Contacts: Our Spanish Communities

The Gospel must be preached to every creature under heaven (Mark 16:15). Within our borders are people from many nations. They need to hear the Gospel, but most congregations are not equipped to reach them due to language barriers. Marlon Retana is one of our Regional Trainers. His first language is Spanish. He directs the Spanish Bible School and works in association with World Video Bible School. We have asked Brother Retana to translate our tools and help train Spanish-speaking congregations. The following is a list of resources we offer to help you reach the lost in your local Spanish-speaking communities. Here are our resources available in Spanish:

The Great Commission commands us to reach out to all people. Our Spanish-speaking friends live all around us, and we must be trained and equipped to reach them. Don’t wait! Contact us today and we will be glad to provide the necessary training and tools to help you in your outreach efforts.