Since conducting the HTHSOE seminar on February 11-13, 2022, this congregation has baptized eight souls into Christ. The elders were fully engaged in preparing for this event. We met multiple times before, during, and after to prepare, plan, and put into action the HTHSOE evangelism model. Their preacher, Matt Amos, is fully committed to saving souls in his community and had already laid a great foundation in his ministry prior to our arrival. They are following the strategy step by step and doing an incredible work. It is evident that God is giving the increase!
“We have had eight baptisms in less than a month. Landon Wallace, Thomas Hoebeke, Timothy Hoebeke, and Trace Golden were baptized at night in the ocean at a mission retreat at St. George Island on 2-22-22. Max Sessions was baptized on 2-23-22. Connor Stickels was baptized on 2-27-22. Brandon and Tiffany Spencer were baptized on3-6-22.
“We have preached the second installment of the John 4 sermon. We had people bring their HTHSOE Bookmark and took time to pray for the names.”
Congregational Reports
Caddo Mills church of Christ, Texas: Jason Sparks (preacher) reports, “The men of the Caddo Mills congregation met with Rob yesterday via RingCental and spent time troubleshooting our processes. Afterward we discussed areas we could improve, and there was an excitement in the air from it. One of our teams met after services to write cards and pray for the people we were sending them to. We are consistently sending cards and meeting people in the community! We are beginning to get cards regularly from people who receive cards from us. One man who was visited said he had tears in his eyes as he read the sweet messages we sent him. Others light up when they are told that we are the church that sent all those cards. God is good, and we are anticipating a lot of growth!”
Natalia church of Christ, Texas: Jim Word (preacher) reports, “I just did the sermon on Lesson one of Back to the Bible yesterday. It went well, and everyone seemed to be on board. I have kept in touch with our visitor Michael, and we are trying to work out our schedules so we can share a meal together. He and his wife are on different work schedules, and therefore one needs to be home for the other to leave. Next week I will do a power point sermon on the oneness of the church for one sermon and book two of Back to the Bible for the other sermon. Praying for the work.”
Shertz church of Christ, Texas: Scott Springer reports (preacher), “Sunday morning went well. I presented the first three points of the John 4 lesson. We had very good attendance. On Sunday night, I gave a lesson on Joshua 24:15 with the choice Joshua was giving the people—and applied it to us. We can do what we used to do when we had bigger numbers (but lost them); we can do what we have been doing and not change anything. Or we can do what we have been challenged to do. We did NOT pass out the cards with the 10 names as we are going to begin this next Sunday. We want our preacher, Stan Crowley, to be home before doing this step.”
Coldwater church of Christ, Kentucky: Luke Puckett (preacher) reports, “This past week was encouraging at Coldwater. We had two families visit from the community. Both were families we had helped in tornado relief. One was a wife, husband, and three children. They came on a Wednesday night. The other was a younger gentleman who lost everything. He has found a place to rent, and we were able to help him with his rent. He came with his girlfriend who is a member of the church. We were encouraged by these visits. We plan on following up with more cards and in home visits. We continued to develop some of our existing contacts by sending out compassion cards, making phone calls, and visiting in person. We are excited about some of these opportunities leading to Bible studies. We plan to continue a couple of Bible studies we already have going on this week.”
Northern Oaks church of Christ, San Antonio, Texas: Mel Hutzler (preacher) reports, “So far we had two baptisms at Northern Oaks church of Christ. We continue to hand out gift bags and take down names of those who visit. We also have new member bags as well. We have members who are prospecting individuals and setting up Bible Studies. A few are in Bible studies. We also have a picnic, youth devo, and lock-in coming up to prospect individuals and to have more contacts for the evangelism program. We have both evangelism groups sending cards, and we are ready to take visitors out to eat. Our next steps are to add the House-to-House/Heart to Heart publication and the New Movers program.”
Peninsula church of Christ, Hampton, Virginia: Ben Phillips (preacher) reports, “We are continuing to work the card ministry and follow up with contacts from our door knocking. In fact, we will be door knocking again this weekend. So far, no fruit has come from these efforts, but we have been an encouragement to many of our neighbors and only God knows what fruit that can bring over time.
“We also have several Bible studies ongoing throughout the congregation. Some have been through Back to the Bible and just haven’t been willing to make the commitment. Others are still working through the study. We are praying for their souls.
“An amazing thing has happened as we have focused more on evangelism. In reaching out to the community and wayward members, we have seen more visitors coming our way. We are increasingly having more opportunities to share the Gospel with the lost and to call the erring back to the faith. I am convinced that God in His providence is providing us more opportunities as we seek His will.”
Hillsboro church of Christ, Tennessee: Shelby Moorman reports, “We had a visitor this morning to follow up with. New convert studies continue with Mark Anderson. Please continue to pray for the work.”
