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Success Stories: May 29, 2024 | Reaching the Lost


Reaching the Lost- Success Stories

Total baptisms (2018-2023) reported from U.S. Congregations: 3,748
Total baptisms reported from U.S. Congregations 2023: 1,403
Total Baptisms Reported from U.S. Congregations 2024: 472
Total Restorations from U.S. Congregations 2024: 43
Total Seminars Conducted (2018-2023): 240
Congregational Enrollments in 2024: 19
Remote Enrollments for 2024: 40
Schools of Preaching for 2024: 4
Student Enrollment: 160
States Reporting: 19

Upcoming Seminars
June 2-4: Celina church of Christ, TN
June 5-7: Hammond church of Christ, IN
June 8-9: Needmore Road church of Christ, Dayton, OH

HTHSOE Checklist

Featured Work: churches of Christ in Kansas

Editor’s note: Dustin Dougherty is one of our ten regional trainers. He focuses his work on congregations in Kansas. The church is very weak in the Midwest, especially in Kansas. Dustin has been working hard to reach congregations and encourage them to focus on evangelism. We ask that you pray for Dustin and the congregations in Kansas. Progress has been very slow, but nonetheless, it is being made.

Featured Article: Kansas is a Mission Field
Written by Dustin Dougherty

Good evening, brother. This last weekend, we traveled to the Agra church of Christ in Agra, Kansas. It is the small congregation my parents and several other family members attend. It is where my dad preaches. It is where I started preaching when I was much younger when my dad had to work. There were only 11 of them on Sunday; they usually run 8 or 9 people on average. In North Central Kansas, the need for evangelism is great. Unfortunately, many congregations throughout North Central Kansas and Western Kansas are all posting similar numbers in single to low-digit numbers for attendance on Sunday mornings. I taught the adult class that morning and gave the lesson. It’s always great to make those trips back to where a person got their start.

The Beloit congregation had a fair turnout on Sunday, considering it was Memorial Day Weekend. On Wednesday evening, we continue through the “Does It Matter” booklet, comparing and contrasting the differences between “Back to the Bible” and “Does It Matter” and the different ways to use each material. We are continuing to move forward with our evangelism plans for the summer with VBS and looking toward the future with outreach events and our gospel meeting this fall. I have been using invitation cards and leaving those in various places.

I’m also working on churches of Christ in the Kansas directory, sending every congregation in Kansas a survey questionnaire to fill out and return. That way, we can document and have updated information for every congregation in this state. So far, the response has been mediocre, but some congregations have been more than happy to return the filled-out survey with all their current information. I will meet again this Wednesday with the individual studying in the “Growing in Christ” book, praying the information presented will help him again draw closer to Christ. To God be all the honor and glory.

Congregational Reports

Glencoe church of Christ, Alabama: David Marker (elder) reports, “We are making plans for our VBS. Rob Whitacre (member) presented a lesson, ‘When Jesus went door knocking,’ which served as a great challenge to our members as we begin door knocking and personally deliver invitation cards. We are also sending invitations to those who have received compassion cards and delivering invitations to our new movers. We are conducting ongoing new conversion studies and Bible studies with some of our hot contacts. We remain vigilant in looking for more ways to interact with the community to make our evangelistic efforts more effective.”

Liberty church of Christ, Jasper, Alabama (remote): Brandon Glover (evangelist) reports, “We continue to use our community Bible study to gain contacts and build relationships (prospects). This past week, we concluded a private study, which resulted in two more baptisms. So far, we have had seven baptisms using this method. We have two more studies set up to begin next month. Please continue to pray for this effort as we work with HTHSOE to develop this community contact creator.”

Central church of Christ, Saraland, Alabama: David Dixon (preacher) reports, “For the last couple of weeks, I’ve been out of pocket, so I feel like I haven’t had my finger on the pulse of the evangelism work. But I know this, it has continued without my being at the forefront of it. That means this whole movement is not entirely dependent on the preacher. The elders are keeping it going. The members continue to be fully invested even after ten weeks. We have sent out over 1000 cards, and we now have realistic expectations regarding how many we should be sending out every week. We have made some visits to follow up and are seeing the truth of the statistics you shared with us. Ten percent of contacts become prospects, ten percent of prospects become Bible studies. That is just reality. You have to envision the number of Bible studies you want for a year and work back from there. If we want 10 Bible studies, we need 1000 contacts. And we are working toward that number. But they won’t all come at once. They will be spread out over a year. But we now understand that as long as we do the work, the results will occur. God be praised!”

