New Tool: Accountability Board
By Rob Whitacre
What are your metrics and goals this year? Churches have metrics and goals for budgets, missionaries, attendance, Bible reading, and VBS. What are your local evangelism goals? Hanging in most auditoriums are record boards. Some have been removed and can be found in closets and basements. We want to propose a new type of board called an “Accountability Board.”

We have printed the following record board inserts for congregational accountability:

VISITORS: How many visitors did you have for the month? Studies show that it takes three-to-six visitors per 100 members to produce growth.

PROSPECTS: How many prospects are you actively showering with love this month? On average, only one out of every ten prospects enters into a Bible study.

COMPASSION CARDS: How many cards have been sent this month? You should send at least two or three cards daily per contact.

VISITS MADE: Prospects must be visited to test the soil. It is time to transition to a Bible study, which requires an intentional visit.

BIBLE STUDIES: How many Bible studies are being conducted? Compassion and love do not produce Christians without teaching the gospel’s precepts, conditions, and promises.

BAPTISMS: Baptisms are the result of Bible studies. If there are no Bible studies, there will be no baptisms. God links them in the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20).

BAPTISM GOAL: We suggest setting a 10 percent goal for baptisms. A congregation of 100 should seek at least ten baptisms for the year. Several churches in HTHSOE are baptizing more than 20 a year.

It is time to repurpose the wooden record boards with Accountability Boards. The local congregation needs accountability. Place it before their eyes each week and use it as a measuring stick. If you fall short, point it out and encourage the congregation to improve. If you excel, praise God, and use the success to encourage the congregation to bear more fruit (Hebrews 10:24; John 15:2).

To order the “Accountability Board” inserts, email Rob at

If you need more information on the three booklet study series or the new training/evangelistic video, please contact me at: