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Success Stories: May 1, 2024 | Reaching the Lost

Reaching the Lost- Success Stories

Total baptisms (2018-2023) reported from U.S. Congregations: 3,748
Total baptisms reported from U.S. Congregations 2023: 1,403
Total Baptisms Reported from U.S. Congregations 2024: 400
Total Restorations from U.S. Congregations 2024: 34
Total Seminars Conducted (2018-2023): 240
Congregational Enrollments in 2024: 16
Remote Enrollments for 2024: 9
Schools of Preaching for 2024: 3
Student Enrollment: 157
States Reporting: 17

Upcoming Seminars
April 28-May 1 Bremen church of Christ, Georgia
May 5-7 East Main church of Christ, Tupelo, Mississippi
May 12-14 Hillcrest church of Christ, Springfield, Tennessee

HTHSOE Checklist

Featured Work: Covington church of Christ, Tennessee

Editor’s note: The Covington church of Christ hosted one of our American Mission Campaigns in 2022 and is enrolled in HTHSOE. This congregation has been an example of evangelism. They follow the model, trust the process, and work hard. God has blessed them with inward and outward growth. Their recent conversion was heart-touching and a true example of the power of God to change lives.

Following in the Footsteps of Jesus
Written by Wayne Dalrymple (elder)

It has been a wonderful week at Covington! Over the past few weeks, we have had several Bible studies and continued to prospect several. This Sunday, we had a moment like Paul described in 1 Corinthians 3, “I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth.”

Oscar has visited with us a few times before. He is a friend of a sweet sister, Cindy Randle. We visited Oscar at his home and showed him that we cared. Recently, Cindy planted the seed in Oscar’s heart and encouraged him. Sunday evening, I watered the seed and ensured Oscar understood the purpose of baptism and the commitment involved in making this decision. He assured us he understood what the Bible teaches about baptism and the church and that he was ready to commit, so we baptized him into Christ at the end of our evening service. One unique part of this situation is that Oscar had one of his legs amputated years earlier. Therefore, it took three of us to get him up the stairs to get to the baptistery and help him into the water.

It felt similar to how the four men brought the paralytic man to Jesus in Mark 2. Like on that occasion, this night ended with the Lord forgiving Oscar’s sins. We rejoice in his salvation and will immediately start him with a new convert class.

Congregational Reports

Glencoe church of Christ, Alabama: David Marker (elder) reports, “We have finished the first month of dividing our members into two rotating groups who work on compassion cards. It has been an overwhelming success, and it helps give our teams time to be refreshed and recharged as we continue our efforts.

“We are studying with several people, including those in the new converts class before Wednesday night Bible study. Our class is a result of the requests from our latest converts. One of our deacons, Ted Brooks, also has a new converts class on Sunday morning, and those studies have been ongoing and well attended.

“We continue to follow up on our contacts and plan to have a Transition Thursday soon. We want to use that occasion as a convenient time to invite families to our VBS that is scheduled for June. We continue to look for ways to reach out to the community. We must continue striving to be a beacon of light to a world surrounded by the overwhelming darkness of sin. So many need to hear that beautiful message of second chances that we find in the gospel of Christ.”

Petersville church of Christ, Florence, Alabama: Adam Richardson (preacher) reports, “We are still rolling out the new training to the congregation. They took the post-seminar questionnaire yesterday morning, and we introduced weekly compassion card meetings at the evening service; those will begin next week! Our ladies met to discuss different works of the program and will share with the elders what they hope to do. I will begin the training series in my evening lessons this coming Sunday as well.”
Hatton church of Christ, Alabama: Chris Miller (preacher) reports, “A lot of work is being done. Several members actively mentor several converts. We are excited about a study that has reached Book 2. Our mission meal is next Sunday, as well as Senior night, and we anticipate several nonmembers will be present.  We plan to be active in working with them in hopes of studies. To God be the glory!”

Central church of Christ, Saraland, Alabama: David Dixon (preacher) reports, “We did not have any baptisms this week, but evangelism has started to feel like a new way of life for us. Members expect our processes to take shape soon, and enthusiasm is not diminishing. We have sent out over 500 cards in three weeks. We have had more visitors recently than usual, and I can only assume that is because we are making better contacts. Our evangelism team meets every week, and those men always encourage me. This week, we will follow up on our cards. It is time for us to take action; for some, I believe their hearts will be receptive.”