Cowetta church of Christ, Oklahoma: Keno Shrum (elder/preacher) reports, “We have a member of our congregation, Danny, who has been in rehab for almost a year after his second leg amputation. Each Sunday afternoon, we take communion to Danny and have a Bible study and prayer. He has a roommate named Jack who seldom talks but always lays on his bed and listens. Jack is a man with a sound mind but whose body is failing him. He has recently been moved to being cared for by hospice. So about two months ago, Jack started asking Danny questions about God. Danny seized the opportunity and taught Jack the gospel message. Jack has no religious background to speak of but was intrigued by what Danny taught him. He had no Bible, so we took one to him one Sunday. He and Danny continued studying daily.
“Last Tuesday, I received a call from Danny. He told me Jack was ready. He wanted to begin a relationship with Christ and wanted to be baptized as soon as possible. So Jamie and I drove to Muskogee and as I visited with Jack, to make sure he understood the commitment he was making, Danny set out to work on the logistics. We were able to use the spa and gained the approval of the medical staff and center administrator. Danny, Jamie, the administrator, several nurses, and a few others, crammed into the small spa area where Jack made his confession that he believed Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that He lived and died and was resurrected to offer us a new life under a better covenant.
“With his medical condition, Jack cannot go more than just a few moments without oxygen. So he removed his oxygen tube, I baptized him, and he quickly put his oxygen back on. Through labored breathing, he said “Praise God! You don’t know what a relief it is to know where I’ll be when I die!” Today we took communion to Danny AND Jack, and we had a short lesson on why we partake of the Lord’s Supper. Jack told me the night he was baptized was the most peaceful night of sleep he ever remembers. What a gracious God we serve—a God who after 71 years of living apart from Him, will welcome Jack into his eternal abode, even a man who in all likelihood will have only months or less in His service. I agree with Jack’s statement. Praise God!
“UPDATE: Jack has left the rehab center and gone home to his daughter’s house about three hours southeast of us. I spoke to him this morning, and he is in good spirits, but his health is failing fast. He said he has had the greatest peace since being baptized and is ready to be with his Lord. Please keep him in your prayers during the time he has left as he continues to study and grow!”
Gilt Edge church of Christ, Tennessee: Daniel Dalton (preacher) reports, “Steven and Krystle were there for class and worship this morning. We are still studying with them. Sometimes repentance is hard because of deep-rooted consequences of sin, and sometimes it takes a little time. Jerry (baptized last week) was here for class and worship. His wife was here, too. We are working on her. We started the young Christians’ class today. Dewayne (one of our elders) is teaching the class. Jerry and his wife and Steven and Krystle, and Dewayne’s wife (Connie) were in the class. We had a visitor over to lunch today and have a study set up for next week after lunch. It was a very good morning at Gilt Edge!”
Wewoka church of Christ, Oklahoma: Gage Coldwater (preacher) reports, “We have had a great week here in Wewoka. We are working as a congregation to get supplies gathered to send to those in the church from the Ukraine who have been displaced. This has grown wings, and there are many in our community as a whole who have chosen to help us in this effort. This has opened the door to make many new contacts to prospect. We plan to follow up and get several Bible studies. I also had a good discussion with the man who is digging my water well at our new house. He is discussing with his wife about when a good time will be to have a Bible study with us. Keep praying for us!”
University church of Christ, Montgomery, Alabama: Faires Austin reports, “Here is the update from the University church of Christ:
- “Ashlyn Adkins, a Faulkner senior, was baptized this last week. She was taught by Jeremy Smith. Jeremy is Faulkner’s Sports Information and Marketing Director. Ashlyn is the highest scoring female athlete in the history of Faulkner basketball. She has a big social media following, so perhaps other students will take notice and perhaps Bible studies will be in order.
- “We had our annual chili and soup cook off tonight after our singing service. Several visitors were present. Contacts were made.
- “Kyle Clayton has established a Bible study with a local Muslim couple and some of their friends in California. Kyle is using Back to the Biblematerial and doing an in-person study with the local couple and via Zoom with their friends in California. We have invited this Muslim couple to come and visit our congregation, but so far they have not attended. I had a great phone conversation with Luke, the Muslim gentleman, last night. He said that he wants to get his relationship right with God. That is a good sign. Kyle and his wife are missionaries to India. They are in the States because of the large Covid outbreak in India. Kyle made a short trip back to India recently and is due back in Montgomery this week. Prayers are needed.
