Reaching the Lost- Success Stories
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Featured Work: McEwen Church of Christ, TNEditor’s Note: John Jones served as a missionary in New Zealand. Upon returning to the States, he set his heart on serving a congregation where he could focus on soul winning. Earlier this year, HTHSOE went to McEwen to help them enroll. They have been training and building the work each week. Their effort is paying off and souls are nearing the cross. Below is the article he wrote in the bulletin to update their progress. It is so encouraging. Compassion Cards to Bible Studies I want to update you about the congregational evangelism work that has been taking place. Over the past week or so, we have had the opportunity to visit with three families who received compassion cards. Every single visit has resulted in a scheduled Bible study. Here are their stories (I have left out the details of their names for their privacy, but Lord willing, you will have an opportunity to meet them soon!) Family 1: The first visit we made was to a young mom who had recently lost her father. The church at McEwen had sent a week’s worth of frozen meals and ten days’ worth of compassion cards. When the visit was made, she made this comment: “I know how much McEwen church of Christ loves us, even though we don’t know y’all very well.” That was the perfect opportunity to ask, “Would you like to know more about us?” When she said yes, we were able to set up a Bible study that is taking place this week. Please pray for it! Family 2: The second visit we had was over dinner at our house. One of our hardworking young couples suggested this family in a contact card. They had previously attended our church family retreat. We all had dinner together and sat around talking for a couple of hours. This conversation included spiritual topics; as a group, we concluded that a Bible study would be an excellent way to keep our focus on God and to know the best way to impact our community for Him. We are planning on a weekly study that begins tonight! Family 3: The third visit was made Sunday afternoon. Another awesome couple from church wrote a contact card for their neighbors who had attended our worship services a year or so back. They apparently had been very excited about our visit. When we walked through the door, the man grabbed all the cards we had sent him and said, “Look at this!” We sat around the kitchen table, which they had loaded up with snacks and drinks for us, and we talked about spiritual topics for almost three hours. I did my best to not answer any of their questions, but to deflect to a later time when we could have our Bibles open for a study. This family was very kind and excited to talk about God’s Word, and we look forward to our time of Bible study with them. This is great! How can I help? Pray! This is the most important thing that can be done. We are asking God to help these individuals with whatever challenges they are facing in life, but we are also asking Him to open their hearts so His Word will make an impact. God’s Word is simple and true, but the world has done a great job of making it confusing. We are praying that God, through the Gospel, will remove the barriers of false teaching so that His Word can be obeyed. Keep providing contacts! Clearly the card sending method is working. Who do you know that could benefit from this? After they see how much the congregation loves them, their hearts will be primed to open up God’s Word and see how much He loves them! Ask how you can get involved! We are slowly getting our program going, but if you have not been asked to help with something yet, please reach out and see what work is going on so that we can delegate some responsibilities to you. Each member is now on a card writing team, and we encourage you to attend your card writing sessions as scheduled. Beyond these scheduled tasks, we would love your help in whatever way you are willing. Again, we ask for your prayers for these families so that “the Lord [may] open [their] heart to pay attention to what [is] said” (Acts 16:14). “At the same time, pray also for us, that God may open to us a door for the Word, to declare the mystery of Christ . . . that [we] may make it clear, which is how [we] ought to speak” (Colossians 4:3). Congregational ReportsWelcome New Hope church of Christ, Florence, Alabama: We welcome the New Hope church of Christ to the House to House/Heart to Heart School of Evangelism. They had excellent attendance and support. The elders are ready to lead, and the preacher can hardly wait to begin the training. Welcome Old Philadelphia church of Christ, Lebanon, Tennessee (remote): We welcome the Old Philadelphia church of Christ to the House to House/Heart to Heart School of Evangelism. This congregation has been serving the Lord since the 1850s. They are faithful and prepared to grow. Their preacher, Tom, also serves as an elder alongside T.O. and John. Their Associate Minister, Alex, will serve as their coordinator. All of these men are committed to evangelism and ready to lead the congregation to new heights. The congregation is motivated and ready to do their part. They enrolled remotely and started their training with HTHSOE regional trainer Keno Shrum coming for a Kickoff Sunday! Glencoe church of Christ, Alabama: Keith Ritchie (evangelist) reports, “Glencoe is happy to announce that two more precious souls obeyed the Gospel this past week. Hunter Hanners and Austin Cochran are now in the new converts classes offered at Glencoe. We are happy to announce another brother in Christ has decided to place membership with us and serve with the Glencoe congregation. God is blessing us with workers, and we pray the excitement continues! To God be the Glory now and forever!” Fayette church of Christ, Alabama: Josh Taylor (deacon) reports, “We had our mission Sunday monthly meeting last night. We discussed our benevolent gift baskets that were sent to our previous contacts. I visited with Mr. Robert Tate last week in his home. As I have mentioned in past reports, he continues to visit with us. His wife is bed-bound but working to improve. We continue to discuss with him and build up our relationship with him, in hopes that we can have a Bible study with him. We assigned new contacts based on individuals