Reaching the Lost- Success Stories

Total baptisms (2018-2023) reported from U.S. Congregations: 3,748
Total baptisms reported from U.S. Congregations 2023: 1,403
Total Baptisms Reported from U.S. Congregations 2024: 837
Total Restorations from U.S. Congregations 2024: 57
Total Seminars Conducted (2018-2023): 240
Congregational Enrollments in 2024: 24
Remote Enrollments for 2024: 41
Schools of Preaching for 2024: 4
Student Enrollment: 162
States Reporting: 22

Upcoming Seminars
July 28-31: Williamsburg church of Christ, Virginia
August 3-4: Highland Park church of Christ, Florence, Alabama
August 13-14: Southeast Institute of Biblical Studies, Knoxville, Tennessee
August 16-22: Polishing the Pulpit, Sevierville, Tennessee

HTHSOE Checklist

Featured Work: Hebron church of Christ, Tennessee

Evangelism with Faithful Preaching Equals Baptisms!
By Derrick Stiles

Words cannot express the joy and blessing of having Don Blackwell at last week’s Gospel Meeting. We had a baptism on night one, which began a chain reaction of young people and some older people re-evaluating their current state. We had several whose parents and members have been working within Bible study, and after much work and Brother Don’s presentation of the gospel, they responded. We finished the week with six baptisms and one restoration.

We obtained many contacts and are working to develop them into prospects. This coming Sunday will mark Day 1 of the compassion card program, and we have four families in the prospect column who will receive cards. We anticipate over 100 cards to go out on Monday morning. We are sending several pictures to share with everyone to rejoice in the saving of lost souls!

The HTHSOE evangelism model is being set up.  Members are being trained. We trust the process, and the fruit is already being seen. Please keep us in your prayers.

Congregational Reports

Glencoe church of Christ, Alabama: David Marker (elder) reports, “Several of our members helped move a family to our community. This contact had been developed through Jared Whitacre and his lawn service. Jared shared with us that this family could be a great contact. They were grateful for the help and seemed impressed with the church. We will continue to follow up with them. We are having a youth day this Sunday. We have sent out invitations and have asked our young people to be inviting their friends. We continue to look for opportunities in our community. Our metrics have been good and consistent; each month we continue to make contacts, send compassion cards, and utilize our invitation cards.”

Central church of Christ, Saraland, Alabama: David Dixon (preacher) reports, “I can usually foresee the kind of response there will be to my sermons. This week was different. Three responses blindsided me. One of our elders asked for forgiveness. One of our members asked for strength. A prospect responded, desiring to be baptized. It was a memorable day, that’s for sure! Central is still working on our efforts, but we are getting a better feel for adjusting the program to fit our needs best. We have decided to restart a weekly ‘Monday Night for the Master’ program, which was well supported when it started years ago. Now we are going to add the evangelistic component to it. We are adjusting our approach to visitors to ensure we don’t overwhelm them. This past Saturday, the evangelism team had a very productive meeting. As a result, and coupled with the emotional responses during yesterday’s service, I believe enthusiasm is at an all-time high. The program is working; we understand the processes deeply now and are confident about the future!”
West Huntsville church of Christ, Alabama: Paul Owen (associate preacher) reports, “We continue to change the evangelism culture at West Huntsville. Our VBS yielded several families for prospects, and one family returned for worship on Sunday!”

Fayette church of Christ, Alabama: Josh Taylor (deacon) reports, “It has been a great few days. Recently, one of our members has made friends with one of the families of our local restaurants. Three of the youth of that family have been attending services for several weeks. On Saturday, Jocelyn and Evelyn Avila decided to obey the gospel. On Sunday, two sisters who had been away from us for many years came forward. We are so thankful for them. They had also visited with us for several weeks, and our evangelistic environment helped in both efforts. Our friendly environment truly helped plant the seed, and God increased it. May God be glorified!”

