Contacts: Be Intentional

Our Lord deserves a return on His investments. Fruitless works should be examined, adjusted, and, if needed, shut down. A buzz phrase in the business community is designed to develop purpose, focus, and results “Be Intentional.” We should not be working just for work’s sake. Our work should have purpose, plan, and production. Congregations that focus on specific contacts are much more successful. The following are some suggestions:

  • New Movers: HTH/HTH provides you with a monthly list, plus we mail each new mover a special personalized postcard and the new movers edition. Follow up with a visit and a new mover basket. Those who respond favorably should be placed on the proper list to receive compassion cards and a transitional visit.
  • Unfaithful: Make a list of every prodigal over the past five years. Add a few each month to your prospect list. Send cards and then visit. Be prepared to have a Bible study to restore souls.
  • Bereaved: Ask members to provide names and addresses of those who have lost loved ones or friends. You can also use the local obituaries. Add these names to your prospect list and send compassion cards. Prepare a food basket and make the transition visit to set up a Bible study.
  • New Births: Ask members to provide names of babies being born and send compassion cards.  Make a new birth basket and make the transition visit to set up the Bible study.
  • First Responders: Firefighters, police officers, military personnel, and others serving your local community are excellent contacts. Send cards thanking them for their service. Prepare a food basket and make a transition visit to set up the Bible study.

Not all contacts produce fruit at the same rate. When you can connect with a contact, you are much more likely to win a Bible study. Be intentional by adding these contacts to your prospect list. Engage the congregation to send cards, prepare gift baskets, and make visits. Remember, Bible studies result from prospecting contacts, and baptisms result from Bible studies!