Training Teachers (Special Forces)
To provide support in developing an evangelistic culture, we encourage you to train some “special forces” to be experts in conducting personal Bible studies. Materials were left to assist in this training. This group typically comprises around 10 percent of your congregation’s membership. The following training tips should help.
  • Use a special forces training course and select the members who might be best suited for this work.
  • Provide each team member with the appropriate tools: Fishing for MenHow to Close the Study, Evangelism Visualized, BTTB-Bookmarks, and Recipes for Evangelism.
  • Be familiar with Back to the Bible. Practice on other brethren, if needed, to make sure you are ready to teach it.
  • Avoid group studies if possible. Multiple family members are okay.
  • Always have a silent partner.
  • Eliminate potential distractions. If children are present, ensure you have helpers to keep them occupied.
  • Study at the kitchen table as it is a place where people are relaxed.
  • Teach the prospect how to use his/her Bible. Do not call out page numbers; help them learn the books of the Bible.
  • Avoid answering questions that do not directly relate to the study. Write down all questions and assure the prospect that answers will come within the study or at the end.
  • Avoid splitting lessons in half if possible.
  • Do not over-talk and under teach. Let the study (tool) do the work!
  • Know your prospect and anticipate problems and questions.
Remember, personal Bible study is the best way to convert a sinner. The statistics regarding this matter are conclusive. One-on-one teaching has a conversion rate of well over 70 percent, while correspondence courses, tracts, books, and media are in the low single digits. Now is the time to set up a team of Bible study specialists, if you have not already done so. If possible, these members should conduct all studies because they represent your “best foot forward.” Please get in touch with us at any time for further assistance. Our family prays for you each day. May souls be saved and God glorified.
If you need more information on the three booklet study series or the new training/evangelistic video, please contact me at: