Reaching the Lost- Success Stories
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Featured Work: Whispering Hills Church of Christ, Broken Arrow, OKEditor’s Note: It has only been a couple of weeks since the Whispering Hills church of Christ took the HTHSOE training. The elders and the preacher were engaged and ready to work. This congregation is poised to grow. Subdivisions are being built all around them. Contacts are everywhere. The elders and preachers are highly skilled men with quality families ready to serve. They have not wasted a second; they are organizing, training, and working the model. I hope this update will light a fire in your soul! A Fire Has Been Lit We are in Week 2 of the process and have tried to get many working parts going. In our first week, we had three baptisms. This past week we started to build on this positive momentum. Our focus has been on getting as organized as possible. We decided to start working on our evangelism room immediately. My wife, Autumn, found out that Party City was closing its locations, and she was able to secure three racks that are the exact size to hold our cards. We have a table that has a peg board in the middle that seems to fit the need for assembling visitor bags and new movers’ baskets. Additionally, we have purchased some cabinets to store our overstock. The congregation had 16 visitors on Sunday. On Friday afternoon, my wife and I sat down with a visitor to study the Bible, and I baptized her into Christ. She is married and her husband is not a Christian, so we invited them to eat lunch with us on Sunday. One of the elders and I studied with another family, which resulted in two baptisms. This is a total of six baptisms in two weeks since the seminar concluded. I cannot emphasize enough how powerful a personal Bible study is when we focus people on the Scripture. It is exciting to see our elders lead this effort. Our organization continues to improve, and the congregation is excited to reach the lost. We now have our families chosen to locate our visitors, and we have finished our second week in this work with three baptisms and 30+ cards sent. We need more sound preachers in Oklahoma. The fields are white to harvest! Congregational ReportsWelcome Mountain Home church of Christ, Arkansas: We welcome the Mountain Home church of Christ to the House to House/Heart to Heart School of Evangelism. This congregation has an excellent reputation and is experiencing a renewal. Their new preacher, Joshua, is laser-focused on growth. The elders are ready to lead this congregation to reach the lost. Petersville church of Christ, Alabama: Adam Richardson (preacher) reports, “Petersville is starting a month of focus on evangelism with a sermon yesterday titled, ‘Abandon Ship!’ The lost are on a sinking ship without hope, and unless we reach out for them with the Gospel, they will go down with the ship. We are planning a ‘spring bring’ event for families to invite people from their prospect cards. We helped a local homeless shelter with food and offered Bible studies to those present. We sent compassion cards to nine families this week, and we are planning our monthly coordinator’s meeting.” Creekwood church of Christ, Mobile, Alabama: Tucker Presley (preacher) reports, “Right now, we have two studies going on. One study has reached the red booklet and should be completed this week. Another study has just finished the green booklet. We made some visits last week. None resulted in Bible studies, but we had a great conversation with one couple who are Jehovah’s Witnesses. I think the door is open to continue discussion with them. We are sending out tons of compassion cards to several prospects. More visits should be made next week.” Hatton church of Christ, Alabama: Chris Miller (preacher) reports, “Currently, we are working and studying with several people, and three of them returned to service this week. Two are from the families of recent converts. We are hopeful these will result in baptisms very soon. We had our mission meal Sunday and continue to have great participation from our members.” Malvern church of Christ, Arkansas (remote): David Burruss (preacher) reports, “We continued our refresher and troubleshooting training yesterday and will conclude it on Wednesday. The training has been going extremely well, and I am excited about where this will lead us in 2025. As previously mentioned, our prospect list was temporarily paused while we fine-tuned our program to better align with our congregation. However, we will reintroduce the prospect list on Wednesday and immediately begin sending compassion cards. Currently, we have a promising prospect who has visited several times, and I am working to set up a Bible study. I would appreciate prayers for fruition from this opportunity. Additionally, we have a former member who has started attending worship again.” Rison church of Christ, Arkansas: Keden Shrum (preacher) reports, “We recently started hosting a martial arts class in the fellowship hall each Thursday evening; it is open to the public. This has already brought several families to our building, so they are at least becoming familiar with us. The mother of one of the students was scheduled for surgery last Friday, so after the class, I met with her to have a prayer and was able to get her address and contact information. Care Team B met Sunday evening to sign compassion cards, and she was included on the contact sheet. Additionally, we ordered invitation cards last week and expect them to arrive soon. We are prayerful that all of these avenues will lead to more prospects and contacts.” Windsor church of Christ, Colorado: Lucas Stephens (member) reports, “After