Visitors are untapped contacts in most congregations. It is inexcusable for visitors to walk in and walk out without a congregational plan to prospect them. Visitors are the hottest contacts and easiest prospects a congregation can possibly find. They can account for...
Reaching the Lost: Evangelistic Bible Camps
The church of Christ is an aging army. If we do not actively pursue and train new recruits, we will suffer great loss in our battle for souls. Sadly, the stats bear this out as now 60 percent of our units are 50 years and older, while only 13 percent are under age 30....
Reaching the Lost: The Lifeblood of the Church: New Converts
New converts are the lifeblood of the local congregation. If you do not have them, you are either dying or dead. They bring energy, excitement, and evangelistic opportunities to the body. Each convert provides dozens if not hundreds of new contacts to the church....
Reaching the Lost: Managing Your Evangelism Efforts
This generation has some of the finest foreign mission efforts the kingdom has ever known. Elders oversee Bible schools, widows’ homes, orphanages, preacher training, printers, building teams, mission trips, campaigns, and much more. It is exciting to see how...
Reaching the Lost: Making It Operational
When we began the House-to-House School of Evangelism, we knew we needed to provide congregations with an evangelistic strategy. For the men it is called, “Let’s Make the Application,” and for the ladies it is called, “Recipes for Evangelism.” Over the past three and...
Reaching the Lost: Trunk or Treat!
It is October, and soon congregations will be having their annual fall parties and enjoying beautiful weather with the greatest company on earth as Christians gather for hayrides, candy, bonfires, roasted marshmallows, and good times. Some congregations will even put...
Reaching the Lost: We Went Door Knocking; Now What?
So you went door knocking last week; now what? We do not knock doors just to knock doors, just like we do not send cards to just send cards. If any effort in your local church is not about training the saved or teaching the lost, it is time for an overhaul. The church...
Reaching the Lost: Troubleshooting Your Contact List
You will never hit a target you do not aim for. Training a congregation to create an evangelistic target list is one of the first steps in setting up a successful strategy. We cannot reach the lost if we do not know who they are, where they live, and how to approach...
Reaching the Lost: Troubleshooting New Movers
The New Movers program is one of the best kept secrets in the brotherhood. Although we try to inform everyone, due to its relatively new status, many still do not know about it. What if we told you that we can provide you the name and address of every new family who...
Reaching the Lost: Troubleshooting House to House/ Heart to Heart
House to House/Heart to Heart produces more contacts than any work in the brotherhood. Yet many congregations do not know how to use it to its full potential. We would like to help current users of HTH improve its effectiveness. The following ten questions have been...