Petersville church of Christ, Florence, Alabama: Adam Richardson (preacher) reports, “We met after services last night with over 100 congregation members. The purpose of the meeting was to plug people into our congregational evangelism lifestyle. Seeing people eager to follow Christ in seeking and saving the lost was so encouraging!”

Rison church of Christ, Arkansas: Keden Shrum (preacher) reports, “Care Team B met Sunday evening to send cards to one contact. We have two additional contacts who will begin receiving cards next week. We have one Bible study that, Lord willing, will start soon. VBS is on Saturday, and we pray we will gain more contacts through that effort. Keeping the momentum going is a challenge. We appreciate all prayers for the work in Rison and our eldership as they face the challenges of shepherding.”

Sunset church of Christ, Nashville, Arkansas (remote): Zach Williams (preacher) reports, “Today is our one-year “evangeliversary”! We hit the HTHSOE goal of 10 percent growth. The members of the congregation are on fire, and participation has been off the chart.”
Malvern church of Christ, Arkansas (remote): David Burruss (preacher) reports, “The last three weeks have been a little crazy with so much traveling, and we are so glad to be back. Soon we will finish the few remaining training sessions that discuss Back to the Bible this Sunday. Currently, we still have 15 prospects, and we sent approximately 50 compassion cards last week. I have a transitional visit scheduled with a prospect this week, and I am praying the visit leads to a Bible study. We also have a hot contact for a promising family.”

Lake City church of Christ, Florida: Jim Flegert (elder) reports, “All our compassion card writers had the opportunity to write thank you cards to our VBS visitor families. This next week, these families will receive invitations in the mail to attend our Back to School Bash. At that time, they will tour the building, enjoy a meal, and receive backpacks and school supplies. We thank God for the opportunity to get to know these families.”

Niceville church of Christ, Florida: Joe Palmer (preacher) reports, “This week, we had a wonderful response to the Gospel. Pete Rockwell has been attending our church for a few months. Before that, his son attended with a friend.  Pete began showing interest early on, listening online in the evening when he was out of town. Pete has been studying with one of our elders and his wife for the past five weeks. On Tuesday night, the topic of salvation came up, and Pete ensured his relationship with Christ by obeying the gospel. He and his wife are already getting involved in the church, and we are rejoicing in his salvation. This week, we sent out 60 cards. We had several visitors, but they were from out of town, so I don’t count them. We had three Bible studies and are praying for more souls to soon obey.

Lake Forest church of Christ, Florida (remote): Brian Howard (preacher) reports, “Maurice Graham was baptized last Wednesday after we studied through Back to the Bible. He is on fire for the Lord!”

Bremen church of Christ, Georgia: Scott Broughton (deacon) reports, “We continued with the Foundation’s class (New Converts). This class consists of converts, some from the past few years and some who have been obedient servants for decades. We had one baptism this past week, Addie Skinner. On Sunday, we presented four of our recent converts with their baptismal certificate and a new converts’ packet.”

Carrollton church of Christ, Georgia:  Danny Spain (deacon) reports, “Joe began Book 1 of BTTB with his youngest daughter last week. The accountability board will help us monitor our progress and include our evangelism efforts in our remodel.”

Cartersville church of Christ, Georgia (remote): Charles Harris (regional trainer), “On Sunday we had a restoration. We rejoice that Catie has come back home. Compassion Card Group 3 met Sunday evening and signed 130 cards. That makes a total of 350 cards for July. Next week, visits will be made to those receiving cards. We will be studying BTTB 2 with Steve today. The work here continues to progress.”

Lafayette church of Christ, Georgia: Jesse Teague (deacon) reports, “Last night was the third Sunday, so Group 2 met to sign compassion cards. Fifteen Christians sent cards to five souls needing the gospel. Our Sunday morning lesson was on James 5, so we asked the congregation to focus their prayers on any erring brothers and sisters and turn those names in so we can work toward their restoration. We hope to save a soul from death and hide a multitude of sin.”