worship, two visitors stayed for our potluck meal. We did not send out any compassion cards this week due to the potluck, but we have 30 cards to send out this coming Sunday. We are meeting this week for our monthly business meeting, so we will have our next evangelism meeting next Tuesday. We also instituted a monthly face-to-face with all of the men involved in evangelism leadership.” Niceville church of Christ, Florida: Joe Palmer (preacher) reports, “This week we had four studies. We have three people who are counting the cost. We ask for prayers for them. I am so excited to have one new Christian assisting me in studying with two visitors at church. I also have one new evangelist I am training to use BTTB. We sent out 14 cards this week. We are continuing to work with the New Movers program. We currently have 12 prospects; some are in studies, some are counting the cost, and others are ready to be invited to study. The work is progressing as we get more people involved in the ministry of evangelism. We also continue to offer various study opportunities for new and older Christians to strengthen their faith. We have about five weekday studies offered each week.” Avalon church of Christ, Florida (remote): Preston Silcox (elder) reports, “Over the last few days, one of our deacons led a group Bible study that included two non-Christians, and we hosted a youth Bible study that has produced contacts and prospects. Also, some of us attended a Bible study that was hosted by a denominational family in our community. Regarding this latter event, the family had posted in a community Facebook page their desire to have a small-group Bible study in their home. A few of our members saw the post and some of us decided to attend. We connected with one of the attendees (not a part of the host family), and she is planning to visit Avalon on Sunday morning. We ask for prayers as we navigate this opportunity scripturally and wisely.” Margaret Street church of Christ, Milton, Florida: Troy Spradlin (preacher) reports, “We have two new Bible studies to report this week! One is a study that developed from a friendship, and the other is with a regular visitor and friend of one of our youth members. The comments we received from the teachers were, ‘He loves the study method and has not had any objections to anything in Scripture,’ and ‘We made it almost halfway through Book 1 of BTTB. Great study!’ To God be the glory! With the recent 17 visitors and the 60 contacts that have been submitted by the congregation, we now have a total number of 77 contacts. We are thankful that the number of opportunities to reach souls continues to increase! We are currently working with 26 prospects: seven came through the card ministry, 15 came from visitations, and four are prodigals. We have now sent 734 compassion cards.” Bremen church of Christ, Georgia: Scott Boughton (member) reports, “This past Friday, several men attended a Men’s Day in Lake City, Florida, to consider the topic ‘Standing in the Gap.’ Two of the participants were new converts from this past year. Brothers Keepers G3 met on Sunday and discussed the compassion card program as we continue developing our local outreach.” Woodstock church of Christ, Georgia: Matt Amos (preacher) reports, “The WCOC congregation attended the Sunabella of Towne Lake Assistant Living devotional on Sunday. They had eight non-Christians in attendance. Three were new residences. The New Movers group had two individuals volunteer to help with this week’s New Movers Door Knocking Campaign. They gave a basket to one homeowner and left a door hanger for one who was not at home. The New Converts class had seven attendees. The attendees were people from the congregation who want to help the new converts. We had eight non-Christian visitors this Sunday morning.” Lafayette church of Christ, Georgia: Jesse Teague (deacon) reports, “We had a restoration this week! A member who had fallen away many years ago repented and expressed a sincere desire to do and live like he knows he should. Since he was recently released from the hospital and is not able to come to worship yet, we sent him cards to encourage him and make sure his zeal to return to regular worship does not die. Group 1 met to send compassion cards (as they do every first Sunday). Seven souls received cards to encourage them to visit and draw closer to God. Our ladies group met to ensure they had everything for any visitors that come our way (making up gift boxes and greeting visitors). They also arranged a meal for any recent converts or restorations.” Cartersville church of Christ, Georgia (remote): Charles Harris (regional trainer) reports, “Sunday service, I give a brief evangelism report. This Sunday we added the singing of ‘Lord, Lead Me to One Soul’ before departing the building. Bible studies continue to take place. We will have two studying BTTB 3 this week. Three works that will edify the brethren and create contacts are in the works.” Collinsville-Troy church of Christ, Illinois: Jason Wright (elder) reports, “We mailed out 159 compassion cards this week. We continue to deliver new movers’ baskets. We made 12 follow-up visits and had some good discussions at the door with folks from the community. We have had great success with taking a candle gift; people are always appreciative. This Sunday we had three new visitors. We handed out visitor’s bags and got their contact information. They saw us online and want to get back ‘into church.’ On Wednesday night, we had a visitor who wants to ‘be a member.’ We hope to study with him soon. We conducted two studies this week; others cancelled their studies. A family that has been visiting for several weeks is scheduled to study with some of our members this Friday. We continued our mock door knocking this past Sunday and had great results. We are building confidence!” Judah church of Christ, Bedford, Indiana: Joe Moon (preacher) reports, “This week, one of our married couples conducted a Friday night study with a former coworker/friend of the wife. On Sunday, we handed out two visitor baskets, and two of our men visited our first person to finish getting compassion cards. They asked for a study, but he was not ready. His wife died two weeks ago, and she was a member at our congregation. They also took him a meal and visited for two hours or so. Everyone continues to be excited about our new mission.” Highland Village church of Christ, Bloomington, Indiana: Mark Stauffer (elder) reports, “Our totals for February were 134 cards sent, three new prospects, two Bible studies, and five visitors for worship. We had no baptisms. We conducted refresher training on new movers and invitation cards. We are working with seven delinquent members. New mover baskets are being assembled, and visits begin this week.” Lagrange church of Christ, Indiana: Wayne Poe (elder) reports, “We had one visitor yesterday and obtained contact information. We filled out the compassion cards to prospect. We are looking forward to visits and starting some new relationships.” Beloit church of Christ, Kansas (remote): Dustin Dougherty (regional trainer) reports, “Yesterday morning, we had 32 in attendance. We enjoyed a fellowship meal following services. We look forward to our Fifth Sunday singing at the end of this month. I am continuing the weekly study from the book, Growing in Christ. I continue to emphasize the use of the contact bookmarks. I challenged everyone to plant the seed with one person this coming week. I am still prospecting with several myself. To God be the glory.” Aberdeen church of Christ, Maryland: Will Brown (preacher) reports, “Exciting things are happening here. We have five ongoing Bible studies. After morning worship, one of our young men chose to obey the Gospel in response to the sermon. We are overjoyed at two baptisms for the year thus far. In two weeks, we will begin a new members’ class led by one of the new elders. We have learned that trusting the process takes patience; the church must work together rather than leaving the work of evangelism to one person. We appreciate all prayers for the success of the Bible studies. Thanks be to God!” Beltway church of Christ, Maryland: LeAndre Johnson (preacher) reports, “This week we completed Lesson 2 of Back to the Bible with one of our prospects, and we wrote 17 compassion cards.” La Plata church of Christ, Maryland (remote): Eric Sykes (regional trainer) reports, “We sent out 32 compassion cards. My wife took our granddaughter out and they completed Book 1 of BTTB with one of our Bible study prospects last week. This was our granddaughter’s first in-home Bible study as a silent partner. Sandy and Cynthia completed Book 2 of BTTB with the young lady; they plan to do Lesson 3 of BTTB Thursday. We appreciate all prayers for them. One of our new converts, Chris, and his new bride, Samantha, have completed Book 1 of BTTB with three prospects—his younger brother, his nephew, and their son. Cynthia completed Book 1 of BTTB with her granddaughter. A young couple has completed the BTTB lesson series, and we are hoping to start a study of Does It Matter? this week. We ask for prayers on this regard. We currently have seven open Bible studies and six folks on our prospect list. We had seven visitors this week. All of them are members of the church of Christ. They are repeat visitors looking for a church home. If it were up to me, I would say they have found it. We pray that if it be God’s will, they make the La Plata church of Christ their new church home. We visited and dropped off gift baskets for two families who just moved into homes on our street. We had great conversations with our new neighbors. They said it would be okay for the church family at La Plata to welcome them to the community with cards. We sent each family eight compassion cards. We added them to our HTH/HTH Newsletter mailing list as well. Technical issues prevented us from conducting our ‘Video of the Week’ class last week, so we rescheduled for this Friday. Seven people attended our online new converts training classes. We appreciate all prayers as we strive to implement the evangelism model and evangelize the community here in La Plata.” Marshall church of Christ, Missouri (remote): Charles Reid (preacher) reports, “On Sunday, I finished a 10-lesson series on mentoring and discipleship. It was well received. We sent out 22 mailings this week. We sent six envelopes with bulletins to six Missouri prison inmates. We have sent them Bible correspondence courses. When they respond to the Bible courses, we will grade them and send them back with the next lesson.” East Flushing church of Christ, New York (remote): Clarence Jenkins (preacher) reports, “We had two visitors during the past five days, including one Sunday. We have seven Bible studies and 13 prospects. After worship service, we watched the video, ‘Contacts: Door Knocking with House to House/Heart to Heart,’ as we are preparing to go door knocking once a month. We prepared 40 compassion cards. We appreciate all prayers.” Linville Forest church of Christ, Kernersville, North Carolina: Kelly Brown (preacher) reports, “On Sunday, February 16, we had two baptisms. Jennifer Stephenson and Tina King were baptized by Andrew Sears. Andrew had been studying with them the week before. When they realized they were outside of Christ, they made their decision. God