West Huntsville church of Christ, Alabama: Paul Owen (associate preacher) reports, “We had our second door knocking Saturday. Nine teams knocked more than 200 doors. This Sunday, we will have our One Mission Meeting.” We currently have six Bible studies ongoing.”

Rison church of Christ, Arkansas: Keden Shrum (preacher) reports, “We delivered a new movers’ basket on Friday and met a nice young couple who have recently moved to town. Lord willing, we will visit them again soon. Care Team B signed compassion cards last night for six people. We have one study lined up for next week with a family that visited us once last month.”

Malvern church of Christ, Arkansas (remote):  David Burruss (preacher) reports, “We currently have five prospects. Two of those prospects are in Bible studies. One of those studies is a former member of our group, whom we seek to retore. We will begin congregational training on Sunday.”

Lake City church of Christ, Florida: Jim Flegert (elder) reports, “Our congregation rejoiced Sunday morning as one of our young ladies made that important decision to be baptized. We continue to pray for the efforts of our compassion card writers as well as for the positive response from our Mission Monday/Sunday this past week. We are thankful to God for the blessing of these opportunities.”

Niceville church of Christ, Florida: Joe Palmer (preacher) reports, “This week we had a lull in Bible studies as some people were out of town or the studies were postponed. The good news is that our prospects are coming to worship, learning, and connecting. We sent 33 cards this week. I am excited about a visit scheduled to take out a new person for a first-time approach to someone for a study. I have one study set up this week and another I plan to schedule soon. I see spiritual growth and initiative from our team as people own the work and not just follow a program. We had some out-of-town visitors but no new local visitors.”

Oak Hill church of Christ, Covington, Georgia: Tate Sutton (preacher) reports, “Our card group met this Sunday and wrote cards to our new visitors. We also have a Bible study set up with recent visitors.  They wonder what makes the church of Christ different, so we will use the Back to the Biblebooklets!”

Lafayette church of Christ, Georgia: Jesse Teague (deacon) reports, “On this fourth Sunday, we continued our new Christian class. We have had several visitors lately. We will get together the following Monday for our monthly review of cards and visits. There are several opportunities ahead for us, so we will keep going!”

Woodstock church of Christ, Georgia: Matt Amos (preacher) reports, “During our ACTS (Actively Caring Teaching & Serving) Evangelism Program, we collected five contact cards this week from April’s door-knocking campaign on April 12. The New Movers Group had 18 individuals who delivered eight baskets and placed 15 door hangers yesterday. Twenty-three doors were knocked, and three will make it to the prospects list. The Prison Ministry Group on April 27, received their first Gwinnett County Detention Center (GCDC) Back to the Bible (BTTB) request from an inmate for a virtual Bible study. The Compassion Card Group created 40 cards and will send 20 cards this week and 20 next week. The Greeter Group reported that WCOC had seven visitors this week.”

New Hope Road church of Christ, Dacula, Georgia (remote): Charles Harris (regional trainer) reports, “The New Hope Road church of Christ went over the HTHSOE Bookmark again as they began implementing the Evangelism Model. The elders of the Cartersville church of Christ handed out Post Seminar Surveys, which will be answered and returned shortly to help with planning works. They will be announcing a start date soon. I was privileged to preach a meeting for the Waco church of Christ. Many attended all services, and two Bible studies were set up.”

Paintsville church of Christ, Kentucky: Zach Collins (preacher) reports, “Throughout April, we had a through a study of John 4 as we focused on 12 Rules for Better Personal Evangelism. These 12 rules were presented in a series of four sermons. This sermon series intended to, first, continue to stress the focus on evangelism. Second, the intent was to hone our individual evangelistic skills, so we can contribute collectively to our evangelistic effort. We stressed prospects, participation, and purpose. After elevating the subject of evangelism for an entire month, many contributors have been inspired to bring their contributions! This has led to some probable Bible studies, along with two Bible studies that are taking place. We are continuing to grow! We appreciate all prayers for the work at Paintsville.”