Woodstock church of Christ, Georgia: Matt Amos (preacher) reports, “Our ACTS (Actively, Caring, Teaching & Serving) Evangelism Program received two contact cards. Six volunteers in the New Movers Group assembled thirty-four baskets in preparation for the New Mover Door Knocking Campaign next weekend. WCOC and Brickmont Assistance Living (BAL) have agreed to begin Bible Classes at BAL every week beginning August 5. These classes will host between two to 20 participants. BAL has also agreed to bus those who want to attend WCOC worship on Sunday mornings. The Compassion Cards Group created fifteen cards for delivery. We had twenty-three who attended the Pre-Convert/Evangelism class. WCOC had three non-Christian visitors. We conducted twelve Bible studies this last week. We are happy to announce that we had three baptisms this week.”

Eatonton church of Christ, Georgia (remote): Roderick Coney (preacher) reports, “We continued with videos last week; we had our card writing sessions for three people, and we continued to incorporate evangelism in our Sunday Bible study. This Sunday, we had a guest speaker, so we did not do a lesson from the evangelism sermons. We have three prospects right now.”

Honolulu church of Christ, Hawaii: Tagiilima Esene (preacher) reports, “We continue our studies with seven souls currently. We had a wonderful turnout from family, friends, and sister congregations. We have made several new contacts during our VBS that we will be prospecting. It is wonderful to see the church come together in service to Christ. We are also assisting with the Wahiawa church of Christ door-knocking and gospel meetings. A group from the Covington church of Christ came to lead the effort in evangelism. The highlight this past week was another soul coming to Christ. Mika decided to put on Christ in baptism.”

West Hammond church of Christ, Indiana: Robert Webster (preacher) reports, “Thanks for your patience. We’ve started to see the fruits of our labor as we’ve begun to have more visitors from the community responding to the compassion cards. We got two more studies set up as a result. This has also prompted us to start the Sunday evening service last Sunday for the first time since the work began, and it was beautiful. God be the glory!

We have five studies in progress, our metric board is up, and our evangelism table is ready. There’s an evangelistic atmosphere permeating within the congregation. To take further advantage of this, we will be having a community giveaway of clothes and food items next Saturday. I do remember that part of the model of prospecting folks is through community outreach. Thanks again, brother, for giving us this much-needed momentum. May our God be praised as we seek to plant and water so that He can give us the increase.”

Collinsville-Troy church of Christ, Illinois: Jason Wright (elder) reports, “We continue to have visitors on Sunday morning and Wednesday night. Ms. Walker talked about how encouraged she was to receive so many compassion cards. Two of our members treated her to lunch, and she was very thankful. My wife and I took two visitors to lunch on Sunday. They have agreed to study Book 1 this coming Sunday. They have been attending for several months and commented on how kind the congregation has been and how we helped them get through some very stormy days. We mailed 259 compassion cards this week and are making follow-up visits. Our team will deliver seven new movers’ baskets.  As part of our Community Service Ministry, Gloria read a book to an elderly woman whom we met during door-knocking. She meets with her again this Thursday. The Bookmarks continue to be a work in progress. Our minister finished the series on John 4 this past Sunday. The elders have collected the post-AMC surveys and will begin collecting data. We continue to move forward, encouraged by how many members are working together. Collinsville-Troy will grow!”

Beloit church of Christ, Kansas (remote): Dustin Dougherty (regional trainer) reports, “We had a great service worshipping our Heavenly Father yesterday; we had 40 members in attendance, a little more than double last week’s attendance. I continued with part 2 of the sermon series on the two covenants, comparing and contrasting the Old and New Testaments. Members have seemed to like this study. I have been studying the Growing in Christ book with a man, and we will cover another chapter this Wednesday. On Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, we will be working at the fair booth in Beloit, passing out free water and free Bibles and making contacts for our VBS the following week. We hope to cultivate them into prospects. VBS is coming together, with many members working together for an awesome program in two weeks. All upcoming programs and events have evangelism at the core.  Things are going great, and I am so thankful to be doing this work in this area. To God be all the honor and glory.”

