Reports from Covington and St. Mary’s These are my favorite updates to publish, reports right from the field. There may be some who dismiss these successes and reason, “It might work for you but not me.” Dear...
Reaching the Lost: September 2, 2020
Must Read Report from Maryland This past week was one of the best in the past two years regarding baptisms from congregations using the training provided by the House to House/Heart to Heart School of...
Reaching the Lost: August 26, 2020
Evangelism Needs Elders and Preachers For the past ten years, we have been involved in personal evangelism training. From the beginning, our goal was to help congregations grow again. If this is not being...
Reaching the Lost: August 19, 2020
When to Use the One Study Method I want you to meet Darby and Nick Bethea. We often say during seminars that “conversions beget conversions and success begets success.” Several months ago, we met Perry and Ellen Bethea because they received the House to House/Heart to...
Reaching the Lost: August 12, 2020
Congratulations to HTHSOE Graduates There is much more to the House to House/Heart to Heart School of Evangelism than our 2-to-5-day onsite training (seminar, campaign, advanced seminar). As the title suggests, we are a school. It is not a traditional school where one...
Reaching the Lost: August 5, 2020
My family and I are blessed to visit with churches of Christ all over the nation. We are surprised when on occasion we meet those who have never heard of House to House/Heart to Heart. When I was in local work, this publication was a constant source of contacts. Each...
Reaching the Lost: July 29, 2020
Earlier this year we completed a two-day seminar with the Valdosta church of Christ in north Alabama. Their preacher, Adam Evans, and his family hosted us for lunch in their home. We were encouraged as they spoke about their passion for soul winning. After the...
Reaching the Lost: July 22, 2020 – 20 Baptisms!
Greetings Soul Winners! COVID is a scary disease, but sin is even worse. Souls are in desperate need of the gospel, and the church of Christ is their only hope. Now more than ever, Christian soldiers are...
Reaching the Lost: July 15, 2020
Dear Friends, On October 13, 2019, we conducted a Personal Evangelism campaign for the Fayetteville (GA) church of Christ. A campaign takes the basic seminar and adds three Back to the Bible...
Reaching the Lost: July 8, 2020
Greetings Soul Winners! I wanted to pass along some great news. Our first seminar post-Covid was held at the Covington Church of Christ just north of Memphis on June 12-13. The attendance was a mixture of virtual and physical presence. We were very impressed by the...