has been very good to the work here at Linville Forest.” Cary church of Christ, North Carolina: Larry Fife (preacher) reports, “As the hymn says, ‘Time Is Filled with Swift Transition,’ and here we are already in March. We began the month with joy and gratitude as we witnessed a young man come forward for baptism. After studying with one of our members for several weeks, he decided to give his life to Christ, and we rejoiced with him in his excitement. As we prepare for our upcoming Friends and Family Day at the end of the month, we invite others to join us. In addition, we are diligently writing compassion cards, using this as another opportunity to reach out and extend invitations. We are truly thankful for all God continues to do for us.” New Concord church of Christ, Ohio: Terry Townsend (preacher) reports, “ Three new mover baskets were delivered. One personal visit was made to a family that lost a loved one. I do not know their religious background, but a relationship was formed, and follow-up visits will be made. We are a congregation that genuinely cares about everyone, and we are striving each day to let our neighbors and friends see that! Acts of kindness lead to great contacts! Three Bible studies continue. Two of the studies finished all three Back to the Bible lessons. While we are a bit disappointed that the studies have not yet resulted in baptisms, we know the Seed is being planted, the hearts are tender, and we press onward with hope that soon they will obey. We will use Does It Matter? with them this week. As mentioned last week, we will begin a group Bible study at an apartment complex in town in two weeks. We expect 8-15 people (or more) to participate (most will be non-members). We plan to use the ‘His Life: Lessons Centered on Jesus’ material published by TJI. Our hopes are to establish relationships with these folks, and as we proceed, we hope to set up one-on-one studies with those who have a desire to learn more. Then we will use Back to the Bible with them. It seems that a few more members of the congregation are beginning to get excited and onboard with what we are trying to do. Some members are reluctant at first; getting out of their comfort zones can be a bit scary. As a congregation begins to experience some success, evangelism becomes contagious!” Lake Milton church of Christ, Ohio (remote): Mike Bisson (preacher) reports, “We have seven new visitors who have been coming and studying with us; one has been asking a lot of questions about baptism. We have been going through Back to the Bible with them; the studies are looking good.” Owasso church of Christ, Oklahoma: David Combs (elder) reports, “We passed out the seminar surveys last week, and we are reviewing the results. Our compassion card team is in place and ready to go. Our leaders meet formally every Wednesday evening before Bible study; they are busy working through the introduction checklist and setting things in order.” Porter church of Christ, Oklahoma: Nathan Boyd (elder) reports, “The Porter congregation’s training sessions with Rob ended Monday, February 24, 2025. Our evangelism table was set up by Wednesday for members to pick up their ‘tools’ as needed. One of our elders, Nathan, explained the uses of Back to the Bible, Believe the Bible, and Does It Matter? as tools to the congregation on Wednesday evening; he encouraged the congregation to utilize everything there. Another elder, Pat, explained the Post Evangelism Questionnaire to the congregation Sunday morning, and the questionnaires went home with all in attendance. Many questionnaires were turned in at Sunday evening service. Members have been going through Back to the Bible to get familiar with it, watching videos on Believe the Bible on WVBS, and planning on meeting together to do mock Bible studies to prepare themselves to study with others.” Coweta church of Christ, Oklahoma: Keno Shrum (regional trainer) reports, “We have made some adjustments as we have grown to our new converts training. Previously, we could only have a new converts class on Tuesday evenings because we did not have a teacher on Sundays. For those who could not attend, we made other arrangements to study with them. We are happy to now have a Sunday morning New Converts class co-taught by Garrett and Chisum. Both of these men have been instrumental in working with our new converts and will undoubtedly be a blessing to them. We plan to switch from the cleaning baskets to the spaghetti baskets for our new movers’ program. We are seeing a lot of residential growth in Coweta and want to capitalize on it. As always, we pray for all who are laboring in the name of the Lord to grow the Kingdom. May God bless you all in your efforts!” Cheyenne church of Christ, Oklahoma (remote): Nathan Brewer (member) reports, “We have been helping a gentleman in town who is battling cancer. We helped him financially, and we sent compassion cards. He and his wife were at worship Sunday morning. They stayed afterward for our fellowship meal. I asked them again for a study. They said they would be willing, but we had to find the time. I offered to study after worship next Sunday, when I knew they would not be at work. They agreed. We plan to teach Lesson 1 next Sunday.” York church of Christ, Pennsylvania: March Raschke (deacon) reports, “This Sunday, the York congregation rejoiced with the baptism of Natalie. It was a great day, as we had a large crowd with multiple visitors, a fellowship meal, and a new Christian! We were able to give out some visitor bags and collect some contact cards, and we had a very brief visitation committee meeting. Fred and Pam continue with a few studies, hoping they will soon lead to