Reaching the Lost- Success Stories

Total baptisms reported from U.S. Congregations (2018-2024): 5,687
Total baptisms reported from U.S. Congregations 2024: 1,939
Total Baptisms Reported from U.S. Congregations 2025: 259
Total Restorations from U.S. Congregations 2024: 341
Total Restorations from U.S. Congregations 2025: 29
Total Seminars Conducted (2018-2024): 279
Congregational Enrollments in 2025: 13
Remote Enrollments (2022-2024): 51
Remote Enrollments for 2025: 3
Students Enrolled: 205
States Reporting: 18

Upcoming Seminars:
Florida School of Preaching (March 20-21)
Lake Forest church of Christ, Jacksonville, Florida (March 22-23)
Hartselle church of Christ, Alabama (March 30-April 1)

HTHSOE Checklist

Featured Work: Margaret Church of Christ, Florida

Editor’s Note: The brethren at Margaret Street have been laser-focused on developing the HTHSOE model. They have trusted the process, trained their members, and executed the plan. Results are being seen each week in their updates. This past week, they were able to witness the power of compassion cards (prospecting) during a transition visit.

An Impact Visit
Written by Troy Spradlin

Two more souls were added to the Lord’s kingdom this past week! Cain Baker and Makayla Armand have been visiting us for several weeks. Last Monday, they sat down and studied Back to the Bible with Trevor and Brooklyn Bostwick for more than three hours. That same evening, they decided to be baptized! We give all the glory to God!

We were able to visit some of our prospects this week. One visit stood out, particularly. When we stated that we were from Margaret Street church of Christ, I wish you all could have seen Kacey Smith’s eyes light up and her demeanor change! She immediately touched her heart and said, “Oh my! You’re the ones who have been sending us all those beautiful cards!??” She went on to say, “You have no idea how much of an impact those cards have had on me and my family! Just when we thought that no one cared or was thinking of us, we then received all these cards! From so many people! Thank you!” Her reaction has been the general consensus from everyone we have talked to who has received compassion cards! They are having a significant, positive impact on our prospects!

We currently have 86 contacts, and we are working through 51 prospects, including 11 Bible studies in progress. We have now sent out 819 compassion cards! Our Visitation/Bible Study coordination took a positive turn, as our Teacher’s Coordinator, Allan Overton, did an outstanding job getting assignments set up this week for all our current prospects. We also have a current prospects list we are printing and distributing regularly now.

Congregational Reports

Welcome Wildwood church of Christ, Florida: We welcome the Wildwood church of Christ to the House to House/Heart to Heart School of Evangelism. Meeting the brethren was a true joy, especially our time with Brother Louis Rushmore. I have used his materials for years. The congregation is blessed to have two preachers focused on saving souls and training the congregation. They are solid in faith and ready to reach out into their community.

Welcome Creekside church of Christ, Valrico, Florida:  We welcome the Creekside church of Christ to the House to House/Heart to Heart School of Evangelism. This congregation has enormous potential to reach its community. Bobby Bates introduced Back to the Bible there in April 1999. They have a perspective members class to teach visitors using Back to the Bible. Their preachers and elders are committed to developing the model and training the members. They are blessed with 20-plus visitors per week.

Glencoe church of Christ, Alabama: Keith Ritchie (evangelist) reports, “The Glencoe congregation added several more contacts yesterday with our door-knocking teams. We currently have one prospect and four studies. We had several different people visit with us this past week as well! With the upstairs renovation almost finished, we are making plans for new evangelistic works to broaden the borders of the Kingdom of Christ. We appreciate all prayers as God continues to bless our efforts! To God be the glory!”

New Hope church of Christ, Florence, Alabama: Doug Jackson (preacher) reports, “I will be starting this coming Sunday, Lord-willing, with the lesson from the woman at the well, and we will be giving out the prospect cards. We have had several surveys turned in and a few more that said they were finishing their surveys; I hope to review all of surveys by midweek. I am still hearing positive things from people who attended last weekend, so we are excited to see the survey feedback.”

Fayette church of Christ, Alabama: Josh Taylor (deacon) reports, “Today has been a great day! Brittany Atkins was baptized this morning after services, and then JC Woodruff was baptized a few moments later. Brittany has been coming to church for a few months with the son of one of our elders. He has been working with her over the past couple of months. Today, God gave the increase! JC is one of our youth who has grown so much in recent years. We are thankful for his decision to obey the Gospel today! God is so good to us! We appreciate all prayers for continued success!”

Highland Park church of Christ, Muscle Shoals, Alabama: Andrew Myhan (deacon) reports, “We have ongoing Bible studies plus one that is being set up. The Compassion Cards team met to revamp and streamline our operations. This will produce more cards and more involvement from the congregation. Please pray for one of our new converts and the mentors leading her through as Satan tries to get her back.”

Central church of Christ, Saraland, Alabama: David Dixon (preacher) reports, “We are continuing to use every event to seek souls. This month, we are inviting friends and family to our fifth Sunday congregational meal. Ball season has begun again for our young people, and there are always opportunities to talk to people at the ballpark about the church. This past Sunday, we had our newest converts at Sunday morning services for the first time. They had been on Sunday evenings and Wednesday nights before, but she had always been at work on Sunday mornings. She finally had this Sunday off, and she was so excited to be present. It was thrilling to see someone so sincere in her new life! God does great things when we let Him work through us!”

Creekwood church of Christ, Mobile, Alabama: Tucker Presley (preacher) reports, “We are rolling right along with the training. I preached on the new movers work last night. Several people indicated they wanted to help with this work when we did the post-evangelism survey, so we should have a good group helping with it when we get it rolling soon. We finished one Bible study last week. She indicated she wanted to be baptized but was hesitant. We think she is struggling to internalize some of the Scriptures, but we are hopeful she will make the decision to give her life to Christ as soon as possible. One other Bible study is still ongoing. I believe they have finished the green booklet but had some scheduling issues for the next study. We have several people whom we need to visit this week or next week. Hopefully, some visits will turn into Bible studies. Several people have thanked Creekwood for the compassion cards, so we are clearly making a difference!”

Hatton church of Christ, Alabama: Chris Miller (preacher) reports, “Several studies are ongoing. We also had a visitor who came for the first time today; one of our members has been actively working to get him to worship. That first step is often a huge challenge for some, but this person is now among the top opportunities on our list.  Also a college student brought a friend today; we added him to our list of potential studies. The work continues.”

Mountain Home church of Christ, Arkansas: Joshua Adams (preacher) reports, “We set up two identical evangelism tables on opposite sides of our foyer so materials are in front of people regardless of where they come into our building. I preached Part 2 of the John 4 sermon series, and that night, I presented the Bible study step of the model, discussing what offerings we have on our table and encouraging their use. In doing so, we quelled concerns some had that they were not skilled enough or equipped to be part of our evangelism effort. People seem to be receiving the model and culture shift well. We had eight visitors this week and have one lunch scheduled, with three Bible studies getting ready to be scheduled later this week. The elders and ministers are also meeting weekly, and the elders are actively selecting our various coordinators and getting them in place. There is a buzz within our congregation!”

Malvern church of Christ, Arkansas (remote): David Burruss (preacher) reports, “We have no major updates this week. We recently completed our refresher training and resumed sending compassion cards to our three prospects last week. Additionally, we ordered new invitation cards for the congregation to distribute, encouraging others to join us for worship.”

Rison church of Christ, Arkansas: Keden Shrum (preacher) reports, “This past week, I was contacted by an elderly member concerning a neighbor who was having some complications following a procedure at his doctor’s office. The man’s name is Ralph, and he has no family in this area. I had never met Ralph, but I went to his home and ended up driving him to the hospital. I checked on him a few times over the next couple of days. I told him to call me when he was released, and I would pick him up and take him back home. Three days later, when he was released, I bought him lunch, and we then made the 30-minute trip back to his house. We had a great visit on the way. I called him the next day to check on him and was able to get his mailing address. Care Team B met Sunday evening following worship service to begin sending cards to him. I plan to reach out to him this week and try to schedule a time for him to have dinner with our family.”

Windsor church of Christ, Colorado: Lucas Stephens (member) reports, “Windsor had a great worship service this Sunday. Compassion Card Team 1 sent cards this week for our six prospects, and we made several transition team visits over the past week. We finalized our surveys and applied those results to our teams. We are spinning up our New Movers team over the next couple of weeks with the goal of having baskets ready for April visits.”

Niceville church of Christ, Florida: Joe Palmer (preacher) reports, “The fields are white our Lord said.  Last week we had two precious souls obey the Gospel.  This week we are prospecting, and building up new additions. Sunday, I started a Hispanic New Converts class.  I don’t speak Spanish but where there is a need we must find a way.  I found three prospects at a funeral.  One of the daughters of the deceased used to attend our congregation but to my shame I never taught her the Gospel.  I relied on her family to do it.  When meeting the family for an upcoming funeral I found two more prospects.  Last Friday the first person I taught using, Does it Matter? passed away. I met with his two children this week, and both were so excited that their Dad obeyed the Gospel, but neither are religious.  I feel strongly that this is an open door. I am going to offer to teach them what I taught their father.  We sent out 25 cards. We had no new visitors this week. We had four studies.”

Avalon church of Christ, Florida (remote): Preston Silcox (elder) reports, “We had two Bible studies last week with more being planned soon. We also have two group Bible studies (that will include non-Christian visitors) planned for this week. On Sunday, we worked more on our contact lists and focused on how to use compassion cards. We also continued going over Does it Matter? and Back to the Bible.

