Jude wrote, “Of some have compassion, making a difference” (1:22). Compassion surrounds a contact with passion and has power the heart like no other. Compassion falls within the prospecting step of the HTHSOE model. There are many tools available for compassion, but none better than Compassion Cards.

Most congregations send cards to members, but few target contacts in their community.  Elders, preachers, and members are comforted by cards, but they are not our target audience. HTHSOE has a model that will train and organize your congregation into an army of card writers to reach the lost. Sending dozens of cards for a period of four weeks is hard to resist.

Card sending is not the end goal, but part of a much larger mission. Prospecting softens hearts and helps to identify the “few” out of the “many.” If you want to know more about our strategies for reaching the Lost, just contact us at Rob@housetohouse.com.  You can also go to our website at evangelism.housetohouse.com.