The House to House/Heart to Heart School of Evangelism (HTHSOE) is only as effective as the Christians who are a part of it. It is result-oriented. It is ultimately judged by the fruit that is produced. If what we are trying to do does not work, then we are wasting precious time and valuable resources. This is one reason we publish “Reaching the Lost” each Wednesday morning. We hope you will enjoy the following reports and results!
Long Island church of Christ, New York
Hello Brother, I’m a full-time public-school teacher. I bought your DVD and Evangelism workbook with the charts at PTP last year and read Fishers of Menby Bobby Bates. I’ve been teaching Back to the Bible in both English and Spanish. I’m one of the song leaders in our Spanish ministry. One of the brothers here, named Fred Brown, taught a Zoom class Back to the Biblecourse to encourage some of our members to evangelize during this lock down.
Two new souls were added to the Lord’s church in Long Island, New York. I thought you might want to see this: My wife has been teaching Back to the Bible lessons to Maria over Zoom, and she decided to put on Christ in baptism. The next day, Kevin made that same decision. I’ve been going over Back to the Bible with Kevin.
In addition, my wife Jennifer just finished another study using Zoom to teach Back to the Bible. It all started with a visitor who came to services in September. Tatiana completed all three lessons and decided on Monday night October 19, to put on Christ in baptism. Tatiana had previously attended a Pentecostal Church and saw that she was in error. Praise God.

Our country needs the gospel! Thank you for all of your lessons, encouragement, and focus on keeping the main thing the main thing. Your brother in Christ, Billy Dickson

Valdosta church of Christ, Tuscumbia, Alabama
Earlier this year, we conducted an Evangelism Seminar at Valdosta where Adam Evans is the preacher. He is diligent in his efforts to focus the congregation on soul-saving. Despite difficulties from COVID, they have experienced several baptisms. This shows that if a congregation is going to grow, this work must go beyond the pulpit. Here is a report we just received:

Josh and Amanda King are related to Jason Swindle, one of our members. He has been talking with them for a while. While their baby was sick after birth, we reached out to them. Jason recommended they watch our livestream, and they have been watching for a few months. Jason finally asked for an in-person study. They did the one-study approach Bobby Bates lesson and wanted to be baptized. We met them last Sunday at our building. Paul Swindle baptized them and they have been attending at Valdosta. I believe they will place membership here. Jason was a part of our seminar. God is so good.

Schools of Preaching – Vermilion church of Christ, Ohio
Some of the most productive training seminars occur at schools of preaching and Christian universities. So far we have either taught or are scheduled to train at the following schools: 1) Southwest School of Bible Studies (Austin, Texas); 2) Brown Trail School of Preaching (Texas); 3) Memphis School of Preaching (Tennessee); 4) Georgia School of Preaching; 5) Florida School of Preaching; 6) Tri-Cities School of Preaching (Tennessee); 7) Heritage Christian University (Florence, Alabama); 8) Freed-Hardeman University (Tennessee).

This is report from Isaac Rice, an MSOP graduate.

Hayley Kuch (23-years-old) had been looking for a church for the last several years. She spent time with Mormons, Baptists, and most recently, Pentecostals. She had been attending a Pentecostal church for about a year and a half at the time of our study. Hayley and I had known each other through shared employment several years prior. She agreed to a Bible study as a way to hang out while I was visiting home. In three days, we had completed all three lessons and she insisted on being baptized immediately though it was 10:30 p.m. when the study finished, and she was baptized fifteen minutes later in a nearby creek.

Madeleine Sprik (19-years-old) came from a Baptist family. More open-minded to hearing other’s views than is typical for a Baptist in the Tennessee area, she agreed to a study. We did the first two lessons over the phone. For the third, a classmate and I met her halfway between Memphis and Nashville in a tiny town called Bucksnort, in the restaurant portion of a gas station. There she accepted the gospel, being baptized at the local congregation a few minutes down the road. A few weeks later, I asked her out. We have now been dating for about ten months. Since then I have also used BTTB to teach my mother, and she has finally accepted the truth concerning instruments in worship. This had been a fight for seven years. Thank you.

I know many of us have been overwhelmed by COVID and distracted by political elections. It can be exhausting and discouraging when our focus is on the affairs of this world. My plea and prayer is for Christians to focus on our on mission (Ephesians 3:9-10) and turn our congregations into soul-saving bodies. Evangelism works in this nation when we are willing to work it. If you want more information on how to enroll your congregation to be trained in the art of soul-winning, please contact or go

Serving our Lord,
Rob Whitacre, Director, HTHSOE