We are excited that HTH has reached this milestone. Over a quarter-billion
copies of HTH have now been distributed through the mail, via door-knocking, in newspapers, at state and county fairs, and at parades; some have even been smuggled into countries where the gospel is still illegal. We are excited that HTH has achieved this milestone. HTH has also been distributed in print in 90 countries, and it reaches more from the website. Truly, “your faith is spoken of throughout the whole world” (Romans 1:8).

There is more yet to do. According to the World Population Clock there are more than 7.7 billion people in the world, all of whom need the gospel of
Christ (Acts 17:30). We want to work with you to reach as many of them as we can, and we strive to do it as effectively as possible.

In these pages, we hope you will find ideas that you and your congregation can use to make your evangelistic efforts more effective. We want you to be encouraged and inspired by the reports from the field.

We have new, exciting features at HTH, and we invite you to learn about them and participate in them. One feature now available is the ability to add a mailing list to to your current mailing to the community. If your congregation has a bulletin mailing list, for instance, contact us to get that added. We also encourage every participating congregation to add their members and friends and family to their mailing, as members often live outside the area to which HTH is mailed. You can encourage people to sign up to receive email updates and information at my.housetohouse.com.

Perhaps you are discouraged and feel that your efforts are not producing fruit, but, “let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart” (Galatians 6:9).

Luke Griffin
Director of Operations
House to House/Heart to Heart