Eatonton church of Christ, Georgia (remote): Roderick Coney, (preacher) reports, “We are well. Last week we sent out cards to six new movers. We still have one Bible study to schedule with a prospect. We appreciate all prayers for this work as we seek to save the lost.”

Woodstock church of Christ, Georgia: Matt Amos (preacher) reports, “The WCOC congregation attended the Sunabella of Towne Lake Assistant Living devotional on Sunday. They had eight non-Christian attendees. The Prison Ministry group (made up of several churches of Christ) is working with His Way Rehab. We hope to partner with them on several rehab projects. We had five non-Christian visitors this Sunday morning. We also had five Bible studies this past week.”

Lafayette church of Christ, Georgia: Jesse Teague (deacon) reports, “The saints are always busy on the first and third Sundays of the month when we send compassion cards. This was the third Sunday, so Group 2 met for this important task. We had 12 members at Lafayette who sent cards as a way of preparing hearts to receive the Gospel. We had six cards for ‘cool’ contacts that we call ‘multi-sign’ cards. These are for contacts that may need more attention before flooding with cards, and the whole group signs just one card for them. We had ten more people who received individual cards. It is springtime; the flowers are blooming, and so is our love for the lost in our community.”

Cartersville church of Christ, Georgia (remote): Charles Harris (regional trainer) reports, “In the past two days, three members of the church here in Cartersville have gone on to their reward. A fourth member is in Hospice care and expected to pass away at any moment. A mentor of mine, Waymon Swain, used to tell me, ‘Charles, we need to replace ourselves.’ The work here continues as we grieve. There are souls in this community searching for the truth, and we are bringing the saving truth to them.”

Collinsville-Troy church of Christ, Illinois: Jason Wright (elder) reports, “We mailed 97 compassion cards this week. They continue to be a huge part of our Servants of Souls evangelism program. They really make a loving impression on those who are hurting. Sunday was a wonderful day. We continue to have visitors from the community including a young man from a local high school who came and expressed a desire to know more about the Bible. One of our elders met with him and they plan to meet and study this week. A man who attended the community meal from AMC asked for me to make a visit. We have been sending him and his parents’ cards and made follow up visits. I spent some time with him and his dad. His mother was very ill and not expected to make it. She passed away a few days later. We talked about the community meal which made a big impression on him. He is a member of a local denomination but is so impressed with our evangelism program he tells his fellow members about it. He showed up Sunday!! We recently had our Ladies’ Day. Six ladies from the community attended. Most of them we met door knocking and follow ups. Our Men’s Day was Saturday. We had a man from the community join us. We met him door knocking.  Door knocking works! We had two Bible studies this week. On Wednesday, our coordinators will meet. Evangelism training continues each Sunday.”

Lagrange church of Christ, Indiana: Wayne Poe (elder) reports, “We had a couple of visitors yesterday, and one of them went out to eat with a member and family. We think a Bible study will be scheduled soon. We appreciate prayers for this one and three other studies in progress.”

Highland Village church of Christ, Bloomington, Indiana: Mark Stauffer (elder) reports, “So far this month, we have sent 71 compassion cards, made four visits, and had six visitors at our services. Five of the visitors are the result of a single prospect who brought family members to our worship. We did refresher training with the congregation on contacts. We have a Bible study scheduled tomorrow with one of the visitors. At times, it does not look like we are getting much response to our efforts, but we are encouraged and rejoice when the fruit is ready.”

Judah church of Christ, Bedford, Indiana: Joe Moon (preacher) reports, “We started compassion cards for three new prospects. We will be prospecting the adult son of a couple at our congregation and a married couple. The wife of the married couple visits our congregation sometimes. We also have one couple who have an ongoing study with friends.”

Beloit church of Christ, Kansas (remote): Dustin Dougherty (regional trainer) reports, “What a great weekend it was. I traveled to Ransom, Kansas, just shy of 330 miles round trip, to preach for the little congregation there. I taught the morning Bible class and presented the sermon during worship. There were 14-16 in attendance yesterday morning. I surely enjoy gathering with that group several times yearly; it is a very kind, caring, and welcoming bunch. I hurried back to Beloit for our monthly third Sunday evening service. I am thankful I was able to gather with two groups of Christians yesterday. Earlier in the week, I had a conversation with a co-worker and gave him an invitation to gather with us on a Sunday morning. Local members are sowing seeds as well. We are on Day 76 of our daily text reading through the New Testament; several readers are still continually responding to the daily questions and growing their knowledge of the Bible. To God be all glory and honor.”

