REACHING THE LOST - STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESS It Is Quantity And Not Quality Written by Rob L. Whitacre All my life I have heard people say, “It is quality and not quantity.” Perhaps in some areas of life this is true, but not... REACHING THE LOST - STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESS Tips for Using Back to the Bible Back to the Bible is the tool of the century. It was written by Bobby Bates during his time at the Bear Valley School of Preaching. He tested it... REACHING THE LOST - STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESS Using Believe the Bible Written by Rob L Whitacre It has been two years since the first release of the three-lesson Bible study series titled, Believe the Bible. Since its...
Effective Door Knocking
For some, door knocking is the answer to all our problems. For others, door knocking is the problem. The truth is somewhere in between these views. There is no doubt, heaven’s roster is full of those who were taught the Gospel because of a knock on the door. My family...
Why a Door Knocking Campaign?
“I don’t believe in door knocking.” “Door knocking offends people.” “Door knocking does not work anymore.” “Door knocking is a waste of time.” Have you ever heard these before? I have heard elders and preachers say such things. I concede that door knocking does...