Central church of Christ, Paducah, Kentucky: Adam Faughn (preacher) reports, “This week saw one Bible study continue with a second meeting, and the prospect, Anna, was also with us at worship Sunday. She is very interested in learning, and she is in our prayers. Another study had to be postponed due to sickness, but it is scheduled to begin this week. Additionally, we have a booth at our local fair this week and are praying to have good prospects, much like we did at the fair in June. We continue to have cards sent weekly, and follow-up visits are regularly made. It is exciting that evangelism is no longer a rare or intimidating word at Central. It is what we are about—glorifying God and seeking to bring others to Him!”

La Plata church of Christ, Maryland (remote): Eric Sykes (regional trainer) reports, “Last week, we delivered four new movers gift baskets and wrote 24 compassion cards. We had six new converts attend the new convert training classes. Seven people attended the advanced teacher training class. Sandy and I are here at AMC 2024 in Hampton, Virginia, to evangelize and door-knock with the saints. This is the first time we were able to participate in an AMC Event, but it will not be our last. I am excited about implementing what we have learned at this year’s AMC to La Plata; it is amazing!”

East Main church of Christ, Tupelo, Mississippi: Barry Kennedy (preacher) reports, “We are in the second week of sending out compassion cards. We had a good turnout and participation in Wednesday night’s card-writing session! We hope to have positive movement toward Bible studies through these efforts! I am still going through the Back to the Bible booklets for the entire congregation in the first worship hour. We pray that this will encourage members to be comfortable with the material and be ready to put it into practice very soon! To God be the glory!”

West End Blvd church of Christ, Cape Girardeau, Missouri: Jared Scaggs (preacher) reports, “Please keep Phillip in your prayers as we return to the Bible study. I ran some numbers last month; we sent out over 1000 cards to various prospects and contacts. We have had a lot of good feedback with several visitors returning because they had “never had a congregation show them that kind of love.” Our VBS has been very successful each Wednesday night this month. Several visitors who are not members of any church had signed up for VBS, and all the kids have told us how much fun they have had. Their Bible retention seems good, too. We have two more nights to our VBS; we appreciate all prayers for that effort.”

West 160 church of Christ, West Plains, Missouri: Marvin Hatley (elder) reports, “We rejoice with a new sister in Christ. Our sister Erin was contacted by Jessica, a childhood friend she had not seen for 15 years, traveling from southern Mississippi to Minnesota and passing through town. They met Tuesday night for their visit and agreed to meet for coffee the next morning.  As they shared coffee, sister Erin asked her friend for a study, and they completed Does It Matter. Jessica was baptized for the remission of sins Wednesday afternoon. Two studies are scheduled for this week. One will progress to Book 3 of BTTB. The prospect recognizes a difference between what he has learned from the Bible study and what he had been taught in the past. He understands what he has been reading from God’s word and believes it to be truth. Another study is making slow but steady progress through BTTB Book 2.”

East Flushing church of Christ, New York (remote): Clarence Jenkins (preacher) reports, “We are grateful that we had a visitor to our VBS last week. We have written ten compassion cards for him to be sent out incrementally this week. We still have several Bible studies in progress. We appreciate all prayers.”

Greenville church of Christ, Ohio: John McGiffin (preacher) reports, “Vyanna Businger was baptized this past Friday. She was introduced to us by her friend, who was baptized almost one year ago. She is 15 years old. I believe she has a friend who will attend church services with her. That makes six baptisms this year and 11 in about 13 months. We have had visitors that have moved into the community. They have indicated that because of our attention (the visitor team did its job), they plan to return and place membership with the congregation. We are one step closer to hiring a full-time preacher. The candidate has attended one of the HTH/HTH sessions and has agreed to complete all the training necessary to coordinate the HTH model.”

