REACHING THE LOST - STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESS The Post Seminar Survey By Rob Whitacre When HTHSOE pulls out of the parking lot, there is much excitement at the local congregations. Elders and preachers are ready to take the challenge and... REACHING THE LOST - STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESS Introduction: Leading Evangelism By Rob Whitacre Evangelism is not organic! It will not happen because one person wills it or prays about it alone. Evangelism, as with any successful endeavor,... REACHING THE LOST - STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESS Bible Studies: Religious Survey By Rob Whitacre Providing directions requires two essential parts. First, you must know the person’s destination. Second, you need to know the person’s current... REACHING THE LOST - STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESS Bible Studies: Digital Studies New - Back to the Bible By Rob Whitacre Be honest. You cannot conduct a personal Bible study with every contact. Some live too far away, and others seem to avoid... REACHING THE LOST - STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESS Bible Studies: Bible Studies During Bible Class By Rob Whitacre Is it scriptural to conduct Bible studies during Bible classes? There should be no doubt about the validity of this strategy. Almost... REACHING THE LOST - STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESS Prospects: Defer Don't Debate This is the first principle I learned from Jesus when trying to become more like Him. Clearly, Jesus was the greatest evangelist who has ever lived. While reading... REACHING THE LOST - STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESS Contacts: Trunk or Treat Congregational events and activities abound, but many have little evangelistic emphasis. Until congregations focus their energy on seeking and saving the lost (Luke... REACHING THE LOST - STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESS Growing Church: Everyone Has a Place Paul wrote, “The body is not one member, but many. If the foot shall say, Because I am not the hand, I am not of the body; is it therefore not of the body? And... REACHING THE LOST - STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESS Training Teachers (Special Forces) To provide support in developing an evangelistic culture, we encourage you to train some "special forces" to be experts in conducting personal Bible studies.... REACHING THE LOST - STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESS HTHSOE Checklist Where do you begin? What is next? How do I keep from skipping important steps? You can use the HTHSOE checklist. This checklist is a critical step in developing the congregational...