REACHING THE LOST - STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESS Bible Studies: Illustrating Communion Illustrations can be powerful when used at the right time. In our experience, the Communion/Contribution illustration is one of the most effective ways to... REACHING THE LOST - STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESS Three Keys to Success Written by Rob Whitacre In June 2018, we officially launched the House to House/Heart to Heart School of Evangelism. It was a trial balloon with no history and no road map... REACHING THE LOST - STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESS Using An Organized Method Written by Allen Webster and Rob Whitacre Occasionally, someone will say that Christians should not use written Bible studies such as Back to the Bible to teach the... REACHING THE LOST - STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESS Reaching the Lost Reports One of the tools we use at HTHSOE is “Reaching the Lost” weekly reports. Early in the development of the school, we knew that accountability would be important to the...
Protected: New Movers – July 2023
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To view this protected post, enter the password below: REACHING THE LOST - STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESS Contacts: Hot, Warm, Cold Evangelistic success is not found in the baptistery but in the contacts made by the membership. If we have no contacts, we have no evangelism. Understanding the type of... REACHING THE LOST - STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESS Contacts: Bookmark Fatigue Check out this week's Reaching the Lost Success Strategies! If you need more information on the three booklet study series or the new training/evangelistic video, please...
Protected: Contacts – May and June 2023
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post. REACHING THE LOST - STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESS New Converts: Membership Mentoring Connecting new converts to members is part of our HTHSOE strategy. Not every member of the congregation needs to conduct a Bible study, but all members do need... REACHING THE LOST - STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESS New Converts: Moral Issues HTHSOE has a two-tiered strategy for New Converts: congregational training and membership mentoring. Each of these steps is vital to retention. You should already have...