No one can outwork the Lord. Jesus said, “The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth laborers into his harvest” (Luke 10:2). This verse has never been truer in our lifetimes. The...
Reaching the Lost: Restoring COVID-19 Casualties
In almost every seminar, during our private elders’/preachers’ session, I am asked, “Do you have any suggestions for reaching our brethren who are not returning to the worship assembly?” In just about every church of Christ, attendance is down 25-50 percent. It is...
Reaching the Lost: Partnering with Our Preaching Schools
In 1997, Nicole and I were introduced to Back to the Bible while attending the Southwest School of Bible studies in Austin, Texas. Our teacher for personal evangelism was Rudy Cain, director of World Video Bible School. It was a practical class with a simple method...
Reaching the Lost: It Stares at Me
Just over a year ago, I was able to visit with one of the kingdom’s great soul winners. His name is Larry Acuff, and he is an old-fashioned book, chapter, and verse gospel preacher. Brother Acuff invited HTHSOE to conduct our Personal Evangelism seminar at Lithia...
Reaching the Lost: Accountability Is Scriptural
A child left to himself will bring shame to his mother (Proverbs 29:15). Everyone needs to be accountable to someone. Employees give an accounting of their work. Students give an accounting of their studies. Christians will give an accounting of their lives (Romans...
Reaching the Lost: Aim Small; Miss Small
A hunter is taught, as he raises his rifle and looks through the sights, “Aim small and miss small.” One does not become a good shooter by accident. It comes from a deliberate strategy that involves study, field research, practice, and the actual hunt itself. Brother...
Reaching the Lost: Bible Studies Equal Baptism!
Contacts create prospects and prospects turn into Bible studies. Bible studies produce baptisms, and baptisms are how churches grow. This is the strategy of the House to House/Heart to Heart School of Evangelism. When someone comes forward during the invitation or is...
Reaching the Lost: Results-oriented Evangelism because Results Matter
There are many ideas about how to effectively reach out to local communities. I receive texts, messages, emails, and calls on a weekly basis from good-hearted brethren who are filled with passion to reach lost souls. My first question is always, “How many baptisms...
Reaching the Lost: Why Do We Call Them “Prospects?”
A few years ago, I was able to visit Alaska. I had always wanted to do a little gold prospecting. I found a place that provided the pay dirt, pan, water, and a little training. I took the pay dirt and placed it in my pan and added water. Prospecting takes time as you...
Reaching the Lost: One Step at a Time
The teaching of an HTHSOE seminar can be overwhelming for the audience. One member who attended recently said it was like watching a July 4 fireworks display. You love to see it and try desperately to take it all in, but when it is over, it is hard to remember the...