Madisonville church of Christ, Kentucky: Russell Kline (preacher) reports, “We had a good day on Sunday. We had 100 in attendance. The Compassion Cards program is still going strong. We obtained 10 names and addresses through the New Movers program, and we will be contacting them in about a week.”

Beltway church of Christ, Maryland: LeAndre Johnson (preacher) reports, “We had one baptism last week. We are ready for the official rollout.  Up to this point, we have been planning and practicing what we learned during the seminar on a more limited basis.  We are excited to make our big push soon.”

La Plata church of Christ, Maryland (remote): Eric Sykes (regional trainer) reports, “This was an exciting week here at the La Plata church of Christ. We had nine repeat visitors. Our compassion card team wrote 37 compassion cards. We met Sunday to discuss putting together a visitation team for the New Movers and Compassion Card ministries; 19 members of the congregation attended. We are averaging 90 saints in attendance for worship on Sunday morning, which is up from 50 members when we enrolled in HTHSOE just two years ago. We have eight open Bible studies; three of them should complete Lesson 3 of BTTB this week. Sandy and Cynthia have two of those Bible studies scheduled for tomorrow. They told me that one of the young ladies (Kate) wanted a close family friend to sit in on Lesson 3 with her tomorrow. I told them that’s not a problem. They can restart the study so that the family friend would have the opportunity to view the same information that Kate had seen. They told me that they would like to, but Kate is moving to Texas at the end of this week. I suggested that if Kate insisted that her family friend sit in Lesson 3 of BTTB, Does It Matter? might be better. That way, her friend would have most of the same information that Kate has. We request prayers that God’s will is done and that all concerned will hear and obey the Gospel. Seven folks are attending our new convert training classes. We will need to start another new convert class to accommodate our newest members, as well as those who would like a fresh start. Six folks attended our advanced teacher training class; we just finished Chapter 3 ‘Essentials to a Successful Close’ from How to Close the Bible Study. Folks attended our video of the week training class, where we completed a 4-part lesson series on the ‘Qualifications of Elders.’ We are in the planning stages for this year’s Vacation Bible School. We appreciate all prayers as we strive to bring souls to Christ, edify the saints, and help those who are in need in the La Plata, Charles County, and Southern Maryland Communities. God bless!”

East Flushing church of Christ, New York (remote): Clarence Jenkins (preacher) reports, “Last Wednesday, we had one new visitor for worship service and four visitors who have been coming on a regular basis. After worship service, we completed 38 compassion cards. Our metrics thus far for March are 78 compassion cards, six Bible studies, 12 prospects, and 17 visitors. We are continuing in joy for the two baptisms we had last week, giving us that number for the year thus far. We appreciate all prayers.”

New Concord church of Christ, Ohio: Terry Townsend (preacher) reports, “We had a fellowship meal for our new converts and new members following our Sunday morning service. The elders and their wives, along with the preacher and his wife, enjoyed this time of fellowship. It was a great way for all of us to get to know each other so we can be better mentors. The new mover teams have been out the past three weeks, delivering baskets of goodies to all the new movers in our area. Several potential ‘good’ contacts have been made. Compassion cards and then visits will come next. We have received a few contact cards in the past week, and those individuals will soon be receiving a series of compassion cards. Two Bible studies continue. One gentleman we are currently studying with (a denominational man) completed Book 1 of Back to the Bible last week. It was our second study with him (the initial study was more of a get-acquainted kind of study). Our plans are to study through Book 2 this week. I find it interesting that this man attends two separate ‘denominations’ (one on Sunday morning and one on Sunday evening), yet he asked me if I would be his mentor. He said he had never been around a preacher who made him feel comfortable. I will take that as a compliment! The other study is with a young lady (high school senior). We have completed all three BTTB books with her. One of our dear sweet sisters is going to take her to lunch this week and study with her, reviewing many of the things we have already studied.”

Marietta church of Christ, Oklahoma (remote): Chase Green (preacher) reports, “We had two baptisms tonight. One of our ladies studied with two young people, a brother and sister in their 20’s. They had been attending with us off and on a few times in recent months. I preached a two-part sermon on prayer last Sunday, including a sermon on ‘Errors Regarding Prayer’ that included teaching against the ‘Sinner’s Prayer.’ The brother told me tonight that he was convicted by the sermon and connected the dots that he needed to connect to finalize his proper understanding, and tonight he and his sister came to us after services requesting to be baptized. We are so thankful and encouraged that this happened. We also have another Back to the Bible study going right now with a family. We started it last Tuesday night, and will be resuming it this Friday. We appreciate prayers in regard to that!”