more baptisms. We have also been studying with kids in the youth group for an upcoming Bible Bowl competition. A few of them have mentioned that they are thinking about their own baptism. Even though some of them are very young, it is great to see the influence that the activity of the church is having in their lives.” Union church of Christ, South Carolina (remote): Terry Hale (preacher) reports, “We are very happy to be working with five prospects in Book 3. We have attempted to follow-up with a two contacts, but we have not been able to catch them at home. We have four other studies in Books 1 and 2. Our training is going well with good participation.” Forest Hill church of Christ, Germantown, Tennessee: Scott Cain (preacher) reports, “A new brother was baptized into Christ about two weeks ago. His girlfriend has been attending with him, even attending the ‘New Life’ (new converts) class on Sunday morning. We request prayers for them. Visits and contacts are going well overall. We have had more visitors among our contacts, and they are showing a promising level of genuine interest. The Tuesday Morning Men’s class recently started pairing up after class to visit contacts, and the Tuesday Morning Ladies’ Bible class is making bread to take to the door as gifts. It is early in the effort, but it looks like an effective addition in trying to transition from ‘prospect’ to ‘Bible study.’ Time will tell, but at least one new study is set to begin next week as a result of the effort.” East Main church of Christ, Murfreesboro, Tennessee: Brad Rowley (elder) reports, “We have a total of seven new contact cards, 57 compassion cards, eight new Bible studies, seven on-going Bible studies, 37 new mover baskets delivered, and four follow-up visits completed. We are thankful for all those that have helped to deliver our new movers’ baskets. We rejoice in the baptism of Gibbs Taylor by his father Brandon Taylor. We have a sewing group of ladies that meet once a week in our annex. We have been having a brief study with them each week. This last week, our pulpit minister, Jon Mitchell, taught the plan of salvation to approximately 20 ladies. What an amazing opportunity. It is our prayer that some of these ladies will be asking for more information. This Friday is our first Community Outreach activity of the year. East Main will be hosting a health screening in our annex. The contractor schedules the appointments and completes the screening. Before the health screening, we will have the opportunity to meet them and obtain contact information. After the screening, we will offer some ‘healthy’ refreshments and share with them what East Main has to offer. We will give each attendee a Soul Winners Bible, HTH magazine, ‘Choosing God’ Bible study pamphlet, and invitation cards. Depending on their scenario, we will share our college and youth ministries. We appreciate prayers for open hearts.” Stewarts Creek church of Christ, Smyrna, Tennessee: Jon McCord (member) reports, “Greg handed out the contacts bookmark yesterday morning to everyone and continued with Part 2 of the first lesson. There is a possibility that Jayse will be helping with the evening services training. I will be requesting access for him to look at the material.” Birdwell Chapel church of Christ, Cottontown, Tennessee: Kerry England (elder) reports, “We began the sermon series this week and passed out the bookmarks. The congregation was very engaged throughout the sermon Sunday morning and the training on Sunday night. We have received and compiled 43 of the post seminar surveys. We are starting to fill in our coordinators. We have a Friends and Family Day scheduled this Sunday and are prepared with visitor bags and contact cards to fill out.” Blackman church of Christ, Murfreesboro, Tennessee (remote): Brian McCord (elder) reports, “We will send out around 30 cards again this week. This will be the fourth week for some; we will also plan for visits. We ask for prayers for Edward and Ashley. They were the first two we baptized. We have not seen them or responded to our messages for two weeks. We are unsure why.” McEwen church of Christ, Tennessee: Jonathan Jones (preacher) reports, “This past week one of our visits went very well. A young mom who had received numerous cards and meals after the passing of her father remarked on how she knew that we loved her and her family, even though we do not know them very well. We set a Bible study for later this week. On Sunday morning, visitors from last week who received cards every day of the week came back this Sunday! I continue to preach through Back to the Bible and get comments about how simple the tool is to use. I saw new contact cards in the box that we will focus on today. Things are looking good!” McKenzie church of Christ, Tennessee: Randall McAdams (elder) reports, “We at the McKenzie church are rejoicing once again with the baptism of two of our youth, Bella and Lola. Their dad is one of our elders. Both are very active in our youth program and will be great assets to the future work of the church. Additionally on Sunday, a somewhat homeless visitor came forward asking the church to pray for him. We are embracing him to help with his physical and spiritual needs. We start our March card mailouts with an initial six souls being touched with cards of love, three of whom are non-members. I anticipate we will have up to ten by the middle of March. We continue to have many visitors, both young and old, coming both from our very active youth group and our adults in general.” Cookeville church of Christ, Tennessee: Jonathan Medley (deacon) reports, “We delivered our first sets of new movers baskets. Various members in the