- “A brother in Christ, whom I’ve known for 20 years, has been having a Bible study with a Catholic priest for several weeks. He has asked me to join in this study. We have been corresponding through email with the Catholic priest. We three live in three different states. We have been answering questions that the Catholic priest has presented to us about biblical doctrine. The Catholic priest writes long articles, and we answer him with articles of Bible Truth. Some progress has been made. I hope to get the priest involved in the Back to the Bible study material. He continues to participate in our study with him. Prayers are needed.
- “Several visitors’ welcome bags have been passed out and contacts have been made as more of our members get involved in evangelism.”
New Hope church of Christ, Middleton, Tennessee: Cole Wade (preacher) reports, “We are having great results with our service and card sending. There is a family of five that we are looking to study with soon, and since we have blessed them with gifts, visits, and food, their hearts are opening tremendously to the gospel. I can’t wait to study with them! Tonight, prayers are needed for the wife of one of our recent concerts. One of our members is studying the booklets with her tonight, and we are hoping that great things will come of it!”
Deerfoot church of Christ, Birmingham, Alabama: Richard Harp reports, “We have a had a busy few weeks. Johnathan Johnson completed his study with Denarvis, our custodian. He saw the need to put his Lord on in baptism but wants to study with his wife before he does this. Please pray for Denarvis. JJ also studied with David, one of our visitors. He went through all three books and sees the need to be baptized but put it off for an unknown reason. Please pray for David at this time. Paul Windham studied all three books with Phillis Hallman. Sadly, her husband passed away from Covid, and she is struggling to grasp this. Please pray for Phillis and also that she makes the decision to obey.”
Corinth church of Christ, Tennessee: James Parker (elder) reports, “Steve has a Bible study tonight, and I have a Bible study tonight! We have a man in the congregation who is actively bringing people to worship that are not members!”
Siwell Road church of Christ, Jackson, Mississippi: Derek Broome (preacher) reports, “This past week has been a real boost in the arm here at Siwell Road. We got a report of another one of the ladies starting another personal Bible study. The first study went well, and we will be praying as this study moves forward. We were also blessed by Rob and his family joining us Wednesday night as he passed through town. Rob presented a great lesson on practical evangelism. It was the boost in the arm that we needed. Personally, it showed me areas where I need to improve, and I believe it was important for us all to revisit and think about ways we all can be better evangelists. Our prayer is to continue to grow and improve day by day.”
Warner Robins church of Christ, Georgia: Daniel Stearsmen (preacher) reports, “The Berrys had a good first study, and are looking forward to another soon. The Smiths will have another study Thursday night with a potential to reach six souls. We are praying for the Lord of Harvest to continue His blessings on the congregation’s evangelism efforts.”
Riverbend church of Christ, Georgia: Austin Fowler (member) reports, “On Wednesday night, I did study number 2 with Charlie. When we got to the question, “Did Jesus build one church or a plurality of churches?” He said, “Well, there can’t be one church.” I said, “Let’s read Matthew 16:18 again.” He read it and said, “Well, that’s got to be one.” I said, “Yes, now let’s see what Paul said about how many churches there are.” By the time we finished that section, he understood there was only one church. It was a great study. We are scheduled to study number 3 on Tuesday night. Please be prayerful for that study.
“On Saturday, we had an elders/deacons meeting. The elders invited me to give an update about evangelism. During the discussion, we strived to make sure we focused on the mission of the church—evangelism. It was very good. We are going to make some changes to benevolence to strive to make sure the focus is on evangelism.
“I am excited about this week. Tuesday, I have my third study with Charlie; Wednesday, I begin teaching Growing in Christ for our new converts; Sunday I begin teaching Fishing for Men. It is going to be a great week!”
Crossville church of Christ, Tennessee: Alan Judd (preacher) reports, “Excitement and enthusiasm remain high. Visitors have been present at each service when we have explored the Back to the Bible booklets. Yesterday, we concluded Lesson 3. Now, the entire congregation has been exposed and knows what to expect when leading someone through a study. Follow-up visits are being scheduled, new movers are visited regularly, and we continue to petition God for His blessings on our efforts and for Him to bless His Word as He knows best!”
Jacksonville church of Christ, Alabama: “We have a new family visiting. Our Compassion Cards are going out each week to prospect contacts. Eric Scher is studying with our new convert Margie. Our third study with Nyliah will be soon. Please continue to pray for her. She is the daughter of one of our new converts. Before we do lesson three, we want to make sure she is ready, so we gave her the Apologetics Press book Am I Ready to Be Baptized?”
Chesapeake church of Christ, Virginia: Ernest Benjamin (preacher) reports, “I currently have two active studies going with Antonio Cena and Deborah Jenkins. Antonia visited our services, and we are scheduled to do B2B lesson 3 this Sunday. Deborah is the wife of one of our new converts. We are scheduled to complete B2B lesson 3 tomorrow 3/8/22. We have several active contacts we are prospecting.”
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