Reaching the Lost: Troubleshooting New Movers
The New Movers program is one of the best kept secrets in the brotherhood. Although we try to inform everyone, due to its relatively new status, many still do not know about it. What if we told you that we can provide you the name and address of every new family who...
Reaching the Lost: Troubleshooting House to House/ Heart to Heart
House to House/Heart to Heart produces more contacts than any work in the brotherhood. Yet many congregations do not know how to use it to its full potential. We would like to help current users of HTH improve its effectiveness. The following ten questions have been...
Reaching the Lost: Troubleshooting Your Compassion Card Ministry
Compassion cards are one of the most potent prospecting tools available in the church of Christ. As our society becomes more digitized and distant, the personal touch of a card with a handwritten note is able to touch the heart and prepare the soil for the seed to be...Protected: New Movers – September 2021
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