Petersville church of Christ, Florence, Alabama: Adam Richardson (preacher) reports, “Rob, we had a great Sunday and finished up the “Back to the Bible” study book 1 as part of our theme on ‘Focusing on the Kingdom.’ There was one response at the end of the sermon as a member publicly repented of not following the Bible’s authority as closely as they knew they should. Next month, we’ll shift to “Finding the Kingdom” and use “Back to the Bible” book 2 to point to the church. Our evangelism tables are in front of the auditorium and the rear foyer (pic attached). We had 14 people send compassion cards yesterday afternoon and prepped around 175 cards this week.”
Hatton church of Christ, Alabama: Chris Miller (preacher) reports, “More good opportunities continue to present themselves. Since we have One Mission, we look for those opportunities everywhere, just like at a recent funeral we had at our building where quite a few non-members came. A young lady, Faith, has come back after several conversations and receiving some cards, and we have begun studying with her. We also had a restoration this Sunday. Tanner Craft, who had been wayward for quite some time, has rededicated his life, and we rejoice in his decision.”

West Huntsville church of Christ, Alabama: Paul Owen (associate preacher) reports, “The West Huntsville congregation experienced another great Sunday! We conducted our second “1 Mission Meeting” last night. There are many visits being made by our members, and we are seeing the fruit of our evangelistic efforts. We had another baptism on Sunday! A lady had been visiting with one of our members for a few weeks and she obeyed the gospel after a few Bible studies. Glory to God!”

Rison church of Christ, Arkansas: Keden Shrum (preacher) reports, “Care Team B met Sunday evening to sign cards for two community members who recently lost loved ones. Friday afternoon, I met with Ron (a recent card recipient), and we completed lesson 1 of “Back to the Bible.” We have two other prospects who have expressed an interest in a personal Bible study, but both are having trouble finding time for it. We will continue our contact with them.”

Malvern church of Christ, Arkansas (remote): David Burruss (preacher) reports, “We are continuing our training sessions and just wrapped up John 4 and the training for compassion cards. The congregation continues to be supportive and very excited about this program. I am still working on assigning leaders/tasks and adjusting to align with our congregation’s size better. I am a little behind due to sickness, but I hope to complete this this week. We currently have six prospects and two will lead to visit attempts this week. Our compassion card team started meeting last Tuesday and sent 25 compassion cards to our prospect list.”

Lake City church of Christ, Florida: Jim Flegert (elder) reports, “Our preacher TJ Gifford delivered two excellent sermons today on evangelism. This is one of the ways we have established to continue encouraging our members. Our team four wrote compassion cards today to several of our contacts.”

Niceville church of Christ, Florida: Joe Palmer (preacher) reports, “This week is a ‘Be not weary in well doing’ week. We currently have ten prospects we are working with and studying with, but the work is slow. I have studied four lessons with my prospect. One of our men has studied the entirety of Jule Miller Video and numerous other lessons with a couple. I have studied two lessons with another young man. One of our elders has a study set up with another couple. A young couple in our church has done two studies with a couple about their age and has another study set up with another couple. For some reason, none of these are making a commitment, but many of them are attending and staying interested in study.

“Last week I preached on ‘How to Really Love Your Neighbor.’ I used this as a springboard lesson to discuss our New Movers ministry and get sign-ups for workers. This worked effectively. We had 200 invitations given out this week to send to our new movers, inviting them to a “Community Fish Fry.” One lady I am studying with helped me put the packets together to hand out, and another said he would pray for the work. We have even had people attend a card meeting where we were sending them a card. That was really awkward, but hey, they are still coming. We are starting a young adult class on Sunday morning and the class will be comprised of several unconverted young adults.

“This week we had no new local visitors but did have several prospects in attendance. We sent out 20 cards and had two Bible studies. We are keeping on keeping on, knowing that ‘in due season we will reap if we faint not.’”

