Contacts: Finding the Few

In 2022, HTHSOE conducted an American Mission Campaign in Covington, Tennessee. These campaigns comprise hundreds of Christian servants from all over the nation who come to be trained to reach out to the lost. Contacts are critical to this effort. As we gathered, Jeff Phillips (associate preacher) walked forward with a large corkboard, a Sharpie marker, and 3×5 note cards. He called the board, “The Few.”

At that time, we had no idea how impactful this simple tool would become. The “Few Board” became a rallying point for the campaign. The concept is based on Matthew 22:14, when Jesus concluded the Parable of the Wedding Feast and said, “Many are called, but few are chosen.” Jesus gave us a strategic approach to people when He said that we must go to the many to find the few.

Each day, workers came in from the field and put the names of interested contacts on the board. We discussed the contacts and prayed for them by name every day. The list of names grew, and so did our anticipation and hope. It was a game-changer for AMC campaigns.

Developing contacts in the local congregation is CRITICAL. The members are your best source of contacts. Initially, we ask congregations to use the bookmarks to train members on how to produce contacts. In time, other tools and strategies are needed to keep things fresh.

If you are looking for a way to rekindle the fire in the pews, perhaps it is time to introduce “The Few Board” to your local efforts. Here are a few points to consider.

  • Purchase your cork boards and supplies. We recommend several boards to use in different age groups. Do not leave out your middle school and teenagers as they must also learn how to bring the lost to Christ and can be very effective.
  • Train the congregation on how it works.
  • Emphasize it each week during a Bible class hour. If you do not have someone sparking the effort, it will not last.
  • Dedicate the first five minutes of class to the collection of names and discussion.
  • The “Few” are those who are going through a life event, seeking help, and/or in some way expressing interest in Jesus.
  • Pray publicly each week for every contact. Name each contact in prayer.
  • Fill out your contact card.
  • Transition the contacts (“few”) to the prospect list to begin to show congregational love.
  • Keep it fresh by adding names and deleting those who are part of the “many.”

Only a few will be saved, according to Christ (Matthew 7:13-14). Keeping expectations biblical and realistic is important to the morale of the congregation. Maintain your focus on the people who are in your community. Use your membership to help you find them. Among the many are the few. If you can help save a few each year, the church will grow.