Central church of Christ, Paducah, Kentucky: Adam Faughn (preacher) reports, “This week, Central sent out another 100 cards from our Evangelistic Card-Writing teams. We are glad that our members continue to encourage various people. We continue to work on several follow-up visits and pray for good soil as these visits are made. For the last two weeks, we have also been so encouraged to have a significant number of guests, many from our community, at our services. Among these are a considerable number of young people, and we are grateful that our youth group has been welcoming and very encouraged by having these guests. We continue to pray for open doors to studies and to get to know each person better. To God be the glory!”

La Plata church of Christ, Maryland (remote): Eric Sykes (regional trainer) reports, “This week, we sent out 20 compassion cards. We had two visitors, and we took one visitor to lunch. We also mailed 1200 copies of our first edition of the House to House/Heart to Heart newsletter to our community.

“Ten members have enrolled in our advanced teacher training course. Each one has completed Back to the Bible and Does it Matter training classes. The advanced teaching training course is scheduled to start on Tuesday. We had seven folks attend our new converts training classes. We have nine open Bible studies. We appreciate all prayers as we strive to spread the gospel of Christ in our community and implement the evangelism model at our congregation here in La Plata, Maryland.”

West Hwy 160 church of Christ, West Plains, Missouri: Marvin Hatley (elder) reports, “A prospect that recently lost her husband was showered with compassion cards, had benevolent assistance around her house, and was taken out for a meal. The congregation’s efforts resulted in the prospect asking if she could attend worship with us on Sunday. Of course, the answer was “Absolutely! We would love to have you!” In addition, the prospect also stayed for our congregational potluck meal. Lord willing, a Bible study will result from continued efforts in supporting her through her recent loss and future difficulties.

“A Bible study was conducted using BTTB Book 3 on Friday. The prospect persisted in his denominational view that John 3:16 is the only essential verse on salvation. Lord willing, the study will resume this Friday with open minds and Bibles.”

Foristell church of Christ, Missouri: Aaron Baker (preacher) reports, “Each quarter, our deacons update the congregation about their work and how it affects evangelism. For example, our worship organization includes ensuring people are trained to greet visitors who might come in the door and invite them for lunch. Our deacon over benevolence might give a brief update related to requests we have received and people we have helped so we might recognize those opportunities and look for studies to be set up. We have found that these quarterly deacon updates have been a great way to remind the congregation of our goal of evangelism and show how we are trying to reach that goal.

“Currently, we have three ongoing Bible studies. Please pray for Dakota, Jennifer, Heidi, and one other study about to begin. We go weekly to visit new movers and those who receive compassion cards. This effort has been going well, and it is a great way to make new contacts. We appreciate all prayers as we work in the Lord’s vineyard.”

West End Blvd church of Christ, Cape Girardeau, Missouri: Jared Scaggs (preacher) reports, “We have added another Bible study this week; two of our members who are being trained to do in-home Bible studies were taken to a friend and were able to go through the first study on the spot. They have set up the second study on their own.

“Congregationally, we have started the training for the second book of Back to the Bible.  According to the website, we are around 30 percent of the way through the material and have already had three baptisms, four ongoing Bible studies (one of which should be ending this week), and more contacts than we have had in almost ten years of preaching.”

Samford church of Christ, Steel, Missouri: Kyle Imel (deacon) reports, “Last night we heard a sermon on Bible studies and compassion cards from utilizing the training cards from HTH. We also have invitation cards printed, and we were challenged to hand out at least one card and look for members of our community to turn in for compassion cards.”

East Flushing church of Christ, New York (remote): Clarence Jenkins (preacher) reports, “The sisters had a fellowship on Saturday and passed out House to House Heart to Heart publications to people in the community. After worship service on Sunday, we watched the Introduction: HTHSOE Training Cards, Part 1. Then we passed out the Evangelism model training card for the second time and had a discussion. We have a hot prospect who continually comes to worship services. We had fellowship with him on an all-day event Monday. We appreciate all prayers.”

Cary church of Christ, North Carolina: Larry Fife (preacher) reports, “We are actively engaged in two Bible studies, eagerly awaiting their fruition in the weeks ahead. We have extended our support to a lady battling cancer by sending her compassion cards, and several members have visited her. She plans to visit us soon, and we are keeping her in our prayers for continued strength and encouragement. Last Sunday, our connect group came together to write 40 compassion cards, a humble expression of gratitude for the ongoing blessings we receive from God.”

