Enrollments in 2023: 39 Remote Enrollments for 2023: 29 Student Enrollment: 132 States Reporting:... REACHING THE LOST - STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESS Introduction: Leading Evangelism By Rob Whitacre Evangelism is not organic! It will not happen because one person wills it or prays about it alone. Evangelism, as with any successful endeavor,...