New Concord church of Christ, Ohio: Terry Townsend (preacher) reports, “There are 107 compassion cards ready to mail out this week (including the contacts made during our recent Family Bible School). We scheduled one new Bible study for this week with a lady we contacted during our monthly service at the nursing home.  One of our sweet, dear sisters will begin Lesson 2 of Back to the Bible with a lady who has attended our services for several months. We received 19 new contacts of new movers in July.  Our new mover teams will distribute the baskets this week!”

Streetsboro church of Christ, Ohio: Ralph Price (preacher) reports, “We had a baptism this past week!  We baptized a young lady who attended church camp where some of our young adults were counselors.  We currently have five contacts on our contact list. Unfortunately, one of the people we were sending compassion cards to has passed away. We put together 20 more new mover baskets yesterday and are in the process of getting those delivered. We also have a Bible study taking place right now with one of our member’s parents. They have completed the first two books of Back to the Bible and are scheduled to study the third book tomorrow evening. We are praying that they decide to obey the gospel.”

Cheyenne church of Christ, Oklahoma (remote): Nathan Brewer (member) reports, “Yesterday morning, our preacher preached ‘Quantity, not Quality’ from Matthew 22:1-14. My wife and I continue to watch training videos on the website to pass along information to the congregation. We have sent compassion cards to nine individuals/households.”

Coweta church of Christ, Oklahoma: Keno Shrum (regional trainer) reports, “We had several visitors Sunday morning. One man homed in on the lesson that Christ has already won over Satan. It is now just a matter of which side we will choose.  He asked some questions after worship services and agreed to come to dinner at our house on Thursday evening. After dinner, we will go through Lesson 1 of Back to the Bible. A new convert, Clayton, has brought many visitors since being baptized a few months ago. Two weeks ago, his mom came with him. Last Sunday, his dad attended. We will mail them compassion cards and work to get a Bible study with them both. Sunday evening will kick off our VBS. During VBS, we are focusing on evangelism, and we will pray that we can turn into Bible studies. We look forward to Polishing the Pulpit in Sevierville in a few weeks and hope to meet many new brothers and sisters!”

Union church of Christ, South Carolina (remote): Terry Hale (preacher) reports, “Training continues, and it is going well. We have 18 names on our board and are working with ten Bible studies. Prospects are learning a lot from the Bible. We are praying that one who is studying Book 3 of Back to the Bible will obey soon.”

Hillcrest church of Christ, Springfield, Tennessee: Tim Taylor (associate preacher) reports, “Due in part to the efforts of our Visitor Welcoming team, a family of three who has visited for several weeks placed membership yesterday!  We had 11 visitors on Sunday who were all greeted by our visitation team.”

Covington church of Christ, Tennessee: Wayne Dalrymple (elder) reports, “A group of us from Covington have been working with the church in Wahiawa, Hawaii, since last Wednesday. We have been door-knocking using HTH and other strategies we learned during AMC. So far, we have talked to people at about 50 percent of the doors we have knocked. We have contact cards for just over 11 percent of the people who talked to us, and most contacts are strong. We are excited for the church here! Back home in Covington, we are continuing to reach out to people. Two members who had not been attending for a few months returned after we sent them compassion cards saying that we missed them.”

Stoney Creek church of Christ, Elizabethton, Tennessee: Mike Blevins (elder) reports, “We have four Bible studies in various stages. We are working on getting everyone on the same page in the various evangelism groups. The training continues to go well.”

New Union church of Christ, Manchester, Tennessee: Paul Fulks (elder) reports, “We had six visitors on Sunday and four new contacts submitted. We wrote 43 compassion cards. We delivered six new mover baskets. We have one person in our new converts’ class. We appreciate all prayers for the ongoing Bible study.”

