Reaching the Lost- Success Stories

Total baptisms (2018-2022) reported from U.S. Congregations: 2,345
Total Seminars Conducted (2018-2022): 181
Congregational Enrollments in 2023: 27
Digital Enrollments for 2023: 26
Student Enrollment: 114
States Reporting: 20
Total baptisms reported from U.S. Congregations 2023: 642

Upcoming Seminars
August 16-24 Polishing the Pulpit (Sevierville, Tennessee)

HTHSOE Checklist

Featured Work: Oak Hill Church of Christ, Rome, Georgia

Editor’s Note: Evangelism is not a connect the dots situation as each circumstance is different and may require changes in strategy. HTHSOE uses the example of the “special forces” when training 10 percent of your membership to be teachers. Everyone must undergo basic training, but not everyone becomes a Navy Seal. Although anyone can use Back to the Bible, special situations require you to adjust. Recently Oak Hill encountered one of these situations. It took experience and skill to bring Bonnie to Christ. I hope this conversion account will encourage and train the saved to teach the lost.


The Power of a “Like”
By Ron Vick


When I taught school, I had a student named Bonnie. She eventually became my co-worker when she graduated, working in the school library. We often talked and remained work friends through the years.

Fast forward several years. Bonnie became interested in studying the Bible. She googled “Online Bible Course” and found World Video Bible School (WVBS). As she started taking the class on Genesis, she loved it! One day Bonnie got on Facebook to look at WVBS’s Facebook page. Only one of her friends “Liked” the page. Me.

Unknown to me was Bonnie’s backstory. She grew up in a non-religious home.  As a child, she would walk to a Baptist church three blocks away. At some point, she was heavily involved with drugs and alcohol. As a young adult, she became a Mormon, even once going to the temple in Salt Lake. She became disillusioned with them and was non-religious for many years. While watching “The Chosen” she decided to start studying the Bible. She started in Genesis.

Bonnie messaged me and told me about her studies. We began to talk back and forth about the book of Genesis. She had many questions, especially when we discussed covenants. She was an eager student and wanted to learn. It was fun and wonderful to see the progress that she made. Bonnie completed the course and received a certificate. She was excited to start the next class on Exodus.

In her study of the book of Exodus, we discussed covenants again as she studied the Ten Commandments. We talked about establishing a new covenant with the church, and the book of Acts came up, so we discussed the first chapter of Acts. Up to this point, all of our discussions were online through Messenger. After three or four weeks of talking nearly every day, she was ready to meet in person. We met at Panera Bread at 10:00 a.m. on Friday, August 4, for coffee. We talked until lunch time, covering Acts 1 and 2. When we reached verse 38, we talked about baptism for some time.

She asked, “What about my baptism?” She told me that she had been baptized twice already, once in the Baptist church and once in the Mormon church. I asked her if either was done for the reason in Acts 2:38 and 22:16. She said, “No.” Bonnie wanted to obey the Lord and was ready to be baptized. She became a Christian.

She is still leery about the “church” because of her past experiences. She is continuing to study, and she listens to our online classes from the Oak Hill Church of Christ about the book of Acts. She plans to listen to the class on Hebrews. I am very hopeful that she will be at church services in time. She has a good heart and seeks to do the Lord’s will.

All because I liked WVBS’ Facebook page. The power of a “like.”

Congregational Reports

Glencoe church of Christ, Alabama: David Marker (elder) reports, “In recent weeks, we have had several visitors in attendance. We have a study scheduled with a lady whose mom was recently baptized. We just sent our latest round of compassion cards to those who attended our backpack drive. Thanks to the New Movers program, a young girl is attending services. She has been very regular in her attendance for two weeks. She will be in our teenage class, where we are working with four other young people. Last Sunday may be the most we have had in attendance thus far. Our energy and enthusiasm is evident among the congregation. We continue to pray that God will bless our efforts.”