on our current prayer list. We use a big prayer list for individuals to send cards and offer prayers. In our Mission Sunday meeting, we learned that one of the individuals, Mr. Kenneth Smallwood, and his wife Sandy, have been visiting one of our sister congregations. Kenneth has been diagnosed with cancer, and the prognosis is not great. It was reported to us that Kenneth and his wife were baptized into Christ around a week ago. While we did not have a direct impact with those two baptisms, we had been praying for them and God provided the increase to those working with them at the Cleveland church of Christ in Bankston, Alabama. God is great!” Highland Park church of Christ, Muscle Shoals, Alabama: Andrew Myhan (deacon) reports, “Our congregation started a new Bible study this week. This came directly from the card ministry. The Sunday ladies class had a special class on the program. Several new teachers are being trained in Back to the Bible. Lastly, we added a new coordinator to take visitors out to eat.” West Huntsville church of Christ, Alabama: Paul Owen (evangelist) reports, “I wanted to share some wonderful news regarding a recent family who has moved into the neighborhood of one of our West Huntsville families. They moved in just a couple of doors down from our members, and I am thrilled to report the positive interactions that have taken place since their arrival. The wife of this family is a Christian, but her husband did not share the same beliefs initially. Recognizing the opportunity to extend warmth and welcome, our members decided to personally visit the new family to introduce themselves and extend an invitation to attend our services. What started as a simple welcome quickly evolved into a meaningful relationship. The couple began attending our services and fellowships. After several Bible studies, I am elated to inform you that the husband has decided to become a Christian.” Petersville church of Christ, Alabama: Adam Richardson (preacher) reports, “We added eight more families to our compassion cards list and sent out 25 cards this week. Two of our coordinators teamed up to discuss how to get our Bible classes more involved in outreach efforts. Evangelism month continued with a sermon on “the lower lights” from the song we sing so often. There were three new families that visited Sunday morning; one was a local family.” Creekwood church of Christ, Mobile, Alabama: Tucker Presley (preacher) reports, “We have been preaching through the booklets the last couple of weeks, and it seems people are receiving it well! We still have two Bible studies going. One is in the red booklet. I thought it would be finished last week, but the person in the study had some questions, and we did not complete the study. We should be finished this Thursday. Another study is in the blue booklet right now. We are about to roll out the new mover’s work. We have several people interested in helping with that work, as well as several capable people who could coordinate the work.” Hatton church of Christ, Alabama: Chris Miller (preacher) reports, “We had an excellent turn out at our card writing this week with a room full of volunteers. Curtis is a hot prospect, and we are hoping for a study with him soon. When he began visiting Hatton, he was worried that he might not fit in because he thought his clothes might not be good enough. He quickly saw the love of God as many greeted him, offered him kind words, and sat with him during worship service. He is growing more comfortable with us. One young lady is currently studying with her boyfriend. A daughter is studying with her mom. A wayward member who hasn’t been in church in over five years is worshipping consistently because her granddaughter was recently converted. There are others as well, and we continue to work and study with them as we hope to see more baptisms soon.” Mountain Home church of Christ, Arkansas: Dennis Tindall (elder) reports, “Joshua presented the first Sunday lessons. We went over the model overview and discussed in specificity ‘contacts.’ We have ‘permanently’ and ‘intentionally’ changed our Sunday evening assembly format from a worship service to a Bible class format to facilitate our training. All are adding names to contact cards and praying for prospects. We have our bookmark coordinator. We completed the post-seminar survey Sunday morning, before we began worship. We are in the process of compiling results to assist our coordinators with a workforce. We are working on getting the evangelism tables together for Sunday. We have an established husband/wife team coordinators and ordered table covers. Elders and preachers are meeting on Thursday night to work on completing the coordinator assignments.” Malvern church of Christ, Arkansas (remote): David Burruss (preacher) reports, “We have completed our refresher and troubleshooting training, and coordinators have been assigned. Over the weekend, my son and I cleaned out a room and organized everything related to our evangelism program in one place, making it a true one-stop shop. We also restarted our prospect list and currently have three prospects who will begin receiving compassion cards this week. We are praying that these recent efforts will bear fruit and save souls.” Rison church of Christ, Arkansas: Keden Shrum (preacher) reports, “Care Team A met Sunday evening to work on compassion cards. We also recently ordered invitation cards through House to House, which arrived late last week. We plan to pass those out soon in an effort to increase our visitors.” Windsor church of Christ, Colorado: Lucas Stephens (member) reports, “We re-distributed our surveys for the congregation now that we fully understand the different areas. This will ensure that those who want to contribute can contribute in every way. We should have those results ready and be able to organize appropriately this week. We did not have any visitors this week. We continue to send out our compassion cards to our five prospects. We are looking forward to another good week as we continue this process of evangelism.” Niceville church of Christ, Florida: Joe Palmer (preacher) reports, “This week’s report proves that the statement ‘love conquers all’ is true—when it means ‘the love of Christ conquers all.’ This week was the culmination of an incredible journey. A few weeks ago, two sweet ladies, Edel and Yomary, (pronounced Jomary) who are good friends and natives of Venezuela, visited our church. They speak only Spanish, and we have only one Spanish-speaking member in our church, Eveliss, who happens to be a new Christian. She was baptized just a few months ago. She is a native of Puerto Rico. Eveliss was a contact we made through Karyn who is a native of Bolivia. We are still working with Karyn, who has not yet obeyed the Gospel, but she knows and admits she needs to obey. It is amazing to think that one contact has now yielded three souls added to the Kingdom. When Edel and Yomary came in to the church building, the language barrier wasn’t a big deal because they want to learn English, and they said they would be back. Before they even left the building that first Sunday, I set up a Bible study with them. Last year at PTP, I had purchased a set of Jule Miller lessons in Spanish, and they needed to be used. Eveliss had helped from the start to translate for us. She also sat with them and helped them understand the service. We took them out to eat the second week they visited, along with Eveliss. Her kindness and reassurance were so important. She assured these ladies that they had found a church that would welcome them. I asked Eveliss if she would go with me to study the Bible with Edel and Yomary. She agreed, and again, her ability to not only translate but to relate to them was so helpful. The first week of our study, she brought them little journal books and some gifts. I purchased Bilingual Bibles so they could study and learn English as they learned the Bible. Edel and Yomary were diligent students of the Word. Each week they had their Jule Miller lesson done and questions answered. We went over their questions. They were appreciative of the way the lessons were thorough and organized. Today was our fifth study and I knew they were close. We had talked about baptism on week four, but they wanted to continue to study. It was unfortunate that Eveliss couldn’t join me on this last study today because she was sick. However, I went anyway. We used Google Translate to communicate. I even had Google translate on as I listened to the Jule Miller lesson. It was great to be able to keep up with the lesson as they listened. In the end, as we wrapped up the study and closed with a prayer, they said they wanted to pray about being baptized. After a few minutes of conversation, we decided today was the day of salvation. They had one task they had to do right away, but they were baptized at 4:00 p.m.. This gave me enough time to send out one invitation to the church, and about 20 members were able to join the celebration of God’s goodness. I cannot describe to you how this impacted those members that attended. The joy of these two ladies was evident to everyone. Edel looked at the people who circled up to pray for her and Yomary and motioned in a circle with her hands and said, ‘Mi Familia,’ which means ‘My Family.’ So many Christians feel inadequate to teach the Gospel. I knew I was inadequate to teach the Gospel to two ladies who didn’t speak my language and I didn’t speak theirs. However, somehow it had to be done. I simply trusted in the power of God and a simple tool. I didn’t teach them; Jule Miller did. Eveliss and I were simply facilitators of the process. Back to the Bible, Does it Matter, and Jule Miller lessons are simple tools that only need a person willing to use them. The tools do the teaching. When we love the soul that needs the Gospel, the Love of Christ conquers all. This week we had four Bible studies and one visitor. We sent ten cards and had two souls obey the Gospel.” Avalon church of Christ, Florida (remote): Preston Silcox (elder) reports, “Sunday was our official HTHSOE kick-off. We dug into John 4, studying the methods of Jesus, the Master Evangelist. Then we passed out the bookmarks with a great response, and we reviewed the HTHSOE Model training card. We also had two personal Bible studies last week.” Margaret Street church of Christ, Milton, Florida: Troy Spradlin (preacher) reports, “We are rejoicing at Margaret Street this week as God has provided the increase! Matthew Zimmerman put on the Lord in baptism Saturday! He has been a prospect of one of our coordinators, Trevor Bostwick, who simply asked him if he would like to study the Bible. Trevor and his wife, Brooklyn, invited Matthew to their home a few times, and they studied through Back to the Bibletogether, resulting in another soul being added to the kingdom. Trevor and Brooklyn truly have evangelistic hearts, ‘like a burning fire shut up in their bones’ (Jeremiah 20:9), and we already have two more studies set up for this week! To God be the glory! We currently have 82 contacts; 29 are prospects that we are working, including ten Bible studies that are being conducted. In addition, we had five new Bible Correspondence requests that were mailed out this week. I am really pleased with our compassion card ministry, as it is operating quite smoothly now. Everyone seems to have settled into a good routine. We have sent out 769 cards to date! Our transition visitations, however, have hit a bit of a bottleneck because we need a few more volunteers to help. I met with the Elders and our Teacher’s Coordinator yesterday to work out a better plan so that we can cover all of the prospects better and get to them quicker. It is just another aspect of the ministry that needs a little fine tuning. We will keep moving forward!” Peachtree City church of Christ, Georgia: Lew Foshee (elder) reports, “On Saturday, our congregation conducted a successful community outreach event to help facilitate our evangelism efforts in the local area. We have been collecting donations of clothes, furniture, and any additional items that members wanted to contribute. We utilized the donated items to conduct a ‘Give Away Day’ to support the local community. We utilized social media extensively to advertise our event. We had several people from the community visit our campus for ‘Give Away Day’,’ which allowed us to have multiple discussions about the church. We had an evangelism table for the event and handed out several pieces of literature. We were able to create a contact list for those in attendance, and multiple families have