New Hope church of Christ, Dacula, Georgia (remote): William Howard (member) reports, “We continue to collect names from members, and all is encouraging. Names are coming in of people who are familiar with the congregation. We have known them for years, and they know us. Now, we are actively seeking them as a group rather than individually. That is good. The next step is to assign leaders to coordinate and head up groups.”

Carrollton church of Christ, Georgia: Danny Spain (member) reports, “We currently have three prospects and sent 15 cards last week. We have five to six ongoing Bible studies. Last Sunday, we had three or four visitors.”

Cartersville church of Christ, Georgia (remote): Charles Harris (regional trainer): “Yesterday, my family and I were able to worship with the Cartersville church of Christ. We officially will begin working with them June 2. Corey Barnette preached part 2 of the HTHSOE sermon from John 4 and presented it wonderfully. The elders allowed me to promote the usage of the HTHSOE Bookmark at the close of morning service. There has been much excitement about the work since we held a seminar a few months ago. I walked into the building and saw that the Evangelism Table had already been set up. Several members expressed thankfulness that my family has arrived to work with them. The Cartersville church of Christ is who taught us the gospel and has been a source of encouragement ever since. We are thankful for the opportunity to help them get more focused on our one mission.”

Bremen Church of Christ, Georgia: Scott Broughton (member) reports, “We had seven studies this past week using the “Back to the Bible” study guides. Two of those were first-time studies. This coming week, we will have three studies in the third book. We are continuing to share and pray for those on our lists. I have noticed that sharing our prayer lists will generate a conversation about evangelism. This is always a good thing.”

Lafayette church of Christ, Georgia: Jesse Teague (deacon) reports, “We had our annual picnic at a local state park this past weekend. A good opportunity to strengthen the congregation and invite folks who need to hear the gospel. It’s a good “keeper” activity, as well as an opportunity for evangelism. The workers at the park are always invited to eat, too—as they have souls!”

Woodstock church of Christ, Georgia: Matt Amos (preacher) reports, “During our ACTS (Actively Caring Teaching & Serving) Evangelism Program, we collected three contact cards this week. The Prison Ministry Group has implemented the phase 1.0 Bible Study kickoff with the Cherokee County Jail (CCJ). The first virtual Bible Study’s dry run was completed, and a production visit was scheduled. CCJ has seventy-five potential students. The Compassion Cards Group sent twenty-eight cards this week. We had six Bible studies and one baptism this past week.”

Honolulu church of Christ, Hawaii: Tagiilima Esene (regional trainer) reports, “Aloha from the Honolulu congregation! We continue our current Bible studies with four souls. Several local visitors are prospected through cards and eventually a meal invitation. The highlight of this past week was a service to our community that was appreciated and eye-opening. We held our community giveaway this past weekend, and we had such a great turnout. Because Hawaii is so expensive, the thrift stores are often the place to shop for most people. What is better than the thrift store? A free giveaway. We had an evangelism table out during our giveaway. The table had prayer requests for our community. So many came to the giveaway and appreciated the service we provided. Giveaways are a great contact maker. We have several contacts that are now added to our prospect list. Please continue to pray for us all. God bless you!”

Central church of Christ, Paducah, Kentucky: Adam Faughn (preacher) reports, “Joseph Langston and his family have been visiting with us for several weeks. This Sunday, Joseph responded—which was a surprise to us—to be baptized. It was a surprise because he had come to us from another congregation. But he said that he had been baptized around 20 years ago? at a much younger age and did not have any idea what he was doing then. He said he wanted to be baptized so his sins would be washed away, and we are so grateful for his decision! We are glad to have his family with us and pray that we will mentor him as he gets more grounded in the faith. One Bible study completed Book 1 this past week and hopes to start Book 2 this week. The student is very eager, and we are hoping this study progresses. We are now one week away from Vacation Bible School, and we are continuing to pray and plan so that we do not just “have” this event but that we create contacts and do a good job following up.”

