HTH: A Generational Tool
Written by Rob L. Whitacre

House to House/Heart to Heart is a monthly or bi-monthly full color, eight-page periodical that is cus­tomizable to promote your congregation to the local area. The cost for printing and mailing is 0.37 per issue. Millions are printed and mailed each year and over 300,000,000 since its beginning. This work has resulted in thousands of conversions. The following are some tips on how to maximize its usage.

  • Target one area and mail it out for at least two years before changing to a different area.
  • Send HTH every month. Using only periodic mailouts drastically reduces effectiveness.
  • Increase your coverage area to increase your overall results.
  • Let the community know the services you offer by advertising them on the front page. The following are suggested services that lead to contacts: free rides to services, free community services, in-home bible studies, bible classes for all ages, and correspondence courses.
  • Respond personally to all requests for free materials. There is no better contact than a personal visit!
  • Have a realistic expectation from participating in the HTH program. The longer you use it, the more contacts you will receive. HTH is designed to produce contacts, not converts. Follow-up and Bible studies produce converts.
  • Remember to utilize the “Targeting” option for better results. Solicit names from your congregation to receive HTH that are out of your mailing area. Encourage members to reach out to these people after a few months to gauge their level of interest.
  • Each month, you will receive extra issues that your members can distribute.
  • Place extra copies at your local businesses and offices.
  • Take advantage of other tools from House to House/Heart to Heart like creating a free website for your congregation, adding the New Movers program, and using the door knocking HTH edition during the Annual Door Knocking day.

As you continue to work this program, it will work for you! Each congregation is unique and will come up with other ideas on how to take advantage of this work. If you find something that works, please pass it along so we can share it.

If you need more information on the three booklet study series or the new training/evangelistic video, please contact me at: