Earlier this year, the East Ridge church of Christ became the overseeing congregation of House to House/Heart to Heart, which includes the HTH School of Evangelism. On January 18-21, 2021, they enrolled and received HTHSOE on-site training. Since then, they have...
Reaching the Lost: Undeniable Successes!
s part of the leadership in an area denomination. Praying that she responds well to the gospel and then uses her influence in leading souls out of that denomination. Waiting to hear back from a soul concerning scheduling. It is looking like I may be studying each day...
Reaching the Lost: The American Mission Field
The church of Christ in the United States is dying. Unless there is a cultural shift among congregations to focus on local evangelism, there will not be congregations for our children and grandchildren to attend. It is sad when brethren line up for foreign mission...
Reaching the Lost: All Things Are Possible with God
The past two weeks brought the House to House/Heart to Heart School of Evangelism to Texas. HTHSOE trained two congregations and brought advanced training to the Brown Trail School of Preaching. Attendance was good and Bible studies and baptisms abounded immediately....
Reaching the Lost: Evangelistic Persuasion
Recently, my family made our annual pilgrimage to the home of Wilma Bates (widow of the late Bobby Bates, author of Back to the Bible). This is one of our most anticipated trips each year. Although we are not going hiking or sight-seeing, we have some of our most...
Reaching the Lost: An A-Z Conversion
Evangelism is not just about using a method like Back to the Bible or Does It Matter. It is a strategy that starts with a contact and goes all the way through the new convert stage. HTHSOE is so much more than a five, seven, or ten lesson seminar. It is a complete A-Z...
Reaching the Lost: A Congregation’s Transformation
Earlier this year, my family had the opportunity to work with the North Jefferson church of Christ in Mt. Pleasant, Texas. Upon arrival, we could tell that their elders and preachers were discouraged and needed a cultural change. Evangelism is able to fix almost every...
Reaching the Lost: It’s Time to Ask the Members
Where do we find prospects for Bible studies? They sit in our pews! The power of evangelism that sleeps in our pews must be awakened. If you have a congregation of 100 Christians, this means you have 1,000 contacts. If you have 1,000 contacts, you are almost certain...
Reaching the Lost: An Offensive God
It is clear—we are not fighting the same kind of war God is fighting. Sit in any elders’ meeting and it will become quite clear. Since many of you have not been a part of such a meeting here is an inside look: problem-solving, putting out brush fires, fixing what is...
Reaching the Lost: House to House/Heart to Heart Reaches Charlie
I am pleased to introduce myself. I am Charles Lumpkins; feel free to call me Charles or Charlie. I have been on the faculty at Pennsylvania State University since 2006, teaching history-oriented courses in the Department of African American Studies and a...