Last year Sarah Brooks, one of the workers at HTH, was able to study with her friend Dakota Sams. He grew up unchurched and really knew very little about the Bible, but he was hungry to  earn. Sarah asked her Dad, Stevie Brooks, to assist with a study and they went through all three of the Back to the Bible studies in one night because Dakota wanted to keep going whenever they got to the end of a book. He was baptized into Christ at 1:30 a.m.

Dakota and Sarah are engaged to be married in just a couple of weeks.

This young convert is already bearing fruit. Conversations with Dakota’s friend Wyatt Jones and Wyatt’s girlfriend Savanah Clay led to another Bible study using Back to the Bible. After much study and many tears, Savanah put on Christ in baptism on a Saturday night. Two days later, Wyatt also obeyed the gospel. Although they each work third shift, they are faithfully attending the Heflin (AL) church of Christ, and continue to grow in Christ.

One of the beautiful things about the Back to the Bible study is that once you have been through it, it is very easy to go through it with someone else. The gospel is not complicated, and we all need to be out winning souls for our Lord.