La Plata church of Christ, Maryland (remote): Eric Sykes (regional trainer) reports, “We’re still working on implementing the ‘evangelism model’ here at the La Plata church of Christ. We’ve assigned area coordinators for visitors, new movers, and the bookmarks. We had seven visitors, and we wrote 16 compassion cards. We have seven members in our new converts’ Bible study classes. Eight members attended the advanced teacher training course. We still have several open Bible studies. We ask for the prayers of the saints, as Sandy and I will make a couple of visits tomorrow. We completed “Back to the Bible” several weeks ago with them. And they’ve said that they would like to be baptized. But they have several questions. So please lift us in prayer as we try to help them to come to a better understanding of the gospel so that they can obey the truth and be baptized. We love you all. Talk to you soon. Take care, and God bless!”

Looxahoma church of Christ, Mississippi: Blake Hawkins (deacon) reports, “We continued to deliver new mover baskets following the afternoon worship service. We saw an increase in movers this month, so we are working on increasing participation. On one visit, we met a young family with six children who were very thankful for our hospitality and concern for them. We will add them to our compassion card list and plan a follow-up visit soon. With a gospel meeting and VBS this summer, among other opportunities, we will need all hands on deck to help get the word out. Creating a culture shift to be an evangelistic congregation takes time to cultivate. We are consistent in our card writing each week while looking to add to our contact list and continue making monthly visits.”

East Main church of Christ, Tupelo, Mississippi: Barry Kennedy (preacher) reports, “There is still a lot of excitement stirring in the congregation! For the opening prayer last Sunday, Wade asked everyone to get out our bookmarks and take a few seconds to consider the names we had written, and we had a prayer. We were hit with a big loss within the congregation with the passing of brother Robert Kingsley. He was a great evangelist (he even set up a correspondence course with one of his home health nurses the week before he passed), and I am so excited to see the congregation moving forward with this great work! The elders have divided the list of potential coordinators to reach out to them about helping oversee those specific tasks. We are awaiting the arrival of our visitor cards (which should be arriving this week) and looking forward to presenting them to the congregation this coming Lord’s Day. Last Sunday, we had a lesson entitled “What Is That in Your Hand?” to introduce the training card for the evangelism table. The goal was to remind people that God can do extraordinary things with ordinary tools. We are collecting contact cards and working on getting them moved into the card-sending phase. Wade, the elders, and I are all meeting every week to stay on track, get completely organized, and trying not to be overwhelmed!”

Samford church of Christ, Steele, Missouri: Kyle Imel (deacon) reports, “Samford reviewed the baptism training card last night during evening services. We are visiting those from compassion cards and wrote one compassion card to an individual needing prayer last night.”

West End Blvd church of Christ, Cape Girardeau, Missouri: Jared Scaggs (preacher) reports, “This week, we are sending compassion cards to ten prospects. We have one ongoing Bible study and are helping 3 people who have found us with various needs. We have had two visitors from House to House and are beginning the training for the specialist Bible study groups. Saturday, we had a VBS meeting, which was very successful, and the main focus was evangelism.”

East Flushing church of Christ, New York (remote): Clarence Jenkins (preacher) reports, “We had a first-time visitor to worship services, and we’ve been prospecting, adding to our number of prospects to nine. We currently have 3 ongoing Bible studies. We have six new converts. A prospect we haven’t heard from in a while was reached out to; they then connected back and made arrangements to be picked up and come to worship services next week for the first time. We give glory to God for the seeds of love planted and watered; we’ll continue to water and pray, looking to God to add the increase.
We appreciate all prayers.”

Linville Forest church of Christ, Kernersville, North Carolina: Kelly Brown (preacher) reports, “We were blessed to witness the baptism of Luis Perez. Luis is the father of one of our members, Zinnia Student. Zinnia and her husband Chester have been studying with Luis for a while, and he realized he needed to be baptized. It was a very great and special Sunday morning. We continue to be blessed with so many opportunities. Several members are working and studying with someone. Keep us in your prayers as His work continues at Linville Forest.”

Carthage church of Christ, North Carolina (remote): Randy Chambers (preacher) reports, “One of our members brought a visitor to Bible class and worship service, he introduced him to the members, and he received a welcome bag, and we took him out to lunch afterward. Although it seemed a good experience for him and us, he did not want to give us his address. We pray that we can continue building a relationship leading to more prospecting and Bible study. We continue praying, encouraging the congregation to use the tools and work the plan.”