Whispering Hills church of Christ, Broken Arrow, Oklahoma: Matt McBrayer (preacher) reports, “The congregation had 17 visitors yesterday, and to my knowledge, three of those families were taken out for lunch. We sent 42 compassion cards and have added more people to our prospect list. We are communicating bi-weekly and sometimes daily with the congregation on our evangelistic efforts and instruction. Our Evangelism Room is nearing completion, and we will send pictures when it is finished. Our current plan is to perfect the greeting of our visitors. We have had a good number of visitors almost every Sunday since we started, and we want to make sure we are getting the most out of our interactions. Soon we will start implementing the teaching of Back to the Bible on Wednesday nights to increase the number of those able to do studies. On the first Sunday in April, we will begin a New Converts class that will be taught by one of our elders. The congregation is still excited about the possibilities of our evangelistic efforts.”

Sullivan Village church of Christ, Oklahoma: Steven Hill (preacher) reports, “Sullivan Village continues to be a safe haven for the lost. We welcome people from all walks of life, and our congregation has learned to work together as a welcoming network of love and creating a very inviting and hospitable environment. We had a visitor Sunday who was told to come to check us out by his sister, and he indicated a desire to study. Another young man who is a Christian and has been visiting us for a few weeks has found Sullivan Village to be a great place to worship. It is very difficult to find a church family that pays attention to you, loves you, is ready to serve you, and encourages you as much as we do. People do not soon forget their experience at Sullivan Village, and they will be hard-pressed to find anything else quite like it anywhere else! To God be the glory!”

Owasso church of Christ, Oklahoma: David Combs (elder) reports, “We are still sending compassion cards for two prospects. We have two Bible studies in progress; we hope to close one tomorrow evening, and we are praying that Baron and Jessica will obey the Gospel then. The other study started last week with Garrett and Cassidy, who showed up with new Bibles, eager to start their study! We have another study that will start next Tuesday. We appreciate all prayers even as we pray all who seek to save souls.”

Porter church of Christ, Oklahoma: Nathan Boyd (elder) reports, “The Porter congregation covered John 4 from the pulpit on Sunday morning, and the evangelism model was covered on Sunday night. The congregation received bookmarks on Sunday morning, and the bookmark process was explained. On Sunday evening, we handed out the evangelism model training card to attending members. Behind the scenes, our compassion card groups have been organized. We will organize groups and announce our first compassion card night for Sunday, April 6. Members are viewing the evangelism materials and asking questions. I witnessed a member asking Dan (preacher) about the Does it Matter booklet’s wording on some questions and answers. One group’s mock Bible study is on Book 3 of BTTB. The elders and preacher are each utilizing a binder for their printouts of the PDF training sheets from the HTHSOE curriculum material to make notes, prepare for lessons, review while watching videos, and quickly look for information.”

Coweta church of Christ, Oklahoma: Keno Shrum (regional trainer) reports, “Our Gospel Meeting started Sunday, and we already have contact information for several visitors. One visitor was a gentleman that I had been trying to work with for about two years. He recently went through a life-changing event that made him more susceptible to the Gospel. He said he would be back every night this week for the meeting, and we would get together afterward to go through Lesson 1 of Back to the Bible. I have heard Rob say many times that evangelism is a marathon, not a sprint. This is a classic example of that truth. If someone is not ready for a study when first approached, do not give up. Put them on your prayer list, retain them on your target list, and keep a watchful eye for the right opportunity. They may not be ready now, but someday, the veil might be removed through a life-changing event. We will meet soon to fill out compassion cards for him.”

Cheyenne church of Christ, Oklahoma (remote): Nathan Brewer (member) reports, “My wife and I brought food to the building Sunday morning and ate with our prospects, Chad and Cammy, after worship. Then I went through booklet number two of Back to the Bible with them. It’s difficult to gauge their level of interest and enthusiasm—no questions or comments during the first two studies, in spite of prompting—yet they’ve agreed to study booklet number three. We have a date for Sunday, March 30 at the building after morning worship. I’m praying their hearts will be open to the truth and the Gospel will convert them.”

Union church of Christ, South Carolina (remote): Terry Hale (preacher) reports, “We request prayers for our workers and prospects. Many of our workers had a difficult week with health issues. Six studies still took place, with two of them in Book 2 and the rest in Book 3. Training with a limited amount available is still able to put some good points in from there. Prayers are appreciated for my family as well, with my father-in-law battling Parkinson’s.”

Covington church of Christ, Tennessee: Wayne Dalrymple (elder) reports, “Things have been slow over the past few weeks at Covington. However, they have picked up this week. Rhett was baptized into Christ Wednesday evening after our Bible classes. Rhett is the preteen son of some of our members. We are very excited for him as he begins his journey in Christ. Several weeks ago, I studied with Chris, the brother of Charles, one of our members. After we went through Book 1 of BTTB, Chris did not continue with their studies for a few weeks. I thought he might not continue, but I have not given up. I kept reaching out through texting periodically. Finally, on Monday, I offered to study with him in the afternoon rather than later in the evening. He accepted that invitation. We will study Book 2 on Tuesday. Also, Noah is the young man who has visited with us a few times over the last couple of months. We are prospecting him and getting ready to offer a study with him. We pray all of these efforts will be fruitful.”