Madison County church of Christ, Jackson, Tennessee: Steven Sprouse (preacher) reports, “We had one visitor, and we plan to connect with some of our frequent visitors from the new movers’ baskets this week. We have four of them. Three are the same visitors and have had some illness going on. The other came last week and is planning to come more often.”

McKenzie church of Christ, Tennessee: Randy McAdams (elder) reports, “We mailed out our third week of cards this past Sunday with six contacts being reached. One point of excitement came Wednesday night, July 17, when the wife and mother of one of our new families visiting our services put on Christ in baptism. The entire church rejoiced with Wendy’s decision. Contacts continue to trickle in, but at least some are coming in. We pray the Lord will bless our efforts.”

Celina church of Christ, Tennessee: Daniel Burton (member) reports, “We are on our third week of sending compassion cards, and it is going great. Last night, Team 3 met to fill out cards, and we had wonderful attendance. After three weeks, we have sent 651 cards. One family that has been receiving cards expressed positive feedback. We are working on visiting HTH’s new movers and planning for transition visits in about two weeks. Getting people trained for those visits will be key. Last week, several of us were out at church camp. Seeing these young men and women focused on God and putting Him first was very encouraging. This Sunday, one visitor came with her teenage daughter. We were very encouraged. As a teacher, my mind has been focused on evangelism. Any opportunity we have to talk about the importance of evangelizing is taken. We will continue to pray for the contacts on the bookmarks and the work in general.”

Hillsboro church of Christ, Tennessee: Chris Sliger (member) reports, “Our members met immediately before Wednesday night services to discuss contact generation. During that meeting, pre-planning began for a community dinner at the church building on Wednesday, August 14, at 5:30 p.m. CST. The community dinner would include social media, flyer/banner, and word-of-mouth advertising, and it will be focused on the students/families of the Hillsboro Elementary School (located across from the church building). During Sunday morning services, Paula Adams visited us as the direct result of a door-knocking by Roy and Joni Carroll. We were excited to have Paula worship with us, and we will continue to evangelize to her with follow-up visits and cards. Card Team A met Sunday evening to write compassion cards to six individuals.”

Mountain Creek church of Christ, Chattanooga, Tennessee: Michael Tomshack (elder) reports, “On Sunday, one of our in-progress compassion card recipients appeared at worship assembly, to the surprise of Gary and Michelle Massey, who had submitted his name due to the death of his wife. The greeters directed him to the Assembly Room, a pew greeter began discussions, the gift bag greeter retrieved a bag, and we began a discussion pre-worship.  Afterward, our loving congregation individually greeted him, with Gary and Michelle inviting him to lunch, which he accepted.

Two lessons have been learned for us: (1) The man is a contractor who has worked in the Massey’s home on several occasions and shared the health and loss of his wife with Gary. The Masseys submitted his name for compassion cards. When we have plumbers, electricians, landscapers, and other services performed at our homes, our Christian light must shine, reflecting God’s love for mankind. Building a bond with those providing services to us is an excellent way to exhibit a God-centered life, showing compassion when they are hurting.

(2) This man is a long-term active member of a denomination. However, he was drawn to visit us because contact from other denomination members was zero after the memorial service for his wife. The ‘pastor’ did reach out to him; however, it was the friends he wanted to connect with during this transition. When our cards arrived, he was surprised how many came (with more to come), and he specifically told me that the ones from children impressed him and that each card seemed individually written to him, rather than a generic cut-and-paste card note.

“The reminder here is to continually be aware of current members’ needs while focusing on reaching the lost. We have an excellent widow steering that card writing effort, Ruth Smedley (she prefers to be a silent worker without mention; however, her work warrants mentioning. This is the last week he will receive cards, so we are moving him to the visitation team next week. Lord willing, he will now be open to an in-depth study. To God be the glory, and may God continue to give us opportunities to share the full truth of the gospel.”