congregation volunteered to take them, so it has been a great way to get others involved. We also added another name to our prospect list. One of our members has been inviting a lady to come to services with her for a little while, and she came to both services this weekend. We have been told she can get overwhelmed very easily, so rather than sending her a card every day, we are going to send her one card a week with everyone signing it. We finally received our shelves that were ordered for the compassion cards. This has already proven to be a huge help in organizing the cards and selecting the ones we need rather than digging through boxes to find them. This also lets us see when we are running low of a certain card so we can purchase new ones.” New Union church of Christ, Manchester, Tennessee: Paul Fulks (elder) reports, “We had eight visitors this past Sunday. Our evangelism team composed 37 compassion cards to send this week. We made four visits. We have two in our new converts’ class.” Ocoee Street church of Christ, Copperhill, Tennessee: R.E. Vann (elder) reports, “Our Bible study with Kristin is progressing well as we started Book 3 of BTTB. February metrics are 105 compassion cards sent, 18 prospects, three transition visits to wayward members, one Bible study, and two pending Bible studies. We did not have any baptisms or restorations. We continue to plant and water, and God will give the increase. We appreciate all prayers, just as we are praying for all.” Rivergate church of Christ, Madison, Tennessee: Doug Tooley (preacher) reports, “We had four visitors on Sunday morning, one visitor on Sunday night, and two on Wednesday. I have also made a connection at the ballpark with the Sunday night visitor. We have a Bible study that is ongoing, and I am told that it is really going well. Two visits were made last week. Our elders have gone back to encouraging the congregation about compassion cards after the Sunday morning sermon to try to boost card numbers.” White Oak church of Christ, Chattanooga, Tennessee (remote): John McGiffin (preacher) reports, “We are going through our current contacts to pick three to prospect actively. As an aging congregation, we focus on new activities to increase our contact list. We continue to deliver new mover baskets, record names on our bookmarks, and teach those willing to learn about evangelistic techniques. We have two members ready to begin door knocking, so we will do that in the near future.” Hillcrest church of Christ, Springfield, Tennessee: Tim Taylor (associate preacher) reports, “We have made a couple changes to our New Mover Basket program, in hopes of seeing better responses. Our coverage area has been switched from Springfield to Greenbrier addresses. The majority of Greenbrier is in closer proximity to our building than a lot of the new housing development in Springfield. Becca, who is our new coordinator, has ordered some cloth bags with our contact information printed on them. Next month, we will switch from cleaning supplies to the food items.” Chapel Hill church of Christ, Tennessee: Matt Jones (deacon) reports, “We had our congregational retreat this past weekend. We had one visiting family join us during that retreat, which gave us a great opportunity to get to know them better. This is a family that has received our compassion cards in the past, so this was encouraging. We discussed having a Bible study, and they were open to that, so I look forward to being able to set that up soon.” Rome church of Christ, Lebanon, Tennessee (remote): David Oxley (elder) reports, “We will meet this week for our advanced class. We are sending cards this week to one new prospect. We will be visiting three other prospects this week.” West Fayetteville church of Christ, Tennessee: Steve Jefferson (elder) reports, “West Fayetteville was blessed to have a family place membership with us this past week. They are excited about our works, and they are willing to serve. We also have a young family that wants to meet with the elders Wednesday evening to discuss membership. We still have some new mover baskets that need delivery, but we are working on that. The Transition Team has six to eight visits planned for this week. We prepared 17 compassion cards this past Sunday for one prospect.” Mountain Creek church of Christ, Chattanooga, Tennessee: Michael Tomshack (elder) reports, “We have a new sister in Christ. Abby, one of our homegrown teens, put on Christ at our Sunday morning worship assembly. This is an example of a mission field within our own congregational doors. May we never forget that mission work starts at home. May Abby live her life in service to God.” Freewill church of Christ, Gainesboro, Tennessee (remote): Andrew Scott (preacher) reports, “To describe what occurred at the Freewill congregation last night can be summed up this way: ‘Never stop praying, and never give up.’ After completing Book 3 of Back to the Bible last Sunday, hearing a lesson on repentance and another lesson on the parable of the Wheat and the Tares in Matthew 13, Pam Johnson was restored to the Lord’s church. She had fallen away from the Lord at least 30 years ago. She left services last night, pulled in her driveway, and was overwhelmed, knowing she was lost. She came back to the church building, and about 15 of us were still there. We met back in the auditorium and had prayer for her. Her son Jaden, who also completed Book 3 last Sunday, continues studying God’s word. We pray for a softened heart. I am hopeful he will obey the Gospel before this week is over. May God bless you all.” Colleyville church of Christ, Texas: John Garza (regional trainer) reports, “We continue to have Bible studies and prospects. That is definitely encouraging. We have eight Bible studies and four prospects. We are reworking some ways to do things to fit our congregation, and we look forward to continuing to reach souls.” Howe church of Christ, Texas: Aaron Alsbrook (preacher) reports, “We were able to finish Book 2 after our Gospel Meeting this Sunday. We also looked at finding more contacts through benevolence. One of our members is coordinating a clothing drive, and we already have a backpack drive at the beginning of each school year to get contacts. We are moving along with contacts from the congregation and will start our compassion cards when we get our Bible Study Teams together. We are also working with some families to be greeters. As summer comes and many of our families go on vacation, we must move quickly. Next week, we begin our study of Book 3 of Back to the Bible. We had several families interested in looking at the website together, and we started that effort two weeks ago. These families enjoy getting a refresher via the website with presentations from workshop lessons from November as well as what we have been studying each Lord’s Day.” Roanoke church of Christ, Texas: Caleb Rutherford (preacher) reports, “We had another Bible study team training yesterday afternoon. Group 3 wrote compassion cards to five prospects. We still have four studies currently ongoing. We are hoping some of those studies will end in a baptism soon. Our transition team is still in the process of making visits. Those should hopefully conclude this week, with studies to follow! We have concluded most of our formal training; however, we plan to continue other training as needed, and to do so periodically throughout the year.” Southside church of Christ, Lubbock, Texas (remote): Joshua Hubbard (associate minister) reports, “We have finished the seminar videos and are ready to get to work. We will begin sending compassion cards this week. We already have several prospects lined up. We request prayers for this effort, alongside our visitors’ program and reaching out to the unfaithful. We are hoping to have great results!” Fruitvale church of Christ, Texas: Carl McCann (elder) reports, “We praise God for the increase. This Sunday, one of our regular visitors, Steve Westbrook, was baptized into Christ. As well, Linda Moon, who has been studying, came forward to place membership as a result of weeks of studies in coming to an understanding of what it means to be a member of the church of Christ. In past reports, we mentioned meeting her through door-knocking and finding out she had been baptized nine years prior in another town, but no one had ever studied with her. This week, we have two new studies set up. One is with long-time visitors, Mike and Sherri Cates, and another is with Beverly Grimes, whom we met through our Facebook Bible study page. We continue to have six ongoing Bible studies that are in different phases of understanding. The group study at a local nursing home is going well. One of the benefits of this study is that eight members have come together to assist us in this group effort. The community Bible study offered by the Ferris family continues, and we hope it will begin to create some good contacts. We have a door-knocking planned on the 20th of this month, and we are planning to assist our brethren with a door-knocking in Athens, Texas, on March 22.” Midtown church of Christ, Victoria, Texas: Cody McCoy (preacher) reports, “Glory be to God! We have a new sister in Christ! Sandi Fricks put on Christ between our worship service and luncheon. She had been coming with her sister for some time. James also finished a second study with Betty and has a third upcoming. It is critical to handle delicate situations like, ‘So you are saying I am not saved?’ James was able to direct the authority back to the Scriptures and allow her to make the comparisons. We continue to be blessed with opportunities to shine our light with visitors and compassion cards. A young couple came to the building on Saturday, asking questions about the church. A new Christian happened to be working on the floors and had a good discussion with them. We hope they visit us soon because they told him, ‘We think we found our church.’ We have had one restoration, one baptism, three studies, and many visitors since the reboot a month ago.” Wheeler church of Christ, Texas: Garrett English (preacher) reports, “I have been at the Arise Workshop this weekend gaining knowledge and energy for soul-winning. As I return home, I will check on those who have Book 1 of Back to the Bible this week. I will also visit with the lady whose husband is in critical condition this week.” Bridgewater church of Christ, Katy, Texas: Doug Suggs (deacon) reports, “We began a new convert class for the Spanish brethren baptized recently. There are several in this class now, and it will help them to grow in their faith. Other classes are in the planning stages. We had a ‘Go Texan’ night last Saturday night, and several visitors were present. One of the visitors may lead to a study. Jim also has a study going with another Spanish lady. Jim and I met with John, who was baptized recently, to talk about the role of women and miracles ceasing. John‘s wife is still a powerful prospect for a study. She came to church again this past Sunday. One of our card teams will meet on Sunday evening to address cards.” Granbury Street church of Christ, Cleburne, Texas: Ryan Cowan (deacon) reports, “This past Sunday, we assembled and distributed about 50 new movers baskets. Andrew Randig did a good job with organizing our effort. Some members have begun to attempt to make contact with our new movers. This