Linville Forest church of Christ, Kernersville, North Carolina: Steve Hare (elder) reports, “We baptized Rachel Krampans today. She graduates college next week. Her grandparents are faithful members and have been planting the seed with her for some time; she has been coming with them to services more this year. She has been reading her Bible and has decided that she needs to become a Christian. I counseled her today and had a review of the things she has been taught. We have plans for her to be in Bible class this Sunday morning!”

Carthage church of Christ, North Carolina (remote): Randy Chambers (preacher) reports, “This past week we had two visitors that we are prospecting. One Bible study was conducted using BTTB Book 2, and we scheduled the next study for this week. The congregation mailed out visitor cards to four visitors, and ten new movers’ baskets were delivered in the community. We are thankful for our workers and encourage others to do their best to follow the plan and keep the faith.”

Streetsboro church of Christ, Ohio: Ralph Price (preacher) reports, “We continue to have visitors whom we are prospecting.  We do not currently have any studies in progress, but we are hoping to set up studies soon with some of our visitors. We recently got our accountability board mounted. The two visitors I mentioned in our last update returned this week.”

Greenville church of Christ, Ohio: John McGiffin (preacher) reports, “This past week, we sorted through all the visitor cards from the past four years. We also looked at old attendance records for the past six years. We compiled a list of 40 individuals who have been members in the past or have visited more than once. We posted the listing and encouraged current members to adopt one of the prodigal/multi-visitors. They are to send or deliver the new HTHHTH “Come Home” edition we recently received. They are responsible for a follow-up phone call and/or compassion card. Several members signed up for people they knew or people in their neighborhood. We are anxious to see if this technique is successful. We presented the new converts with a certificate and an NKJV Bible for their study sessions.”

New Concord church of Christ, Ohio: Terry Townsend (preacher) reports, “We had our largest crowd post-Covid on Sunday. We continue to see new faces almost every Sunday. Many of our recent visitors are continuing to assemble and show more interest. One new Bible study is set to take place this week (possibly two). Follow-up visits are taking place. We will send out a new round of compassion cards in the next week or two.”

Coweta church of Christ, Oklahoma: Keno Shrum (regional trainer) reports, “Last Wednesday, we went through Lesson 3 of BTTB with Kirby. He recognized that he needed to give his life to God in a scriptural manner and was immediately baptized for the remission of sins. He is an amazing young man, and we know he will do well! This week we will go through Lesson 3 with Clayton and Shy.

“On Sunday, we enjoyed spending the day training the church of Christ in Bridgewater in Katy, Texas. This congregation has a heart to grow. They went through the HTHSOE Basic Seminar a year ago, but they just needed a little bit of help as they developed the model.

“I was greatly encouraged by their desire to grow, and I know they will do great things for the Kingdom under the guidance of John and Bob, their elders. They have a great preacher, Brother Wade Webster, and men like Doug, Andy, Ken, and Mr. Ezzell, and many are ready to get to work! Their ladies and even their teenagers are working hard for our Lord. One teen went home and scheduled a Bible study with a friend immediately after our Sunday training. I look forward to seeing all they will accomplish!”

York church of Christ, Pennsylvania: Mark Raschke (deacon) report, “To be completely honest, our evangelistic efforts have not recently been up to the standard that they once were, as we have had a lot of focus on preparing to move to our new building. However, the last few weeks have been good, as we have resumed sending cards to our contacts. Today, we also had our second baptism in April. We could finally schedule a study with a dear lady visiting us for several months. By the end of the first Back to the Bible booklet, she asked the same question as the Ethiopian eunuch: ‘Why shouldn’t I be baptized?’ After a few more questions about that topic, we discerned that she was ready. I have included a couple of photos.”

Union church of Christ, South Carolina (remote): Terry Hale (preacher) reports, “We had more members in training last week. Unity among members is better than I have seen before. New converts participated in the program, eager to learn. Bible studies continue as well as mailing compassion cards.”

North Bradley church of Christ, Cleveland, Tennessee: Keith Wilson (preacher) reports, “We went out in the community yesterday and had some good visits. We have five or six Back to the Bible studies ongoing, but progress is slow due to scheduling.”