Rivergate church of Christ, Madison, Tennessee: Doug Tooley (preacher) reports, “We had ten visitors at Rivergate on Sunday. About six of them were non-members. A couple of these visitors have visited multiple times now. One of the families that visited allowed one of our elders to take them to lunch. We made two visits this week. We are in the process of delivering several new movers’ baskets. Some of these new movers are in my neighborhood. I am praying those will be an even better opportunity. We have several Bible studies ongoing with young ladies at the correctional facility.”

Chapel Hill church of Christ, Tennessee: Matt Jones (deacon) reports, “We continue to be at work! This last week, we wrote cards to all our visiting families from VBS, and we will plan to have a follow-up from that activity. We have several ongoing Bible studies, some of which will be starting for the first time next week. I hope to provide an update on the progress of those next week!”

Graceton church of Christ, Diana, Texas: Johnny Willeford (elder) reports, “Our annual gospel meeting was very well attended. Several new contacts are now receiving compassion cards. Our Group C met on Sunday afternoon to sign 99 cards for nine people and families. Our Family VBS will be this Friday and Saturday. Our Mission Monday group will meet this week. We had ten visitors on Sunday morning. We appreciate all prayers for evangelizing the Diana community, as we pray for all the ongoing evangelistic efforts everywhere.”

Natalia church of Christ, Texas: Jim Word (preacher) reports, “The study with Phillip’s sister and brother-in-law did not go well. They fully understand their lost state and its consequences; however, they are not willing to commit their lives to Christ because they are not ready to give up their sinful lifestyle. I have a tentative study with another couple next week. Their names are Merida and Morina Jones. They have agreed to the study, and we will set a date and time soon.”

Granbury Street church of Christ, Cleburne, Texas: Ryan Cowan (deacon) reports, “Kerista Cowan was able to meet with two of our new Christians, Irma and Debbie, who reside at a multi-care center in South Fort Worth.  She is studying the book of Acts with these two ladies. All the cards we have sent welcoming them to the Body have been posted on the walls of their respective rooms, which is a very encouraging sight! Kerista continues her study with the granddaughter of a new convert. They are reviewing the book of Genesis as Kerista’s prospect has very little Bible knowledge. Kaitley Cowan is studying with a next-door neighbor. They just completed Book 1 of BTTB. Clark Lehtinen, one of our elders, is still trying to reach a man named Danny. Danny has resisted what the Bible says, despite his ability to quote key passages. In our new Christian class, ‘Foundations,’ we have spent the past two weeks reviewing the topic of ‘religious authority’ from Kevin Rhodes’ book, How to Study the Bible.

Buda-Kyle church of Christ, Texas: Ronnie Sherffius (preacher) reports, “The church at Buda-Kyle continues to prospect through our cards and visits. We have nine active visits and one Bible study with a young couple. Please pray for our efforts.”

Wheeler church of Christ, Texas: Garrett English (preacher) reports, “We had eight at our weekly VBS this week, with two weeks left to go. At the end of the summer, we are inviting the families of the children to stay for lunch and get to know Wheeler church of Christ. We are also planning to do a school supply giveaway on the 31st and will have plenty of new contacts from it, Lord willing. We plan to follow up with hot contacts about baptism afterward, hoping our recent baptism will spark interest in studying it.”

9th and Main church of Christ, San Angelo, Texas: Bryan Braswell (elder) reports, “We are all trying to recoup from summer camps, travels, and work. We had a new member identify with us yesterday. After meeting with him, we were able to accept his fellowship. Our evangelistic team is always busy. Studies are ongoing with new converts weekly. There are actively at least five new studies ongoing with new contacts. We are constantly expanding to meet domestic needs with our new convert families. This includes children, spouses, and outlier members of these families. Some families now bring their families to visit and join us during worship and other assembly times. Focus is key.”

