“Now hath God set the members every one of them in the body, as it hath pleased Him” (1 Corinthians 12:18). The church has everything she needs to carry out the mission of Christ. When we all work together, Satan cannot win. There is no event in life that moves the...
Reaching the Lost: How to Get Started: The Fields Are White unto Harvest
Jesus said, “Say not ye, There are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest” (John 4:35). Evangelism cannot wait another season. We must start now, or we are...
Reaching the Lost: How to Get Started: The Power of the Pews
If you have no contacts, evangelism will never get off the ground. Developing contacts is the first and foundational step in developing successful evangelism at the local level. The largest cache of contacts sits in our pews. Each member represents dozens, if not...
Reaching the Lost: Jesus and Back to the Bible
Occasionally, someone will say that Christians should not use written Bible studies such as Back to the Bible to teach the gospel to sinners. “Just use the Bible” is their mantra. Luke 24:27 records Jesus conducting a Bible study, using the “back to the Bible”...
Reaching the Lost: A Baptism a Day in the USA – Is it Possible?
370 Baptisms! It has always thrilled my heart to hear of the hundreds of baptisms missionaries report in overseas mission works. I have often wondered why we cannot see these results in the United States. I have heard many excuses over the years—America’s materialism,...
Reaching the Lost: I Thank God . . . for Your Fellowship in the Gospel
This will be our last report for 2020. We have some exciting news for the beginning of 2021, so stay tuned for the January 6 update! During the final two weeks of the year, our family wants to express to God how thankful we are for each congregation who entrusted us...
Reaching the Lost: Satan Meant It for Evil, but God Meant It for Good
COVID cannot break the spirit of God’s people if we do not let it. The message is simple; if we want to grow, we must do Bible studies and evangelize. HTHSOE get reports each week from congregations who are...
Reaching the Lost: The Garden Tiller
How do I approach the contacts I know and get them to sit down and have a Bible study? This is the question I am asked most often during HTHSOE training seminars. I would definitely recommend that you do not ask...
Reaching the Lost: Evangelism in the Age of COVID
COVID hit us all in the back. We did not see it coming. We were not ready for it. Elders and preachers quickly scrambled to apply the Scripture to the warnings and new regulations given by medical and governing officials. Some congregations closed their doors, but...
Reaching the Lost: You Need an Evangelism Table
Where is your equipment? How can Christians fish for men if they have no lures? Recently my family had the opportunity to go out on a charter. The captain knew his trade. He took us to the exact spot where we would...