McEwen church of Christ, Tennessee: John Jones (preacher) reports, “We are at FHU lectureship this week. We had two Bible studies last week, and the first family we studied with attended Wednesday night Bible class!”

Philadelphia church of Christ, Lebanon, Tennessee (remote): Alex Degraves (associate preacher) reports, “We have one member who has used the first book of Back to the Bible in a Bible study with someone she has been reaching out to since before our training. Next week, we are going to start watching our remote enrollment videos.”

Stewarts Creek church of Christ, Smyrna, Tennessee: Jon McCord (member) reports, “There are ten people on the list for new mover bags/follow-up cards. We are going to utilize the compassion cards, specifically the ‘Thanks for Visiting’ ones, for any visitors who attend. We have a Friends and Family Day this coming Sunday, so our training is on hold for that event. Also, Jayse Pruitt needs time to become  familiar with the material on the training website. The plan is to pick up the training in mid-April. I am hearing about a baptism that should be happening tomorrow, which is awesome news!”

Birdwell Chapel church of Christ, Cottontown, Tennessee: Kerry England (elder) reports, “Dale concluded the sermon series from John 4 and the Samaritan woman at the well on Sunday morning. Sunday evening, he discussed the evangelism table. We also prayed for people on our bookmarks. We have coordinators in place for many of the areas. We mailed cards to visitors from last Sunday’s Friends and Family Day and have ordered invitation cards. We are excited to move forward in our evangelism effort.”

Blackman church of Christ, Murfreesboro, Tennessee (remote): Brian McCord (elder) reports, “We continue to send out compassion cards. We sent out about 30 last week and will again this week. We have six or seven prospects. We have attempted visits but have not been able to connect yet. Last night, the lesson on invitation cards was taught, and invitation cards were passed out.”

Ocoee Street church of Christ, Copperhill, Tennessee: R.E. Vann (elder) reports, “Our Lord blessed us again with a family of six as they placed their workmanship with us. We are all encouraged by their desire to spread the Good News. Unfortunately, our Bible studies were delayed for the second week because of ongoing sickness. We will be making three transition visits this week in hopes of restoring five lost souls.”

Rivergate church of Christ, Madison, Tennessee: Doug Tooley (preacher) reports, “We had six visitors on Sunday morning and one visitor on Wednesday. Members took one of these visitors out to eat. We are continuing to work on the compassion cards. One of our elders is teaching a first principles class for new converts.”

White Oak church of Christ, Chattanooga, Tennessee (remote): John McGiffin (preacher) reports, “We are experimenting with digital ads. One campaign we will call digital door knocking. We reached out to a fallen member, and we will have lunch with him when I get back from the Freed Lectureship. We will be starting yard signs with ‘How can we pray for you’ contact info.”

Hillcrest church of Christ, Springfield, Tennessee: Tim Taylor (associate preacher) reports, “We are having a Friends & Family Day in April. We will include an invitation for this event with our compassion cards beginning next week. We will then follow up with visits before this event. We announced yesterday that one of our members needed some help moving out of her apartment. Two of our newest members, Josh and Freddy, answered the call to help. Seeing the willingness to serve others in these men is a great blessing.”

Chapel Hill church of Christ, Tennessee: Matt Jones (deacon) reports, “We recently placed orders to restock our new movers supplies; several baskets are delivered every month. We continue to receive many new visitors each Sunday. We are planning a local evangelism Sunday this coming Sunday to make sure to keep the focus and energy alive. We will follow this by striving to get even more of the congregation involved in our local efforts.”

Rome church of Christ, Lebanon, Tennessee (remote): David Oxley (elder) reports, “We will meet this week for our advanced class. We are sending cards this week to five prospects. We will continue two Bible studies this week; both are ready for Book 2.”

West Fayetteville church of Christ, Tennessee: Steve Jefferson (elder) reports, “We are sending out a total of 133 compassion cards this week to seven different contacts. Of these, there were six from last week and one new this week. We appreciate prayers as we try to make more visits this week.”

Mountain Creek church of Christ, Chattanooga, Tennessee: Michael Tomshack (elder) reports, “Last weekend, our women, ranging from young teenagers to seniors, convened for two days of fostering camaraderie and spiritual growth. Regan Ellis, a high school senior, spearheaded the event, demonstrating the shared bond among our women. Additionally, our two newest sisters in Christ participated in the fellowship. The School of Evangelism’s mission extends beyond reaching the lost; it also strives to retain and strengthen the flock of Christ. Establishing connections across diverse age groups within a congregation of new Christian members is a crucial step in maintaining engagement and integrating them as potential sources of new prospects.”