committed to visiting our worship service. We will utilize the contact list to send cards and follow up over the next two weeks.” Bremen church of Christ, Georgia: Scott Boughton (member) reports, “On Saturday in preparation for our spring Gospel Meeting, we went out door knocking and gave away hamburgers and hotdogs at the church building. About 15 people helped with these endeavors. We were able to generate over 20 new contacts.” Woodstock church of Christ, Georgia: Matt Amos (preacher) reports, “The WCOC congregation attended the Sunabella of Towne Lake Assistant Living devotional on Sunday. They had ten non-Christian attendees. The House to House group had eight people who volunteered to go door knocking. They visited thirty-nine homes. Three of those homes will be added to the follow-up list. The Prison Ministry group had previously installed the Back to the Biblebooks series on several hundred tablets throughout the Gwinnett County Jail (2,200 beds) adult prison. This has been a tremendous success. We are also working to upgrade those tablets and hopefully 2,200 more with an application that will be used as a Zoom-like teaching platform. We are looking at Securus Video Connect as the application to get this done virtually via the one-on-one or one-to-class environment. We are hopeful that other jails will also migrate to this project. The New Converts class had nine attendees. The attendees were people from the congregation who want to help the new converts. We had six non-Christian visitors this Sunday morning and four Bible studies this past week.” Lafayette church of Christ, Georgia: Jesse Teague (deacon) reports, “We had our new-member lunch after worship yesterday to help the new members get to know the elders, deacons, and preachers. We are developing a training class to help members be better equipped for visiting and knocking doors. Ken has taken the reins for doing this good work. We have steady progress, always moving forward.” Cartersville church of Christ, Georgia (remote): Charles Harris (regional trainer) reports, “Several Bible studies are taking place. We will have a study going over BTTB 3 later this evening. Several visits for the purpose of setting up more Bible studies will take place this week. Yesterday we had visitors to both services as a result of our work with compassion cards. Also, we kicked off our widowhood ministry. This is designed to encourage our widowed members in the church but also to create opportunities to reach out to the widowed in the community.” Honolulu church of Christ, Hawaii: Tagiillima Esene (regional trainer) reports, “We continue to have Bible studies with four souls at this time. We have had new Christian families move into the area who are great workers for the Lord. Our building is still under construction at this time with the majority of the work completed. We are gearing up for our first family focused camp this summer. We continue to send cards, make visits, and host meals with prospects.” Collinsville-Troy church of Christ, Illinois: Jason Wright (elder) reports, “This week we had three Bible studies. We completed Book 1 of Back to the Bible with a couple who has been attending for a couple of months. It went well, and the second study is in the works. We completed all three books with Margaret and started the Julie Miller series. She has just been given a cancer-free diagnosis. We had six ladies visit our Ladies Day on Saturday. All six are ladies we have met through door-knocking. By the way, door knocking with a plan and a purpose works! We made 19 visits and mailed 115 compassion cards. Our New Christians’ class is going strong. This Saturday will be our Men’s Day; April 5 is the date for our food giveaway. I believe I am close to getting two studies with a recent visitor and someone who attended the community meal during AMC. We have kept in touch and developed a relationship. We continue our training and hands-on evangelism during our Servants of Souls third hour every Sunday morning. Our baptistry is ready as we continue to sow the seed!” Judah church of Christ, Bedford, Indiana: Joe Moon (preacher) reports, “We just concluded the training sermons from the School of Evangelism website. I preached ‘Everyone Has a Place’ Sunday. We are seeking additional contacts right now. We appreciate all prayers.” Highland Village church of Christ, Bloomington, Indiana: Mark Stauffer (elder) reports, “We continued training our members this week by emphasizing the importance of contacts and covering the Texting the Text training sheet. We sent 46 compassion cards and made two visits. Our new mover team identified a prospect who will begin receiving compassion cards next week. We are encouraging delinquent members, following up with prospects who are ‘on the fence,’ sending compassion cards to new prospects, and following up with visits.” Madisonville church of Christ, Kentucky: Russell Kline (preacher) reports, “Sunday a family of four came and visited us as a direct result of the compassion cards we sent them. Also, we received some mail from someone who has been getting HTH/HTH. They requested some tracts and asked for a Bible correspondence course. I don’t know how far along the Bible study with that young Baptist preacher I mentioned last time, but I will have more information next time.” Central church of Christ, Paducah, Kentucky: Adam Faughn (preacher) reports, “In last week’s report, we mentioned Stephen, for whom we were praying. Well, on Friday, just after noon, Stephen was baptized into Christ! After speaking with a couple of our members, he knew he needed to be baptized, but he was working through some areas of repentance. With encouragement from members, he worked diligently on those things and then was baptized Friday. We rejoice at his decision and are grateful for his heart. In addition, we had a Bible study with one of our teens this week (one of our teenagers studied with her). Also, another Bible study with a recent visitor was set up for this week. This man was part of our jail ministry and knows a great deal, so we are praying he just needs a few things set straight in his mind. We are also prospecting Myong, who has visited our services a couple of times recently and has several members as neighbors. She has already started asking questions and is willing to listen to what the Bible says. Good things are happening in Paducah! To God be the glory!” Aberdeen church of Christ, Maryland: Will Brown (preacher) reports, “This week, we have five prospects, and three of them are now in Bible studies. Our new Christians class is starting next week. Our accountability board is updated. Our two card teams are actively sending cards. All in all, with God’s help, we are progressing. We appreciate all prayers for our efforts.” La Plata church of Christ, Maryland (remote): Eric Sykes (regional trainer) reports, “Our compassion card team wrote 48 cards, and we have six active prospects. We visited four new movers who recently moved into a member’s neighborhood. Three folks answered the door. One lady thanked Sister Cindy and Sister Cynthia for stopping by and welcoming her family to the neighborhood. She said that she was having a bad day, so they prayed with her and offered to sign her up to receive the HTH/HTH Newsletter. She accepted. Also, a young man thanked us for stopping by, and we signed him up to receive our newsletter. Both said that it would be okay for the members of the La Plata CoC to write and welcome them to the community. One lady said she was not interested. We had six visitors this week; three were repeat visitors. We took a single mom and her two children out to lunch, and we had a wonderful time. They came to visit the La Plata CoC because one of the brothers from the Fairfax CoC told her about the HTH/HTH School of Evangelism and the evangelism program we have at La Plata. She had questions, so after lunch, we scheduled a time to meet tomorrow morning for a Bible study with her and answer her questions. We currently have seven open Bible studies. Last week we completed Book 1 of BTTB via Zoom with a family friend, who was recently diagnosed with cancer. One of our new converts completed Book 1 with three folks. Two sisters are currently attending the advanced teacher training class. Both are in studies and have completed Book 1 of BTTB—one with a niece and the other with a granddaughter. We still have one person scheduled to complete Book 3 this Thursday. Six new converts attended a training class. Seventeen members will attend this week’s video of the week for online training on the ‘Qualifications of Elders’ – Session 3. We have scheduled a training session for the congregation on door knocking for the New Movers and Visitation ministries for this Sunday. We appreciate all prayers as we strive to evangelize the La Plata community.” East Flushing church of Christ, New York (remote): Clarence Jenkins (preacher) reports, “To God be the glory. Every week that the Lord gives us is blessed, but we are especially grateful to God because Sunday, our friend Victoria became our sister as she was baptized into Christ. And as I write this report on Monday night—literally now—sister Analicia was baptized into Christ. God, the angels in heaven, and all of us are rejoicing. We appreciate all prayers.” Sanford church of Christ, North Carolina: Brian Hall (preacher) reports, “God has blessed our congregation this week with two baptisms. About two weeks, we received a request from Edward and his son Nick for transportation to be able to attend services with our congregation. Edward is wheelchair-bound due to an above the knee amputation. Our brother, Turner, was able to pick them up for Bible class and worship on Sunday, March 2. Following that morning’s services, Turner set up a Bible study with the two men for Monday of last week. Unfortunately, Tuesday evening Edward suffered a heart attack and was admitted into the hospital. He was able to return home on Thursday and immediately set up a second study with Turner for Friday evening. Both Edward and Nick made the decision to be baptized the following morning on Saturday, February 8. We are so thankful for God’s blessings as He allows us to be a part of His great work! The Christian life is the Blessed Life!” New Concord church of Christ, Ohio: Terry Townsend (preacher) reports, “ Two Bible studies continue this week. New Mover Baskets continue to be delivered, and from them, a couple of potential contacts are being added to our compassion card list. Several new contacts have been added to our compassion card list, and we will soon send cards to them. One new young family visited with us on Sunday looking for a new ‘church home.’ They received our welcome packet, and a follow-up visit will be made with them this week. They seemed very excited about their visit and assured me they would return.” Sullivan Village church of Christ, Oklahoma: Steven Hill (preacher) reports, “We give God all the glory. We cannot thank Him enough for allowing us to be a light in our community. One of the visiting families who were Christians and who came to us a few months ago, placed their membership with us yesterday. Another visitor who is a Christian has been coming for several weeks. He is growing more comfortable with the love and truth at Sullivan Village. We are still working on getting studies with several other prospects. We continue to encourage those who are new in their relationship with Christ. Our new converts class is going strong, and all of our elders are setting a strong example of love and dedication. We continue to pray for more opportunities for reaching lost souls with the Gospel.” Owasso church of Christ, Oklahoma: David Combs (elder) reports, “We are sending compassion cards to a prospect who recently lost his wife and to another prospect who recently had surgery. We currently have one Bible study in progress and are hoping to finish Lesson 2 of Back to the Bible on Tuesday. We will possibly get a start on Lesson 3 with Baron and Jessica. We have another study set to start on Tuesday with Garrett and Cassidy. Please pray for us with these two prospects and the two ongoing studies.” Porter church of Christ, Oklahoma: Nathan Boyd (elder) reports, “The Porter congregation’s official start date is this coming Sunday, March 16, 2025. Members are using the evangelism table, and it requires restocking. Members are turning in the Post Evangelism Questionnaire, and we are tabulating surveys for use in forming groups and coordinators. Members are continuing to go through Back to the Bible to become familiar with it and doing personal studies