It is hard for a congregation to rise above its pulpit. If the preacher is not evangelizing, the congregation will normally follow his example. If the preacher evangelizes and the congregation fails to follow him, at best it...
Reaching the Lost: Reach Your Neighbors in 2021
Reaching your neighbor has never been easier. You do not have to knock on a door, engage in an uncomfortable conversation, or risk exposure to Covid-19 to find them. For just .34 per copy, HTH can print and mail an attractive eight-page, full-color magazine right to...
Reaching the Lost: Bible Studies and Baptisms
The House to House/Heart to Heart School of Evangelism (HTHSOE) is only as effective as the Christians who are a part of it. It is result-oriented. It is ultimately judged by the fruit that is produced. If what we are trying to...
Reaching the Lost: Evangelism: Keep It Simple!
Do not get lost in the forest for the trees. If you cannot see the big picture, evangelism will get bogged down in endless programs that do not produce results. Bobby Bates said, “If everything you are doing is evangelism, there is a good chance that nothing you are...
Reaching the Lost: How to Use Compassion Cards
One of the most effective ways to cultivate contacts is the congregational use of compassion cards. Contacts are not hard to find. Each Christian is a link to the many non-Christians in his life. Once...
Reaching the Lost: October 14, 2020
An American Mission Trip - Report We need missionaries in America. Our nation is crumbling before our eyes. There is a direct link between the exaltation of any nation and the righteousness of its...
Reaching the Lost: October 7, 2020
Let Your Light Shine – Report from Greenville, Ohio Jesus was the most successful evangelist who ever lived. He is the Master teacher. His model must be our model. His mission is our mission (Luke 19:10). In the Sermon...
Reaching the Lost: September 30, 2020
Special Year-End Evangelism Opportunity I have been using House to House/Heart to Heart for over 20 years. There is not a tool in the kingdom that cultivates the soil more effectively and efficiently. Looking...
Reaching the Lost: September 23, 2020
A Stateside Mission Effort As I write this, my family is preparing for our biggest stateside mission work to date. Each year, we plan to dedicate some time to focus on mission fields in America. Certainly, the Midwest and West...
Reaching the Lost: September 16, 2020
A Report from Sparta, Missouri We just returned from an eleven-day road trip to Texas where we trained three congregations and introduced the school to another one. Soon, we will leave for a 21-day trip out west to train...