Streetsboro church of Christ, Ohio: Ralph Price (preacher) reports, “We conducted our first Bible study with a man from the neighborhood around the church building. He has been attending for a while and has heard all the material from the “Back to the Bible” studies. So, we are doing the “Does It Matter?” studies with him. We finished about half last week and hope to finish the second half this week. I am praying that he obeys. We visited with another woman from the community who has been visiting. She agreed to a Bible study, but I haven’t scheduled one with her yet. She wasn’t sure what her schedule would be this week and has also been under the weather. We are getting set up to do another round of new movers on Sunday.”

Greenville church of Christ, Ohio: John McGiffin (preacher) reports: “Kevin Berry spoke on Sunday. He emphasized the need for everyone to be involved in evangelism. Additionally, we had several visitors in attendance. They were treated to our visitor experience. Several members have visited our prodigal members. They are well received. They are not entirely convinced to return to worship services, but the relationships have blossomed. We hope that the visits will produce some fruit soon. One of our recent converts brought two friends to services. They are interested in Bible studies. I am trying to arrange a time we can get together. We continue searching for a new minister to lead the congregation in the evangelism model.”

New Concord church of Christ, Ohio: Terry Townsend (preacher) reports, “We will send out 75 compassion cards this week. We have around seven new contacts. The transition teams have been given their new assignments and will make their visits in the next 7–10 days. There are no new Bible studies, but we anticipate some soon. One of our recent visitors has expressed interest in being baptized and one of the elders is following up with him.”

Cheyenne church of Christ, Oklahoma (remote): Nathan Brewer (member) reports, “Sunday morning, we watched Lesson 1, “Let’s Get Motivated” during Bible class. Before watching, we handed everyone a copy of “Evangelism Simplified” and all three “Back to the Bible” booklets. Since our preacher, Chris Moore, has already contacted a prospect, my wife and I worked out a schedule for the brethren to mail compassion cards to the gentleman on Saturday evening. Then, after class on Sunday, we passed out cards and envelopes to everyone with their mailing date and the prospect’s address. Sunday night at our house, my wife spent two hours opening and sorting and categorizing all our compassion cards.”

Coweta church of Christ, Oklahoma: Keno Shrum (regional trainer) reports, “Last week we finished “Back to the Bible” with Chris. He recognized that although he had been “baptized” at a young age in a Baptist church, he was not baptized in a scriptural manner. He acknowledged that he did not confess Christ and that, quite frankly, he had no idea what he was doing or why he was being baptized. He said he just did what the preacher told him and others to do. With his new knowledge of what baptism is, what it symbolizes, and why it is required, he gladly received the Word and was baptized. While there are many studies and many resources in the brotherhood, one thing I love about “Back to the Bible” is that it lays a solid foundation built on the Word of God. So when people get through Lesson 3, They fully know what they are doing and why they are doing it. We are so happy for Chris as he begins his journey with God!”

York church of Christ, Pennsylvania: Mark Raschke (deacon) reports, “We may have had a breakthrough with a repeat visitor who hasn’t wanted to share any more information but might have decided to accept an invitation to a Memorial Day cookout. We have been patient as each contact has the potential to become a prospect. Please pray for the York church of Christ.”

Broad Top church of Christ, Pennsylvania (remote): Ed Howe (preacher) reports, “We made the transition to the first “Back to the Bible” study with a lady who is quite active in a local Brethren Church. We had a good visit/conversation before we started the study, which began after the third question (my partner and I were very encouraged). She seemed receptive to focusing on the Bible. We have scheduled the second study for May 30.”

Union church of Christ, South Carolina (remote): Terry Hale (preacher) reports, “We are currently conducting six Bible studies. Four prospects are on our list, and one is visiting this week. One study is pending, and three prospects are receiving compassion cards. One of our trained members took the lead in a study for the first time and followed the training very well. The prospect came to worship yesterday and brought a young child as well.”

Stoney Creek church of Christ, Elizabethton, Tennessee: Mike Blevins (elder) reports, “We passed the questionnaire out yesterday and picked them back up. Kris introduced the program yesterday. He has been gone for two weeks now with camp. The elders will go through the surveys and organize them while he is gone. We had three families visit yesterday. They have been coming for a couple of months. We studied with one family last Thursday and it went well. Working on relationships with the other two.”

