Bible Studies: Group Studies
What some will not do one-on-one, they will do in a group. A group is normally more comfortable and can be filled with family and friends to make a Bible study more relaxed. Group studies have become popular as “organized religion” has fallen into disfavor among some. It does not require a commitment to one “denomination” or another. It is open to all and has a community feel that appeals to many. You will find group studies in work groups, recreational centers, and subdivisions.

Is a group study an evangelism tool?  The short answer is “Yes,” but this comes with several caveats. Using a conversion study method in a group can create all kinds of problems. First, groups are hard to handle and maintain order. Second, people are not always in the same starting place. Third, the problem one person has may spread throughout the group and make bringing these souls to the cross very difficult. Below are some suggestions on how to use group studies as an evangelistic tool.

  • Advertise your study throughout the community using direct invitations, community forums, and social media.
  • Pick a neutral location for the study. Avoid the use of the local church building.
  • Pick a day that will not conflict with the local congregation’s worship and study schedule.
  • Although we should never hide the church of Christ, we should be wise in how we introduce it (Matthew 10:16).
  • Select a topic of general interest such as a Gospel Account like Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John.
  • Choosing topics to address specific needs like parenting, marriage, and mental health struggles (depression/anxiety, addiction) can be effective, but it should be done carefully to ensure the teacher is qualified.
  • Limit attendance from the local congregation, as this is for the community and should not become a congregational study. Remember, your target audience is the lost, not the saved.
  • Invite select members who are needed to help with specific needs like childcare, cooking, cleaning, setup, or other tasks.
  • Limit questions and ensure all answers refer back to the study.
  • Look for students who rise to the top and show greater interest.
  • Invite selective students to your home for a meal and seek to transition to a soul-winning study like Back to the Bible.

When done correctly, group studies can be an effective evangelistic tool. They provide a means to reach some who will not visit the local congregation or commit to a personal Bible study. Studying the Bible is never wrong. We must use wisdom to open as many doors as possible to those who live and work among the saints. I hope you will share your experiences as we learn together. If you need help, contact us, as we know of several successful efforts using this approach.