with themselves and others. Like examples in the Bible, members are verifying things to be true, resulting in questions on how to explain or work through certain questions. We are working through those to increase understanding and how to work through the questions. Watching the videos on Believe the Bible, Does it Matter, and Back to the Bible has shown to be beneficial to the church on WVBS. Due to the known help they provide, Elder Nathan is working on the church web page by adding a section of HTHSOE @ Porter. This tab will include direct links to the videos on WVBS and GBN that apply, links to the HTHSOE meeting at Porter, YouTube page for those who want to watch for the first time or that missed a section (Bible class teachers, etc.), and a Link to HTHSOE YouTube page for many of the tips and training videos Rob has made over the years. A plan is being made to create a HTHSOE section in the church library to have a copy or two of all the books, DVDs, tracts, and other tools for members to check out to watch or read. Preacher Dan reports that he was worried about all that talk of getting fired if he didn’t get the bulletin out each week and figured he better up his game as it relates to the bulletin (kidding aside). In our goal to be a congregation focused on evangelism, he is changing the title of the bulletin from “The Watchman” to “Seed Time & Harvest”. The goal is to have many articles in the bulletin that encourage evangelism. Elders are meeting this Wednesday to finalize some of our coordinator roles, review the HTHSOE modular training, review the checklist, and continue planning of the Evangelism Model. This Sunday, we will pass out the Prospect/Bookmarks to start developing our congregational prospect list. The elders have a list of 62 prospects with 10 hot prospects. Currently, two Bible studies are taking place. We appreciate prayers for open minds and acceptance of the truth.” Coweta church of Christ, Oklahoma: Keno Shrum (regional trainer) reports, “On Sunday, we will start our spring gospel meeting. Mark Garner from Monroe, Tennessee, will be our guest speaker; his topic is ‘The Fruit of the Spirit.’ We have been actively inviting people from around town to attend, and we plan to use this meeting as an opportunity to gather contacts from non-Christians who come. We have been averaging 2-5 visitors weekly and are prospecting them through compassion cards.” Cheyenne church of Christ, Oklahoma (remote): Nathan Brewer (member) reports, “My wife and I, along with our prospects Chad and Cammy, were invited to lunch with a couple in the congregation after worship on Sunday. After the meal, I went through Book 1 of Back to the Bible with them. Chad has a chemotherapy treatment this week. I asked if they’d be willing to go through Book 2 this Sunday after worship. They said they would, if Chad feels up to it.” Union church of Christ, South Carolina (remote): Terry Hale (preacher) reports, “We chart a prospect board and update it weekly with progress of prospects and names of ones making the visits. We are praying for Melissa, Mattie, Robert, Elizabeth, Mitch, and Carolyn; these prospects are in Book 3 of Back to the Bible. We had a great week of studies and training with over 20 cards mailed out.” Stewarts Creek church of Christ, Smyrna, Tennessee: Jon McCord (member) reports, “Greg preached Part 3 of ‘Jesus, The Politically Incorrect Evangelist.’ We reminded everyone to fill out their contacts. We hope to have more deacons set up soon. We are planning a ‘Friends and Family Day’ for March 23. Prior to our seminar, we had started giving new mover bags. Up to this point, we have given about 140. The person in charge of this effort asked some members to write cards to some of the responses we had that either asked for prayers or mentioned they may visit. This week, nine people are on the list for new mover bags/follow-up cards. We have organized our evangelism materials.” Birdwell Chapel church of Christ, Cottontown, Tennessee: Kerry England (elder) reports, “This Sunday we had our annual ‘Friends & Family Day’ with Don Blackwell as the speaker. We have contact information on two families who will be receiving cards this week! One of them saw it advertised in House to House and decided to attend! They stated they are looking for a church home. It is exciting to see visitors who probably otherwise would not have come, if not for House to House!” Blackman church of Christ, Murfreesboro, Tennessee (remote): Brian McCord (elder) reports, “We are sending around 30 cards this week and doing the first visits to those who have been receiving cards for four weeks. There are four or five visits taking place.” Ocoee Street church of Christ, Copperhill, Tennessee: R.E. Vann (elder) reports, “We had a family of six visiting with us for the past three Sundays; they are encouraged by our evangelism culture. Six other (family) visitors were also present. Our Bible studies were delayed again with sickness in both families. We continue working our way through the curriculum following the checklist.” Rivergate church of Christ, Madison, Tennessee: Doug Tooley (preacher) reports, “We had five visitors on Sunday morning. We had two visitors on Sunday night who came to our meal after services. Two visits were made last week. A man who had fallen away came forward to be restored on Sunday morning.” White Oak church of Christ, Chattanooga, Tennessee (remote): John McGiffin (preacher) reports, “We are concentrating on prospecting three individuals. We are following up on a lead from a visitor on Sunday. She has a brother who has fallen away from the church. We are going to call and ask if we can have lunch. We will attempt a ‘Reverse Door Knocking’ by doing a targeted Advertisement Campaign on Facebook. We will Geo-Fence that advertisement to be distributed to everyone within a 2-mile radius, plus those driving through using Facebook. We will use a PDF version of the invitation cards with some sayings like ‘Searching for answers?’ Or ‘How can we pray for you today?’ We are trying to get some foot traffic and contacts, knowing we are an aging congregation and not physically able to do traditional door knocking. Instead of going out, we attempt to bring them to us with some attention-getting Hillcrest church of Christ, Springfield, Tennessee: Tim Taylor (associate preacher) reports, “I had a great conversation with one of our frequent visitors. I discovered that she and her husband are Christians and were members of a nearby congregation, but they have not been faithful in attendance for some time now. I hope our next conversation will lead to their restoration, and they will be a part of the family at Hillcrest. We had nine new visitors, and two contact cards were completed.” Chapel Hill church of Christ, Tennessee: Matt Jones (deacon) reports, “We have a steady stream of visitors; some are members of the Lord’s church, and some are not. We continue to greet them and get contact information for those who are not already members. Our new movers team recently made up several more baskets to be delivered in the coming months. We do have one Bible study this week with a couple who have been visiting. We are praying that God will work on their hearts so they will be receptive to the truth.” Rome church of Christ, Lebanon, Tennessee (remote): David Oxley (elder) reports, “We will meet this week for our advanced class. We continued sending cards this week to one new prospect. We visited one prospect last week. We will start sending cards next week to a list of new movers. We will also start two Bible studies this week.” West Fayetteville church of Christ, Tennessee: Steve Jefferson (elder) reports, “We were very happy to have the Evans family place membership with us this past week. We are blessed to have Jesse, Mara, and baby Clara as part of the West Fayetteville family. They are already busy, inviting their family to come and worship with us. We attempted to visit four from our contact list. It was a little disappointing that three were not home. Our plan is to adjust our time of visit to be more favorable to find them at home. The good news is we had one lady from our contact who has agreed to a Bible study. We appreciate all prayers.” Mountain Creek church of Christ, Chattanooga, Tennessee: Michael Tomshack (elder) reports, “Our outreach program for new movers is employing our teenagers and youth minister to distribute welcome baskets. This initiative primarily targets individuals residing in apartment complexes, thereby expanding our reach to a diverse population.” Freewill church of Christ, Gainesboro, Tennessee (remote): Andrew Scott (preacher) reports, “We had a record attendance of prospects in the assembly Sunday. We made two new contacts who were visitors that were invited by one of our members. We will be sending cards this week to begin prospecting them. We have another meal planned next weekend with a family. Jaden Gentry continues to study the Word of God. He and his mother Pam have Bible study every night. Please continue to pray for his heart to be softened. We are reaching well above 10 percent for our prospects. Our members are ‘bringing!’ It is amazing to see what God can do through us when we fight for Him!” Southwest church of Christ, Austin, Texas: Bryce Mayfield (evangelist) reports, “Last week, one of the elders and I sat down and looked at the cards that have been sent to visitors. We need to send more as a congregation, but we are headed in the right direction. This week, I will begin follow-up work with the visitors who have received cards.” Colleyville church of Christ, Texas: John Garza (regional trainer) reports, “Currently, we have a handful of studies. We have run into a few hiccups with a couple of studies, but we are hoping to get back on track soon. We have sent cards to four prospects, and we have a new one who visited last Sunday. Next month, we are having a gospel meeting; we will invite friends, family, and members of the community to hear the lessons. Lord willing, it will be fruitful.” Howe church of Christ, Texas: Aaron Alsbrook (preacher) reports, “This past Sunday, we began the third book of Back to the Bible. The interest in the cultural shift of evangelism has been on the rise among our members. During the evening assembly, we discussed ‘Contacts: Invitation Cards.’ Both our Elders and Deacons are enthusiastic about taking on this challenge to expand our contact list. To date, we have approximately 10 contacts, and we plan to send compassion cards to them beginning the first week in April. Before sending cards, we ensured that our Bible study teams would be fully established. We eagerly anticipate this endeavor as well. Our Compassion Card Coordinator has demonstrated exceptional organizational skills and will effectively manage the cards and provide regular updates to the Bible study coordinator, so that no one falls through the cracks.” 9th and Main church of Christ, San Angelo, Texas: Leon Martinzes (evangelist) reports, “The congregation here at 9th and Main has something in the works that will greatly benefit the community once it commences. We ask for prayers for our efforts, so that we can turn contacts into Bible studies. Thank you!” Roanoke church of Christ, Texas: Caleb Rutherford (preacher) reports, “We had a very unusual Sunday, as we had roughly 40 visitors attend our morning services. Many were repeat visitors, as well as those who are already new Christians. Two families placed membership, and for that we are grateful. However, one couple who visited are not members of the church, and they just moved into our area. Kaylon and I took them out to eat, and we set up a Bible study with them for not this week, but next. Like I mentioned last week, the majority of our formal training has completed; however, our evangelistic efforts continue. Group 4 wrote compassion cards to five prospects, and our Transition Visit team continues to follow up and make the necessary visits. We still have four Bible studies currently taking place. We appreciate all prayers for our efforts.” Southside church of Christ, Lubbock, Texas (remote): Joshua Hubbard (associate minister) reports, “We have begun the compassion cards ministry, and we already have prospects who will receive cards in the upcoming week. We also have a potential Bible study this week with a coworker of one of our members. We appreciate prayers for that study.” Fruitvale church of Christ, Texas: Carl McCann (elder) reports, “We had nine visitors on Sunday. One visitor stated, ‘I will be back next week.’ This past Sunday, our newest convert brought us a contact to add to our compassion cards list. We are currently studying with nine people, and we have one group study at a nursing home with 17 residents. This week, we need to do follow-up work and deliver the new movers’ baskets. The warmer weather will make these easier to accomplish.” Midtown church of Christ, Victoria, Texas: Cody McCoy (preacher) reports, “Compassion cards are still flowing, one Bible study is ongoing, and new converts are growing. We were blessed with four visitors Sunday evening. One couple is from a Faith Bible church (the husband was baptized as a member of the church years ago). The other couple stopped by the building last Saturday and finally joined us. Our members were genuine and engaging in their visits with both couples. We also launched an evangelism activity survey requesting volunteers and training on areas of interest. We had over 40 surveys returned right after services. Everyone can do something!” Wheeler church of Christ, Texas: Garrett English (preacher) reports, “In an earlier report, I mentioned a lady whose husband was in poor health. Since then, I attended his funeral. We will continue to follow up and show her compassion in her tough time. We do believe she may visit us, and that will be our opportunity to get her in a Bible study. We have three new prospects to send cards to, which will begin this week.” Bridgewater church of Christ, Katy, Texas: Doug Suggs (deacon) reports, “Andre brought Stephen as a guest Sunday evening. Andre has a Bible study set up for Stephen this coming Tuesday. He seems to be a very good prospect. One of our card teams met to sign and address cards to our visitors, absentees, and prospects for future studies. Chad has a Bible study that resulted from his YouTube podcast. Jim had another study with John, who recently obeyed the Gospel. Our Spanish members have begun a new class that is going well. Some in the class have not yet obeyed the Gospel, but we look forward to their obeying soon. We continue to have visitors to our services.” Granbury Street church of Christ, Cleburne, Texas: Ryan Cowan (deacon) reports, “One of our elders, Clark Lehtinen, is progressing in his study with his neighbor, Tim. Clark was concerned that a discussion about the name ‘Baptist church’ would derail the study. Fortunately, Tim overcame this reality and completed Book 2. Book 3 is scheduled soon. New movers’ visits continue to take place. Our members are working hard to reach our new neighbors.” Abingdon church of Christ, Virginia: Freddie Klein (evangelist) reports, “Nathan preached on, ‘It’s Quantity, not Quality’ Sunday morning. Our card writing initiative entered its second week, with 18 participants sending 110 cards to prospects and receiving two positive responses. In the evening, Nathan delivered another sermon on ‘Restoring the Unfaithful.’ The Sunday morning Bible class hosted several young visitors, and we are currently conducting two Bible studies.” West Side church of Christ, Salem, Virginia: Jeff Durham (elder) reports, “The elders presented our 2025 Plan of Work to the congregation. Included were comments on how the traits of our PREPARED theme strengthen our individual and collective efforts to be more effective servants and soul-winners for Christ. Emphasis was placed on the priorities involving the continuing implementation of the Congregational Evangelism model. We are challenging all members to find their places in the process to work together, sharing the Gospel to our community and families.” Culpeper church of Christ, Virginia (remote): Dave Calvert (elder) reports, “One of our deacons and his wife and two daughters formed a friendship with a couple and their two daughters. This friendship led to discussions about the church. That led to the family visiting our congregation several weeks ago for the first time. Other members got to know them and shared meals with them. There were many more discussions about the Bible and spiritual things. They have faithfully attended our worship services for the past several weeks, listening to sermons concerning evangelism, specifically sermons focused on the Back to the Bible study booklets. This past Sunday, the couple responded to the invitation and made it known that they wanted to be baptized. The deacon shared a few comments about the couple and about some of their discussions leading up to this. The husband then wanted to share a few thoughts. He related how, as a farmer, his equipment needs regular attention and servicing. If this service is neglected, the equipment will start to break down and fail. He shared how their worshipping with us was lifting them up and was providing like a “servicing” of their souls. They became aware that it was something they needed in their lives. The deacon baptized the husband and then the husband immediately baptized his wife. Hallelujah praise Jehovah!” Williamsburg church of Christ, Virginia: Jim Bishop (elder) reports, “We pray for the ability to identify opportunities to make contacts, the boldness to reach out to them, and the knowledge to spread the Gospel. This week we have one Bible study for follow-up, and we have prepared compassion cards to be sent this week. We are working to add additional pew greeters to meet local visitors. While there were no local visitors, we enjoyed worshiping and fellowship with saints from Arkansas, Tennessee, and Maryland. We will conduct our regularly scheduled door knocking event on Saturday and follow up on previous visits.” Eight Mile Rock, church of Christ, The Bahamas (remote): Tavaro Hanna (preacher) reports, “It is with great joy and excitement that we introduce to you our newest member, Nekero Barbs, who is the husband of one of our recent converts, Felisha. Let us lift Brother Barbs up in prayer, asking for his spiritual growth and strength in Christ as we come alongside him in encouragement and support on this journey of faith.” NOTE: These reports are from Christians and congregations enrolled in the House to House/Heart to Heart School of Evangelism. These emails are sent to teach and provoke one another to remain focused on the mission of Christ. Each week, we share several reports and highlight one with more details. We hope you enjoy reading them. For additional HTH speaking appointments, go to:
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