College Avenue church of Christ, Enterprise, Alabama: Phillip Rabren (HTHSOE graduate) reports, “Today was our start date after Rob’s seminar last weekend. Caleb Cochran (preacher) has received our evangelism tablecloth and frames for the HTHSOE posters to be displayed in their designated areas. Two couples who visited last week went to lunch with two of our elders (James Baker and Richie Bell). One of those couples desires to learn more about the church of Christ after a family member flies back home on August 22. We hope that will lead to a Bible study! Both of those couples were with us Sunday. All five elders went before the church and spoke to the congregation about their commitment to implementing the Evangelism Model. They encouraged all of us to participate and emphasized that there would be a place for everyone to serve in reaching the lost. Their presentation included a one-minute video produced by Joey Barrett (preacher) to emphasize evangelism. It was based on deciding to leave the 99 and go after the one lost soul (Luke 15). That evening, James Baker presented the PowerPoint presentation on Making It Congregational to the church. Assignments were made to redo our CIA Groups in preparation for sending Compassion Cards. This week, Caleb and our elders are selecting coordinators. We appreciate all prayers as we work to become a soul-winning body!”

Farley church of Christ, Huntsville, Alabama: Ed Linebaugh (elder) reports, “We have had an incredibly good day! On Sunday, we kicked off our SOE curriculum with John 4. We filled out our contact bookmarks and started training Sunday night. We have been studying with the South family. When we were halfway through Book 3 of BTTB they decided we did not need to go any further. They repented, confessed, and were baptized into Christ!”

Fayette church of Christ, Alabama: Josh Taylor (deacon) reports, “I completed BTTB Book 3 with TC Hubbert today. He decided to obey the gospel. TC has battled cancer for the last year. We added him to our compassion card list, sent cards, and gave he and his wife a gift basket. After a couple of weeks, I visited him and asked for a study, to which he agreed. In the third study, we asked TC the questions about baptism. At first, he was hesitant. At my first visit, TC had showed me a picture of him in January of this year. The chemo had taken its toll on him, but he was recovering. Today, near the close of our third study, I asked TC to look at that picture and to ponder on the thought about why he got better. Could it be so that he could hear the gospel? I then asked him a final time about obeying the gospel. He said, ’Well, I guess it is time for me to do it.’ So, now we have a new brother in Christ! God be glorified for giving the increase!”

Hatton church of Christ, Alabama: Chris Miller (preacher) reports, “Our elders and ministers met for a planning session to look at more training for studies, to fine-tune some of the areas to make sure critical areas are not overlooked, and to encourage more participation in crucial areas. Studies are underway among several prospects, and compassions cards continue to be sent.”

Winfield church of Christ, Alabama: Jerry Spann (member) reports, “Compassion Cards continue to be mailed weekly. About 25 to 30 members are signing five or more cards each per week. Some members have given Evangelistic DVDs to their contacts. We work the New Movers list each month with a New Movers basket and personal visit. Greeters at each service welcome visitors, hand out bags, and collect contact information. We are considering the idea of adding more coordinators in some areas.”

Lake City church of Christ, Florida: Jim Flegert (elder) reports, “Our congregation had another opportunity to rejoice after our morning worship as we watched a video of one of our young teenage girls being baptized last week. This brings our total baptisms for the year to ten. We entered our first week of participating in our New Mover program with addresses of seven movers.”

North Brevard church of Christ, Titusville, Florida: Doug Gerdes (member) reports, “We are in the third week following the seminar. Last Sunday, Matt, our minister, gave the first in a series of five lessons that will tie John 4 and other Scripture to the Evangelism Model to make the process personal for our membership. Next Sunday, we will hand out bookmarks. This week we will conclude our review of the support material and get it stored in a location close to the foyer where our Evangelism Table will be located. We started preparing the Evangelism Bulletin Board, and we will add to it as we roll out each phase of the model. It will never be static, so it continues to draw members’ attention. The elders will have their second planning session tomorrow with the minister and others to define the plan implementation details and capture in an overall detailed Implementation Plan for North Brevard. The Overall Coordinator, Point of Contact and Compassion Card Coordinators have been identified. While we begin our steps to restart our evangelism using the HTHSOE Model, we have identified 31 Contacts for our Prospect List. These all came from people that attended our Food Pantry Day and responded positively to our question about their needs for prayers. We have not even completed sharpening our scythes, and the fields are growing.”

Niceville church of Christ, Florida: Joe Palmer (preacher) reports, “Today was week three, so we collected our first referrals for our compassion cards. We had five referral cards, and three more have been added to this week’s card list. We focused on restorations in our first weekly Compassion Card meeting and have already seen the results. A sweet sister came to church Sunday. She has been struggling and discouraged. She said, “I feel so loved. I got so many cards this week.” She has reached out to a couple of us and plans to talk. We had our second Compassion Card meeting tonight, which also included training. This is the first activity led by our new Compassion Card Organizer. We did this on a congregational level since we have not launched our teams yet. We had around 25 participants and sent out 155 cards. We are still working out the kinks, but it is getting easier. The organizer of our Visitor Bag program stepped down suddenly. We will have it going again next week. Our first Bible study scheduled last week was delayed. Two prospects visited on Wednesday night. Today, our teen teacher taught Back to the Bible in the teenage class. Overall, it was a productive week.”

Woodstock church of Christ, Georgia: Greg Garner (deacon) reports, “We prayed for our prospects on our bookmark cards on Sunday. On August 13, three groups delivered New Mover baskets. We delivered four baskets and left eight door hangers. We also made ten more baskets that are ready to be delivered. The compassion card group met and wrote 15 cards. Our application class had nine in attendance. We had 16 in our new convert class. We collected three compassion cards this week. The prison ministry conducted 12 Bible studies this week. We had two visitors on Sunday.”

LaFayette church of Christ, Georgia: Jesse Teague (deacon) reports, “Several groups visited our new movers. Don, who is now handling the paperwork for the visits, was out sick but ensured us that the lists were ready for visits. His good sister Diann picked up the mantle and helped. The work must continue even when some of the key players are sidelined! Group 2 is scheduled for compassion card signing next Sunday. Since several families will be at PTP, Terra laid out the cards early so those families could get their cards done early. Marie, who had visited during VBS, joined us on Sunday for the first time. She said she wanted to make a habit of coming to church. She has had several visits. Sandra (erring sister) has been back to worship several times. She was flooded with compassion cards in July and is on the visitation list for August. Ken has at least one ongoing Bible study with Robert; he has visited a few times, and he joined us for men’s breakfast Saturday morning.”

Honolulu church of Christ, Hawaii: Lima Esene (preacher) reports, “My family and I will be at PTP to share the work that our congregation is doing. We have prospects waiting for follow up. We have a great opportunity to help people suffering on the Island of Maui because of the disastrous wildfires. Our congregation is sending financial support to help aid the efforts of the Maui church of Christ. There are so few laborers on the island, but they are doing what they can. If your congregation can send extra hands to help on Maui, send them now. In a disaster like this, the church can let the light of Christ shine. There is a need for workers who can help encourage the souls and also help them come to the knowledge of the Truth. We have prospects who will be invited to Bible studies by some of our members who are confident in leading Bible studies. This week’s highlight is seeing more new converts attending our new convert class. They just finished two sessions as they dig into the Word and grow spiritually. We appreciate all the prayers.”

Jerseyville church of Christ, Illinois (digital): Jake Medford (preacher) reports, “We finished Book 3 of Believe the Bible as a congregation, and it was good. This week, we had feedback from card recipients, and it was very positive. We had a couple of responses from House to House. We are delivering those directly this week. We continue to add to the card list weekly, and the congregation supports it. We are being intentional about evangelism, and it works.”

Paintsville church of Christ, Kentucky: Zach Collins (preacher) reports, “Recently, we have had a consistent visitor at our congregation. She is currently at the top of our prospect list. It was sporadic at first, but now she has become consistent. She is a little shy and soft-spoken. We hope to transition her into a Bible study in the coming days. Last Sunday, we gave new Bibles to our two newest converts, Braxton and Haley. We have begun preparing our evangelistic approach for two upcoming events. With much prayer, we expect God to continue to give us the increase as we sow and water the seed!”