Hebron church of Christ, McMinnville, Tennessee: Derrick Stiles (preacher) reports, “We have had another wonderful week at Hebron. Lessons from John 4 and training on the Evangelism Table were completed on Sunday. We have a coordinator for the Evangelism Table. We have three Bible studies, and all seem to be going well. The family of eight who visited last week returned to services Sunday, and work has begun to establish a relationship and proceed to a Bible study! We are very encouraged at the positive responses to the School of Evangelism and look forward to implementing more work in the future.”

New Hope church of Christ, Middleton, Tennessee: Cole Wade (preacher) reports, “We recently had a family of three visit us for Sunday worship. It seemed like everyone talked to them and made them feel welcome! We also sent them on their way with a welcome bag we prepared. One of our members invited them, and I believe we will see them again! We appreciate prayers for further development with this family!”

Madison County church of Christ, Jackson, Tennessee: Steven Sprouse (preacher) reports, “We are continuing to pray for the lost on our lists, and we are continuing to emphasize relationships and following Jesus in our teaching. Sickness has kept some of our prospects away, so several members have reached out to show love. Two of our men have given pep talks recently that seemed to motivate a few who seemed unengaged.”

Rivergate church of Christ, Madison, Tennessee: Doug Tooley (preacher) reports, “The elders and minister meet every Tuesday night to continue with their own training, discussion, and planning. We continued with the fifth week of the preaching and training schedule. I am preaching on Sunday morning from the schedule, and one of our elders is teaching the training class.

“One of our visitors, whom we showered with cards, returned for the second visit after receiving compassion cards. She works with one of our deacons. She has been taken to lunch, and the deacon and his father-in-law, one of our elders, hope to schedule a Bible study. A lady whose mother was a longtime member has come back to the church and expressed a desire to place membership. She is also working on her sister, who has not yet obeyed the gospel.”

Hillsboro church of Christ, Tennessee: Chris Sliger (member) reports, “We had a baptism! Franklin (Bubba) Steele was added to the Kingdom on Wednesday, April 24. This was the culmination of good work from Terry Floyd (member), the compassion card teams, and other church members. We rejoice! Compassion Card Team A met after Sunday’s service to write cards to two contacts. Roy and Joni continue to meet with the Colvaines, and James continues to meet with his coworker.”

East Main church of Christ, Murfreesboro, Tennessee: Brad Rowley (elder) reports, “Last week, East Main wrote 50 compassion cards. We completed three service projects and delivered five new mover baskets.  We did not have any new Bible studies or contact cards. Yesterday, April 28, we rejoiced in the baptism of two young ladies. Mary Dooley was baptized by Cole Walker, a new convert himself.  Mary has been studying with Cole, Braxton Weeks, and Jeffrey Smith. Kacey Smotherman was baptized by Brad Rowley; she has been studying with Brad and Braden Emberton.

“We are thankful for our core group within our college ministry. They are very close and desire to join our evangelism efforts. Several college students have recently decided to be identified with East Main as their home congregation. We are thankful for our college minister, Seth Ferguson, who teaches and leads them to be servants to the Lord. To God, give the glory!”

McKenzie church of Christ, Tennessee: Randy McAdams (elder) reports, “Today we gave our contact list to our team leaders for May. The list consists of six names, five of whom are non-members. We continue to present to our congregation each Sunday night videos that further explain how and why we can make good use of the Bookmark/Contact card. Chance continues to give the lessons on Sunday mornings that precede the videos. Finally, we are working on a Spanish ministry in our congregation, utilizing a Honduran family, who are members of our congregation, as our leaders.  We plan to order some Back to the Bible booklets in Spanish for them to use this week.”

Brushy church of Christ, Centerville, Tennessee: Kevin Johnston (preacher) reports, “We had a great day with our Sunday morning worship, and then we held our fourth annual fishing, fellowship, and worship service at Bill McDonald’s lake, which is only a few miles from the building. Several local congregations attended, and we had well over 100 present. Everyone had a great time, and we connected with several new contacts.”

Mountain Creek church of Christ, Chattanooga, Tennessee: Michael Tomshack (elder) reports, “Thursday night, April 25, Ali Hagemann continued a Back to the Bible study with her friend, Kaitlin McBride. At about 8:15 p.m., Kaitlin said she needed to be baptized. We called a few people as witnesses of the baptism celebration to welcome our new sister in Christ. Praise God for the increase. We are adding Kaitlin to a Compassion Card Team. Kaitlin attended Gary Massey’s (Elder/Minister) New Christian Class on Sunday. Danny Ellis (Keepers Leader) began incorporating her into the congregation. Kaitlin is excited to work in our marketing/social media effort, which corresponds with her college degree.”