Bridgewater church of Christ, Katy, Texas: Doug Suggs (deacon) reports, “We had many visitors from our community at church yesterday. We had one lady who was contacted when we put out our door hangers. She came on Wednesday night service and was there again on Sunday morning. A young man from China has moved here. He speaks English and wants to know more about the Bible, so Wade Webster and I had a Bible study with him on Monday evening. We will have a second Bible study with him on Tuesday. I pray that he will obey the gospel soon. We also had another visitor who came due to our door hangers. He speaks Spanish, and some members have talked to him about studying the Scriptures. Things seem to be picking up, so we look forward to having some conversions.”

Northern Oaks church of Christ, San Antonio, Texas: Mel Hutzler (elder) reports, “I am happy to announce that we had four baptisms recently. We had Dallas Phillips from the HOW Foundation, who put Christ on in baptism. We also had two of our young men in the congregation baptized for the remission of sins: Walt Teague, the son of one of our deacons, and Mark Bryson, the brother of one of our members. Addy, the girlfriend of one of our members, also decided to obey Christ in baptism. These baptisms resulted from the teamwork of various Christians who helped lead them to Christ. We are thankful for the increase the Lord gave us, and I believe more baptisms will occur.”

Southwest church of Christ, Austin, Texas: John Garza (regional trainer), “This week is my final update for the Southwest congregation. From now on, Mark will be taking over updating you. Concerning congregational evangelism, we have a few ongoing Bible studies. Two studies that were to begin did not go according to plan because of some pre-conceived teachings that need to be worked through, but they may not be willing to study. We are praying that they will give us the opportunity. On the bright side, two more visitors came because of a friendly conversation, and a person from our visitor’s cards has agreed to a study, though time is pending.”

Windmill church of Christ, Texas (remote): Sean Tipton (deacon) reports, “We continue to pursue leads for new contacts, and we established two more this week. We contacted 12 Bible study transition prospects, and those we could contact expressed appreciation for our prayers and cards. We have two ongoing Bible studies, one of whom will join us for a group devotional. We have established a meaningful friendship with him and hope he will obey the gospel soon. We also have some ladies involved in a new convert’s study meeting every two weeks. We appreciate prayers for our work.”

Wasatch church of Christ, Clearfield, Utah (remote): Daniel Welker (preacher) reports, “We have three ongoing studies currently. One will be covering the Book 3 on Wednesday. We had three new visitors today. We had lunch with one of the visitors.”

West Side church of Christ, Salem, Virginia: Jeff Durham (elder) reports, “Door-knocking activity in our community yielded opportunities to make an initial connection with six families. These folks asked for prayers for family members or friends regarding their health and various family situations. After our morning worship service, we had a prayer for these families, as well as for our prospect contacts. We included these six families in our compassion cards writing session last night. We will mail 130 cards this week!”

Chesapeake church of Christ, Virginia: Ernest Benjamin (regional trainer) reports, “We had a great day of worship yesterday and were blessed with many visitors.  This past week, I conducted Lesson 1 of Back to the Bible with Savannah; she has a Catholic background, and her husband is deployed for a year with the Navy.  I also scheduled two additional studies for this week. We do not have a plan for following up with visitors, and getting organized has been challenging. I have decided to follow up personally with visitors, implementing the HTHSOE model. Then, as I implement it personally, I will recruit and train others to take over and lead different activities. Three studies are scheduled for this week. We also have nine additional contacts.”

Eight Mile Rock church of Christ, Bahamas (remote): “We watched several HTHSOE videos. My favorite discussion was on Back Door Bible Studies. Everyone chimed in, concluding it may be beneficial for our culture. The brethren here are looking forward to using the Back Door Study technique on those who may best fit this Bible study.”

NOTE: These reports are from Christians and congregations enrolled in the House to House/Heart to Heart School of Evangelism. These emails are sent to teach and provoke one another to remain focused on the mission of Christ. Each week, we share several reports and highlight one with more details. We hope you enjoy reading them.

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