Wendell Winkler once said, “The most important room in the church building is often the most neglected; we call it the baptistry.” HTHSOE visits over 50 congregations annually. During these visits, we see all kinds of baptistries and dressing rooms. It can be frightening with cobwebs, dust, out-of-date décor, torn and ripped garments, and less-than-ideal water conditions. The baptistry is critical to the Great Commission and should be clean and inviting. The following suggestions are provided to make sure you are ready.
  • Appoint a coordinator to be responsible for ensuring the readiness of your baptistry.
  • Make sure it is clean. Cleanliness does not take a big budget; it takes someone who cares.
  • Ensure essential care items, such as combs, brushes, hair accessories, hairnets, towels, and handkerchiefs, are available.
  • Furnish the changing room appropriately with a chair, hangers, a mirror, and modern décor.
  • Purchase modern baptismal garments that cover all sizes (extra-small to extra-large).
  • Provide a safe environment for a baptism. Remember, there is water; things can get slippery.
  • Keep the water clean, warm, and circulated.
  • Privacy is important when people need to change their clothing. A privacy curtain is recommended, as there are usually others in the changing area.
  • Install accessibility accessories like handrails and anti-slip pads.
The baptistry should be warm and inviting. Someone should regularly check on it and make changes as needed. The most important room in the building deserves time and attention. Be prepared for baptisms.

Check out this week’s Reaching the Lost Success Strategies to learn more!