New Union church of Christ, Manchester, Tennessee: Paul Fulks (elder) reports, “We had five visitors from the community. Our evangelism team made four visits. Our new movers’ team did not make any deliveries this past week. The congregation submitted six contacts for prospecting. We have one person in our New Converts class. We wrote forty-four compassion cards to send throughout the week.”

Chapel Hill church of Christ, Tennessee: Matt Jones (deacon) reports, “Everything continues progressing well. We are keeping a steady list of contacts for our card-writing teams. We have had good feedback from those who have received cards. We will add cards for new movers this week and then deliver baskets. The new mover team assembled more baskets this past Sunday to be delivered soon. Isaac just wrapped up a series on worship on Sunday morning, and this has served as a great refresher for many and eye-opening to many visitors. We continue to welcome new visitors each week, and many continue to return. Our new converts class is still going well. The Lord is blessing this work!”

Buda Kyle church of Christ, Texas: Ronnie Scherffius (preacher) reports, “After a lull in contacts and a bit of a slowdown, the work at Buda Kyle is getting back on track and moving forward. We are now actively working on six new contacts and will be fine-tuning other areas of the work over the coming days. We appreciate all prayers as we labor in the Lord.”

Eisenhower church of Christ, Odessa, Texas: “As always, the congregation here at Eisenhower has been busy. We had our seminar with Jeff Miller from Apologetics Press; it was informative, and it created an opportunity to reach out to our local community. As a result of this endeavor, we saw several people from the community, other religious groups, and several members of the Lord’s church who had fallen away from different congregations in the area.

“As we press forward, several of our members have continually contacted our visitors. We are making plans, along with our card efforts, to maintain these contacts and hopefully turn them into prospects. As a result of these and other efforts, Ms. Angie was baptized into Christ on April 26. She is the daughter of Ms. Delia, who obeyed the gospel last year.

“We would also like to inform you that Ms. Cynthia, a dear member here at Eisenhower, had been speaking with her granddaughter, Ms. Hope, and as a result of that effort, she was baptized Sunday afternoon, April 28. We have already set both young ladies up in our new converts class, and we pray that God will continue to bless them and our efforts for His cause. We appreciate prayers for these two young ladies as they go forward in the cause of Christ.”

North Jefferson church of Christ, Mt. Pleasant, Texas: Kris Groda (preacher) reports, “Gracie Hall decided to obey the gospel tonight. She has been studying with Keely McCary and Carey Whatley for a while. I’ve been doing a series on baptism during Sunday morning Bible class that they have been attending.  She went through all three “Back to the Bible” lessons but needed more time and study. This makes four baptisms this year.  We have sent out hundreds and hundreds of compassion cards and have more visitors right now than I can count.  Evangelism is our focus, and it’s a blessing to know that I am not the only one hustling anymore.  Congregational evangelism is a blessing.”

9th and Main church of Christ, San Angelo, Texas: Bryan Braswell (elder) reports, “We have four active studies ongoing, and they are close to baptism. We are still active, sharing contacts every time and meeting more frequently with our teams. The congregation loves the focus. We are also working on a few people that have stopped attending faithfully.”

Bridgewater church of Christ, Katy, Texas: Doug Suggs (deacon) reports, “This past weekend at the Bridgewater congregation in Katy, Texas, Keno Shrum, a regional trainer, was with us. His lessons were encouraging, and he helped us in our efforts to work the SOE curriculum. He was encouraging, and we will be better prepared to evangelize in our area.

“On Sunday afternoon, Ken, one of our members, met with a contact who thinks a study may occur very soon. Another member, Andre, is studying with some teachers at his school. This has been going on for a little while. On Wednesday evenings, I will teach for a quarter with Back to the Bible and train with visitors, new movers, and other work areas. One of our compassion teams meets on Sunday evening to address cards to our prospects.”