past Wednesday night, member David Bowman smiled as he walked towards me carrying a contact card. He and his family had caught a new mover at home and had a nice visit. David discovered that this new mover is looking for a church home. David gained a first and last name and a phone number. We will send out compassion/invitation cards soon.” Wasatch church of Christ, Utah (remote): Daniel Welker (preacher) reports, “Less than a week ago, I decided to post pictures of how the ladies at church updated our church bulletin boards and the doors to the classroom. I added a message to thank the ladies for their hard work on Facebook to seek new contacts. I connected these contacts with soul winners in their area, resulting in six baptisms in the following states: Nebraska, Idaho, Iowa, Texas, and Missouri. We have several studies going on here in Utah as members are studying with friends.” Abingdon church of Christ, Virginia: Freddie Klein (evangelist) reports, “Nathan brought his Sunday morning sermon series on ‘Jesus the Politically Incorrect Evangelist’ to a close and concluded the nuts and bolts evangelism model in the evening. After the morning sermon, I reminded members about the upcoming card group. Before the evening service, our first card group gathered. We experienced a remarkable turnout. A kid’s table was arranged for our little ones, and several large tables were designated for adults. All three weeks of card leaders attended to familiarize themselves with the card ministry’s operations. We penned 80 cards in under 30 minutes. Although additional work is needed, we have made a promising start, and the congregation is ready to work. Currently, two studies are being led by members. We appreciate all prayers.” West Side church of Christ, Salem, Virginia: Jeff Durham (elder) reports, “Our new converts are participating in their class and being involved in activities. Bible studies are continuing. We are emphasizing the need to recognize opportunities to make and cultivate our prospects and contacts. More members and different members are contributing to our ‘funnel’ of people whom we want to influence towards having a Bible study. Compassion cards will be written on Wednesday night this week.” Culpeper church of Christ, Virginia (remote): Dave Calvert (elder) reports, “God is continuing to bless our evangelism efforts. We had two more baptisms this past week. The first was the son of a member. His parents had many discussions with their son about the importance of being buried in baptism to rise up and walk as a new Christian. We rejoiced with his parents and the angels over his decision this past Wednesday night after Bible class. One of our deacons had been having some serious discussions with a lady for quite some time. She admitted that she had wanted to be baptized for some time, but because she was recovering from a health issue, she felt she needed some time to regain strength enough to climb the stairs required to get into and out of the baptistry. She struggled, but she praised God that she had enough strength to accomplish this most important walk in her life. Our deacons and their wives accepted the task of kicking off our new visitor greeting ministry this past Sunday. We had several new visitors and several repeat visitors. In all, we gave out eight visitor gift bags and created new contact cards. We are blessed to have many members who are eager to help with our compassion card ministry that we began three weeks ago. We mailed 58 cards from our first week. The numbers have only increased since then. Card writers ranging from teenagers to great-grandmothers participate in this very important work. Glory be to God for another uplifting and encouraging week laboring for the Lord.” Williamsburg church of Christ, Virginia: Jim Bishop (elder) reports, “This week, we continued to follow the Evangelism Model in welcoming three new guests. Two of them could become ‘hot’ prospects, and one could be restored. We are continuing to send compassion cards and praying for opportunities to spread the Gospel. We will be reviewing opportunities for members to participate from areas on the coordinators spreadsheet. This is a post on Facebook by a young woman who recently obeyed the Gospel. We are truly blessed by this sister in Christ. ‘Now that I am in Christ, I’m reminded of all of the people in my life who could have told me about Jesus and decided not to. The one thing that I needed was Jesus, and yet no one loved me enough to share the Gospel with me. In the end, the Lord will find His lost children and bring them to Him, regardless of what we do. But please, raise your children to know Jesus. Do not neglect this or take this away from them, for without God they are left to Satan, just as I was, and am not anymore.’” Eight Mile Rock, church of Christ, The Bahamas (remote): Tavaro Hanna (preacher) reports, “Once again, the angels are rejoicing! For several months, my wife studied with a young lady who struggled with leaving the world. My wife patiently continued the studies, and finally, the young lady was convicted. On Thursday, she was converted within our congregation of 11 members. Please pray for Malea’s growth, and that as she grows, she will not be entangled again in the world.” NOTE: These reports are from Christians and congregations enrolled in the House to House/Heart to Heart School of Evangelism. These emails are sent to teach and provoke one another to remain focused on the mission of Christ. Each week, we share several reports and highlight one with more details. We hope you enjoy reading them. For additional HTH speaking appointments, go to:
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