Central church of Christ, Paducah, Kentucky: Adam Faughn (preacher) reports, “During a recent Mission Monday, we did some door-knocking near our building. We simply asked our neighbors if we could pray with them. We met Richard Plummer. He was an open book, and the conversation was encouraging. Richard is legally blind, and he lost his wife recently. We had a wonderful conversation with him and offered to arrange a ride to services, which he eagerly accepted. In the intervening weeks, one of our members has been going to Richard’s house to help him with some things and talk about the Bible. Last Wednesday night, Richard responded to the invitation and was baptized. We look forward to continuing to help him, and we give God the glory for his good heart!”

Blanchard church of Christ, Louisiana: Pat Cella (elder) reports, “We continue to work through the study of the Back to the Bible workbooks, and our preacher continues to bring lessons on evangelism. After visiting some of our prospects and inviting them to our singing this past weekend, one nice lady attended the singing. We think she is a great prospect, and she seems to like our activities as well as our worship services. We will continue to encourage her. We sent out 26 compassion cards this week.”

LaPlata church of Christ, Maryland (digital): Eric Sykes (regional trainer) reports, “Say hello to our new brother in Christ, Jeremy Harris. He is our fifth baptism since we completed our evangelism training three months ago. When we started the evangelism training program, we had around 50 members. Sunday, with our new converts, visitors, and families who recently placed membership, we had 68 folks in worship, not counting two families away on travel. God is good! We sent out six compassion cards with 12 signatures and 24 individual cards. We had three visitors; one was a repeat visitor. We added two names to our prospects list. We now have eight people in our new converts training class. We currently have two open Bible studies. We are working to restore four members. We thank God for all prayers and encouragement! We are excited about coming to PTP this week. We look forward to meeting everyone face-to-face.”

Southside church of Christ, Grand Rapids, Michigan: Freddie Klein (preacher) reports, “We had VBS this week, followed by our school supply giveaway. We made a dozen contacts. Our card-writing groups are continuing to do well. We have finished the second booklet in our BTTB sermon series.”

West Hwy 160 church of Christ, West Plains, Missouri: Marvin Hatley (elder) reports, “Members of the congregation were actively prospecting contacts this week. Our ladies prepared and delivered many meals. Men of the congregation carried out benevolent works. We had a study of Back to the BibleBook 1 through a request for financial assistance for the first time since training with HTHSOE. The prospects visited the congregation, requested help, and agreed to the Bible study as a condition for financial assistance. The study went well, and additional studies were offered. We pray that future studies will bear fruit as we move from financial assistance to studies. Several efforts/Bible studies will be on hold until after Polishing the Pulpit. Lord willing, two Bible studies will begin Book 1 of Back to the Bible as members return.”

Foristell church of Christ, Missouri: Rod Jackson (elder) reports, “We finished preaching on John 4 and the woman at the well. These lessons encouraged the congregation to think evangelistically. We began using prospect cards and turning those into contact cards for follow-up. Members pray daily for their bookmark prospects, and we continue to follow up with ten contacts and two studies.”

Fordland church of Christ, Missouri: Josh Romo (preacher) reports, “We continue to send cards and have a couple of ongoing Bible studies. We have finished Back to the Bible with one couple; Does It Matter? is our next step with them.”

East Flushing church of Christ, New York (digital): Clarence Jenkins (preacher) reports, “Having visitors every Sunday at worship is beginning to be the norm. We are taking visitors out to eat and developing relationships with them, and we have ongoing Bible studies. There is electricity, excitement, joy, and warmth in the air. We sent out 45 compassion cards. We appreciate all prayers as we continue to grow in ministering to precious souls so that they may be saved by God’s grace. To God be the glory!”

Carthage church of Christ, North Carolina (digital): Randy Chambers (preacher) reports, “This week the congregation conducted two Bible studies using Back to the Bible. Both lessons went well, although we did not complete the lessons because of time constraints. Another lesson was conducted with a prospect using BTTB Book 2. The lesson was received well, and I am praying for a continued open and receptive mind. The next studies have been scheduled and we pray all go well. The study with husband-and-wife prospects who finished the BTTB series is scheduled for Tuesday, and we are praying for receptive hearts. We are still mailing cards to two contacts; this will begin the third week of mailing. The congregation is training on Does It Matter and conducting mock Bible Studies; all those participating are getting more comfortable using the material.”