Eisenhower church of Christ, Odessa, Texas: Allen Weakland (elder) reports, “As we enter this new week, we realize God continues to bring contacts into our midst at the Eisenhower congregation. Adrian, a new concert, brought his wife and children this past Sunday. We are excited about her interest, and many prayers have been brought before the throne of the Most High on her behalf. We continue our study with Caesar. We will start Book 2 of the Back to the Bibleseries, and due to his questions, it is our prayer that we will be seeing Caesar obey the Gospel soon. We have established a group of ladies who will be deeply involved in our card signing. They are presently working on card selection and will be ordering more to reach out to our visitors, individuals who we are praying for, and those who have been brought to our attention through contacts. A number of men will be attending a Men’s Retreat this weekend. Several non-Christians have asked if they can attend. We have expressed great joy if they are able as we continue to plant the seed of God. May we all pray for the souls of our nation, our communities, and the world.”

Southwest church of Christ, Austin, Texas: Bryce Mayfield (evangelist) reports, “First and foremost, I want to report a baptism! Owen Harris is the son of one of our deacons and was baptized. Also, this weekend I met with the elders, deacons, and their wives to remind and briefly train these families to spot visitors and get their contact information. Cards are still being sent, and follow-up work is being done. We are hopeful for studies soon!”

Colleyville church of Christ, Texas: John Garza (regional trainer) reports, “There are a lot of good things happening at Colleyville. Though we have had a number of Bible studies that have yet to produce fruit, we know that the seed has been planted, and patience is needed. Thankfully, we have three new Bible studies beginning this week. So, in total, we have eight studies taking place. We have three on hold because of scheduling, but we are still excited. We plan for neighborhood canvassing on April 19 with our Spring Gospel Meeting approaching. Additionally, the Elders have set a goal for the congregation to invite 500 people to the meeting. In the coming weeks, we will track our invitations.”

Howe church of Christ, Texas: Aaron Alsbrook (preacher) reports, “We had another wonderful Lord’s Day. We finished Book 3 of Back to the Bible. We have several members who have previously had Bible studies with friends and family members. However, after the seminar and the first quarter of going through the School of Evangelism, those brethren are using the Back to the Bible study series and have found profit. It is our plan to see fruit from their labors and begin seeing success in breeding success. On Sunday night, we introduced the plan to teach a New Converts class when the success begins. The Eldership has identified a brother to teach that class with a silent partner. We were also encouraged to have our future converts go into the class so that they can learn without intimidation. We also discussed mentoring. This congregation has been very good at bridging the perceived generational gaps for quite some time by using biblical mentoring. The lesson on mentoring encouraged us to continue in this goal of Christian living by teaching it to the assembly.”

Roanoke church of Christ, Texas: Caleb Rutherford (preacher) reports, “We had a slow but good week. Two studies were scheduled to take place but were postponed. Kaylon and I are supposed to study with a couple who visited our services last Sunday. Be prayerful that that study takes place. A couple of transition visits took place, but we have no visible fruit yet. We did have another Sunday full of visitors, 36 in total. All were repeat visitors who were already Christians or just passing through our area. However, within this past week, we have had seven individuals place membership with us, so we are grateful for that growth. Group 1 wrote compassion cards to five prospects last night. We have written over 1,000 cards as of now! All glory to God as we strive to obey the Great Commission.”

Southside church of Christ, Lubbock, Texas (remote): Joshua Hubbard (associate minister) reports, “We are moving forward with our compassion card sending. This week we have two more contacts, relatives of a member, one of whom is currently in the hospital. One of our elders and I visited him yesterday and met his family there too. Last week, I mentioned a potential Bible study. We had a discussion with him hoping to move toward a study, but he was not at services Sunday (like he said he would), so we will follow up with him this week.”

Fruitvale church of Christ, Texas: Carl McCann (elder) reports, “We are on Spring Break, and although our numbers were lower, we still had five visitors. One of our studies has begun to show less interest in continuing to study. We will visit that person this week. We have five people in ongoing studies. We also have one group study at a nursing home with 17 residents. This week, we will go door-knocking on Thursday in our area, and then on Saturday, we will assist the brethren of Central church of Christ in Athens, Texas, with door-knocking.”

Midtown church of Christ, Victoria, Texas: Cody McCoy (preacher) reports, “Weekly contacts are receiving compassion cards every week through a solid routine. We had five visitors yesterday. The couple that dropped by one Saturday has attended twice in a row now; we are trying to have a meal with them! We are scheduling a third study with Betty. She has been following and understanding the studies with interest so far. Doug and Jack Jobes have also been able to sit in as silent partners to see how to do a personal Bible study. Emily Cammock is scheduled for a second study with Lorraine next week. We are also trying to get into a study with one of Melani’s friends, who has expressed an interest. She attended a group Bible study we had at the Cammock home a few months ago and has said that she would like to study more. We are also in the middle of planning our Friends and Family Day on May 4, with lessons designed with visitors in mind. We are so uplifted by the opportunities God is giving us to share the Gospel.”