Hillcrest church of Christ, Springfield, Tennessee: Johnny Trail (preacher) reports, “We are continuing through the series that you have provided. We just set up the evangelism table and have placed the model evangelism posters throughout the building.”

Mountain Creek church of Christ, Chattanooga, Tennessee: Michael Tomshack (elder) reports, “The past week Gary Massey (elder/minister) and Don Hedrick (elder) continued a “Back to the Bible” study in lesson two. Gary also continued a study with a man from a denominational background. He has been a regular guest for a few months. Summer vacation season has begun, which will not pause our evangelism efforts. We have a several volunteers to serve in each area.”

Rivergate church of Christ, Madison, Tennessee: Doug Tooley (preacher) reports, “We are continuing to check off pieces of the plan. This week we had teams deliver our first baskets to new movers. We made some good contacts. We had one that is a really good prospect. The wife had recently lost a family member and is in need of prayer. We have plans in the works for VBS and a Wednesday Summer Series. We are praying these will produce contacts. One of our new converts has volunteered to help with VBS. She is also encouraging her husband to be more active. It’s exciting to see someone jump in with both feet. The elders and minister are continuing to meet weekly to make sure things are staying on track.”

Madison County church of Christ, Jackson, Tennessee: Steven Sprouse (preacher) reports, “Two of our ladies delivered eight new mover baskets last week. Two good prospects developed from that. Yesterday, we had a visitor from a new mover basket that was delivered in October. In total, we have six good prospects right now that we are hoping to earn the right to study with.”

Hillsboro church of Christ, Tennessee: Chris Sliger (member) reports, “Hillsboro currently has seven contacts on their Compassion Card list, which is the most we’ve had since early March. These contacts are a combination of referrals and new movers. We hope that God will open their hearts and that one (or more) of these compassion card recipients will translate into visits. As mentioned during last week’s report, one of the contacts (Nicole Hope) is a young woman with a terminal illness; we ask that anyone reading this to please pray for Nicole and her family during this difficult time. We recently just ordered our second batch of New Movers cards from Hannah, which is a positive indicator that we are being active. Regarding community outreach, we have a community event planned for early August.”

Brushy church of Christ, Centerville, Tennessee: Kevin Johnston (preacher) reports, “Planning and preparation were utilized to see that the evangelism efforts continued—compassion cards were made available earlier in the week due to some members being out of town. That allowed us to continue this work. The benevolent team is finding ways to reach out to those with needs and utilizing benevolence as another evangelistic tool. Thanks for your prayers and support!”

New Union church of Christ, Manchester, Tennessee: Paul Fulks (elder) reports, “We had two visitors from our community this past week. The congregation submitted one contact card to be placed on our prospect list. We sent out 41 compassion cards. Our evangelism team made a total of six visits.”

Chapel Hill church of Christ, Tennessee: Matt Jones (deacon) reports, “We are staying focused on the lost. All areas are working well. We have our Vacation Bible School fast approaching and will be doing our door knocking to advertise this great community outreach tool next week. We still have weekly visitors and have many that are repeat visitors. They continue to be greeted and welcomed by our visitor team. Our compassion card teams continue to do a great job! Overall, things are still going well!”

Southwest church of Christ, Austin, Texas: John Garza (regional trainer) reports, “Currently, we have three Bible studies taking place. Two of them are in the final booklet. Also, we are looking forward to prospecting new contacts each week from our contact creators.”

Buda Kyle church of Christ, Texas: Ronnie Scherffius (preacher) reports, “We are continuing to aggressively execute our Compassion Card program. We are hopeful to establish at least one Bible study to begin next week. This study will be conducted with a young couple who have visited us for the past two Sundays. Also, we are looking to begin a Bible class on Sunday mornings with “Back to the Bible” as our curriculum and a “new converts” class (designed to remind us of biblical fundamentals and train members to teach these fundamentals) on Wednesday nights. This class format will begin next quarter.”