Canyon Lake church of Christ, Texas (remote): Raoul Ferris and Jesse Stuart reports, “Currently, we have two in a New Converts study using the Open Bible study method. We have a family of seven doing the Spanish version of Back to the Bible, while two of their children study in English. We have two other individuals in studies as well. We continue to do follow-up work and use the three follow-up questions, which have led to some studies. To gain new contacts, we are contacting the community using the book Coping by Steven Lloyd at the local library. We now have one new contact using this method. We were assisted in setting up a Bible study page on Facebook called “Canyon Lake Bible Study.” This Facebook page is designed to hit the masses within a few-mile radius of us in Canyon Lake by using videos from World Video Bible School, Apologetics Press, and GBN.”

Wheeler church of Christ, Texas: Garrett English (preacher) reports, “I did a lot of reviews and went over the website and methods to find ways to keep seeking souls. I printed and edited the benevolence list and plan to have us mail that out to everyone in city limits.”

Granbury Street church of Christ, Cleburne, Texas: Ryan Cowan (deacon) reports, “These past two weeks have been incredibly uplifting as we celebrated two baptisms. Bella Mora, a teenager from Granbury Street, completed a Bible study with Kaitley Cowan and decided to be baptized. After a lunch at our home, Bella and Kaitley reviewed Book 2 and then attended a baby shower at the church. Following the event, Kaitley and Bella continued their study with Book 3, leading Bella to decide to be baptized. With the assistance of our preacher, John Haffner, Bella was baptized by her father, Michael.

“The very next day, Kerista Cowan studied Book 3 with Leanne Taylor, who expressed her desire to be baptized. After discussions with John, Leanne was baptized into Christ. Leanne’s journey is special, as we first met her while door-knocking last summer, and Kerista formed a close bond with her, especially during Leanne’s eye surgery recovery. We are overjoyed by Bella’s and Leanne’s commitment to the Lord. Leanne will join our Foundations class, while Bella will continue to be a part of our Junior/High School class.

“Lastly, Ella Cowan is currently studying with her college classmate, Kaylee, who also joined us for lunch. Although Kaylee is not yet ready to be added to the church, Ella continues to share God’s Word with her. We appreciate prayers for Kaylee.”

Crosby church of Christ, Texas (remote): Jon Wheeler (elder) reports, “This past Sunday, we were excited to see a gentleman who was given a new movers basket two weeks ago. He filled out a visitor’s card and had conversations with several members. We look forward to following up with him. Six more new movers’ baskets were delivered on Saturday. We were pleased to see the husband of a recent convert visit again. He attended the new converts class with his wife and was very attentive. We ordered a Spanish Bible for him. We plan to work with his wife to teach him the gospel in Spanish. We delivered a very large gift basket and four bags to a prospect who just had her baby. (Photo attached). She and her husband were very appreciative, and she indicated they would be back in services soon.”

Graceton Church of Christ, Diana, Texas: Johnny Willeford (elder) reports, “Our Mission Monday group will be meeting tonight to update everyone on our home visits for the past month and get new assignments for the upcoming month. My wife and I have a Bible study scheduled with Rondah and Earl, a couple we have been visiting for several months. Rondah is undergoing cancer treatments at this time and needs our prayers. She visited with us at our Sunday morning service. We also had four other visitors on Sunday morning. The Compassion Card Group C met Sunday afternoon to sign 44 cards for four new contacts. They will be receiving them this week. We will hold our Annual Graduating Senior Fellowship Luncheon this coming Sunday. Continued planning is underway for our Family Day VBS.”

Daniel Welker (HTHSOE graduate) reports, “I am in Clearfield, Utah, preaching. We have been here since Tuesday. On Thursday night, we visited with my best friend and his wife; we have been through Back to the Bible 1, 2, and 3, but she was not ready because of her LDS upbringing. I planted a lot of seeds for her to think about. She had been thinking about it all night Thursday and most of the day Friday because I got a text from her husband when I was fellowshipping with some members at the building that Angel wanted to be baptized. I baptized her Friday night.”

Eight Mile Rock church of Christ, Bahamas (remote): Tavaro Hanna (preacher) reports, “I preached the Door Knocking sermon today; it was well received. We went over the door-knocking card after worship. Today, we prayed for those on our Contact Cards, and some of us have reached out to our contacts.”

NOTE: These reports are from Christians and congregations enrolled in the House to House/Heart to Heart School of Evangelism. These emails are sent to teach and provoke one another to remain focused on the mission of Christ. Each week, we share several reports and highlight one with more details. We hope you enjoy reading them.

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