Wheeler church of Christ, Texas: Garrett English (preacher) reports, “After checking with the family, I gave Back to the Bible Lesson 1 two weeks ago. They have studied through it with their oldest son, and he continues to think about baptism, but he will, of course, need to make that decision on his own. I will give them Lesson 2 to continue building the foundation and Lesson 3 to address salvation at the appropriate time. We have plans to keep checking on those who received our cards, and we hope to transition into studies.”

Bridgewater church of Christ, Katy, Texas: Doug Suggs (deacon) reports, “One of our young people has a study going with a friend of hers. Our Spanish new convert class is going through the Back to the Bible booklets. Two of the class members have not been baptized yet, but they are learning what they need to do to become Christians, and we look forward to their obedience to the Gospel soon. Our new movers prepared and mailed 46 packets to those who have moved in close to our building. We continue a study with a new convert who has questions about Bible topics. We are planning a new convert class in the very near future since we have had baptisms recently.”

Granbury Street church of Christ, Cleburne, Texas: Ryan Cowan (deacon) reports, “We are thrilled to share that on Sunday, March 9, Joel Tonche was baptized into Christ. Joel’s stepdad in Houston first contacted Granbury Street about four months ago. Joel and I studied and worked through all three Back to the Bible books.  Joel was not fully prepared to repent when we completed our study four months ago. On Friday, March 7, everything had changed. Joel contacted me and wanted to visit. Joel had made the changes necessary to accept baptism. Joel, John Haffner, and I met at the building Sunday morning, reviewed Joel’s commitment, helped him count the cost, and baptized him. Personally, I had never been hugged as hard as Joel hugged me after his baptism. He was so relieved that his sins were forgiven. Joel is excited to start his new life as a part of the Lord’s church. My study with Joel was prompted by Joel’s stepdad’s concern for Joel’s soul. I am thankful for the eldership at Granbury Street, which laid the foundation for a prompt response to Joel’s spiritual needs.”

Abingdon church of Christ, Virginia: Freddie Klein (evangelist) reports, “On Sunday, Nathan began preaching through the Back to the Bible study booklets. Card Group 3 met and wrote over a hundred cards. Three of our current prospects have thanked us for the cards. In the evening, Nathan preached on ‘Disciplining the Delinquents,’ with a focus on showing love to those who have wandered away. We are preparing other members to be involved in various ways in the coming weeks.”

West Side church of Christ, Salem, Virginia: Jeff Durham (elder) reports, “Two of our deacons presented our lessons yesterday. They both coincidentally focused on various aspects of God’s love. His love for us is available to all, but it is conditional upon acceptance of His love on His terms, not ours. As Luke 15 tells the parable of the lost boy (the Prodigal Son), the Father eagerly awaits the boy’s return home as He desires him to be saved. Christians need to share the message of God’s love with those who have never known Him, as well as those who once did but have “left their first love” and need to “come home.” We were encouraged to be the ones who go out seeking those needing His message of love and the hope that He provides to us all.”

Culpeper church of Christ, Virginia (remote): Dave Calvert (elder) reports, “Our minister finished up the Back to the Bible series of sermons this past Sunday. Since we began our focused evangelism efforts, God has blessed us with many new and repeat visitors. Our numbers have jumped to over 100 several times, and the most important blessing is receiving the joy that comes from witnessing eight new brothers and sisters being added to the Lord’s church right here in our small congregation in Culpeper, Virginia. These have been some very exciting times. We welcome any and all prayers from our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ as we move forward with the very important task of mentoring and supporting these new babes in Christ.”

Williamsburg church of Christ, Virginia: Jim Bishop (elder) reports, “The Williamsburg church of Christ held our monthly door-knocking event on Saturday of this week with 60 doors knocked, one contact made, 10 food bags handed out, and one prayer request. There were seven members divided into three teams. We invited the contact to worship, prayed, and provided a bag of food. A follow-up was also made with a previous contact. We continue with our compassion cards. Our website continues to be an avenue for evangelism. Our latest contact from the website was today. They have requested additional information on the latest sermon and a Bible study. We are also planning a Refresher training with Brother Keno Shrum at the end of May 2025.”

NOTE: These reports are from Christians and congregations enrolled in the House to House/Heart to Heart School of Evangelism. These emails are sent to teach and provoke one another to remain focused on the mission of Christ. Each week, we share several reports and highlight one with more details. We hope you enjoy reading them.

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