Bridgewater church of Christ, Katy, Texas: Doug Suggs (deacon) reports, “At Bridgewater church of Christ, Louvon H. had a study with a member of the Mormon church. She hopes the woman will be willing to study again. One of our compassion card teams will meet on Sunday evening to send cards. On Wednesday evenings during Bible class, we are going through the BTTB lessons on how to teach.”

Canyon Lake church of Christ, Texas (remote): Raoul Ferris and Jesse Stuart (evangelists) reports, ” This week, we were blessed to have Abraham Rios from Northern Oaks church of Christ labor by our side. He assisted with leading book two of “Back to the Bible” and did a fine job. Abraham was also able to set up the next study. In addition, we continue our regular studies while the majority stay on track. We did have four cancellations due to illnesses. We are coming to the end of our Monday studies at the library, and we look forward to employing this method in the future. Donna Taormina decided to obey the gospel on Memorial Day.”

Wheeler church of Christ, Texas: Garrett English (preacher) reports, “The visitor from last week was unable to study this week, but we will keep trying to study with her. This week, I preached how the church worships, making it distinct from denominations. I also gave ‘Muscle & A Shovel’ to the local barber and asked her to read it and let me know her questions. We ate at a restaurant yesterday, and a lady we had sent cards to but not been able to visit said she very much appreciated the cards after her husband’s death. I plan to contact her and make the visit as soon as possible.”

Granbury Street church of Christ, Cleburne, Texas: Ryan Cowan (deacon) reports, “This past Sunday we assembled 64 new movers baskets. One of Rob’s instructional videos was posted on our church Facebook page and all members were encouraged to take part in the effort. Jeff Day, one of our shepherds, is continuing to research a way for us to baptize a woman named Debbie. Debbie lives in the same facility as one of our recent baptisms, Irma. Debbie is essentially immobile with very little strength. Jeff has hit a few roadblocks in our attempt to baptize Debbie, but he continues to seek an avenue for success. Kaitley is about to begin book three with one of her coworkers, Vicky. At the conclusion of Kaitley’s last study, Vicky asked to lead a prayer. During the prayer she tearfully asked that she would have the strength to do what she knew was right. Please be prayerful for Kaitley’s efforts. This is Kaitley’s first study with a working adult.”

Graceton Church of Christ, Diana, Texas: Johnny Willeford (elder) reports, “The Graceton congregation enjoyed a wonderful Lord’s day yesterday. We received an update from Tom Wacaster on the Kakinada School of Preaching in India that we have supported for thirteen years. There were ten visitors in attendance at this morning’s worship service. Our Compassion Card group A met Sunday afternoon and will send 58 cards to 5 contacts this week. Our Mission Monday group will be meeting tonight to give updates on home visits and receive new assignments. My wife and I will have the third Bible lesson with Rondah and Earl Shaver this week and are very prayerful that they will respond and put Christ on in baptism. They have been attending our services for the past month. Our first Sunday fellowship meal is planned for this coming Sunday, and we continue to invite our contacts and others from our community to share it with us. Thank you for your continued prayers for our evangelism work, and we will continue to pray for yours.”

9th and Main church of Christ, San Angelo, Texas: Bryan Braswell (elder) reports, “We had a good week. A lot of our members were out of town due to the holiday. However, this is not to say we were not focused on evangelism. We’ve had an influx of new visitors due to our “Back to the Bible” focus in Bible classes. The elders met with two families desiring to place membership. One said he needed to study more but wanted to be baptized for the right reason/understanding. This same man’s daughter said she wanted to learn “how to study the Bible.” We continue to add to the kingdom souls hungry for the truth. Focus is key.”

West Side church of Christ, Salem, Virginia: Jeff Duram (elder) reports, “On Sunday, one of our deacons, Jeremy White, presented an encouraging and challenging message to ‘change the culture’ and do ‘everything through the evangelism filter.’ We sent ten cards to a local visitor. We plan to send 30+ cards to local prospects we met in the community in the last few days. We had 65 Congregational Seminar Surveys turned in, which had many positive comments about the possibilities this model can bring to the West Side family.”

NOTE: These reports are from Christians and congregations enrolled in the House to House/Heart to Heart School of Evangelism. These emails are sent to teach and provoke one another to remain focused on the mission of Christ. Each week, we share several reports and highlight one with more details. We hope you enjoy reading them.

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