Cary church of Christ, North Carolina: Larry Fife (preacher) reports, “We currently have three Bible studies and will begin follow-ups next week from our outreach with compassion cards. Starting in September, we will have a new converts class on Sundays and Wednesdays. We have one community project to help paint a fence for someone who contacted us for help.”

Coweta church of Christ, Oklahoma: Keno Shrum (elder) reports, “I met a man through Facebook on a church of Christ discussion page. Someone had written an excellent post on the necessity of baptism. This gentleman did not necessarily disagree, but he was confused. He had found 28 verses that mentioned salvation through other means, such as belief, confession, and calling on the name of the Lord. The original poster, as well as other brothers and sisters, had replied in such a way that the man became defensive. I understand their passionate defense of the gospel, but the delivery came across wrong. Repeatedly, he said he is not against baptism, but he wanted someone to explain these 28 verses. Responders attacked him for believing false doctrines instead of God’s word, but no one answered his question. I commented and told him if he would like to send me the verses, I would happily explain them to him. He thanked me and proceeded to send them. I told him that I am not a debater. One of the first things we learned about evangelizing is ‘Defer; Do not Debate.’ Although I have always loved listening to debates, I cannot think of anyone who was converted by a debate.

“From that point, I explained how the word of God cannot contradict itself, so we need to go to these verses, look at them in their context, and see what they are saying. I went through them with him and gave him a nonabrasive yet sound answer in a manner he seemed to accept. I do not know where he lives, but I have asked to visit with him on the telephone. I hope I can get a Bible study with him if he is in this area or put him in touch with a congregation close to him that has been through HTHSOE. The ground has been tilled and planted, and it is ready for watering. We now pray that he will accept the invitation for a personal Bible study. I think we should all remember that Facebook can be an excellent teaching tool for setting up personal Bible studies, but our demeanor is important as we post.”

York church of Christ, Pennsylvania: Mark Raschke (deacon) reports, “God continues to send visitors our way. We had two families visit from out of town; each brought a local family member from York County with them. We sat with them, talked, filled out contact cards, and handed out visitor bags. We sent compassion cards to those already on our prospect list and visited some of those receiving our compassion cards. The lady’s group continues to send additional cards, care packages, and visits. They make donations, go shopping, and put together visitor bags. In many ways, the work of this group has become an extension of the same ministry. I would like to mention our annual church picnic in September. We have been mailing fliers to those on our prospect list, and we continue to receive RSVP responses. Sometimes it has been surprising to see who has responded unexpectedly. We are glad to have cast a wide net since sometimes God has been at work in an individual, unbeknownst to us.”

McKenzie church of Christ, Tennessee: Chance Steen (preacher) reports, “We had a baptism last week. In addition to this new brother in Christ, we had a restoration August 14, by his mother who had left the church 22 years ago. As the result of these two commitments toward Christ, both are bringing their entire families to hear the gospel of Christ! We began a class on the Back to the Bibleyesterday. This will be our second time to teach how to use the booklets in a home Bible study. We continue to send weekly cards, including our elderly and shut-in members. Contacts are coming in slowly, yet we remind the congregation weekly about utilizing the prospect and contact cards. Our group leaders have been dedicated to muster the members of each group to participate in the card mail-outs. We seem to have the same participants each month, so we want to encourage new participants in this process.”

West End church of Christ, Knoxville, Tennessee: Adam Wilson (member) reports, “Our Spanish minister, Hector Cortez, hosted a garage sale Saturday where he met Oleg, and invited him to church. Oleg joined us for worship and went to lunch with a member. Oleg came back for evening service and then the following day for dinner and Monday Night for the Master. We hope to secure a study soon! West End prepared thirty cards for two contacts, and six contacts received visits from the congregation. We are still awaiting team feedback, but prayers are always appreciated!”

East Ridge church of Christ, Chattanooga, Tennessee: Charles Cochran (elder) reports, “We continue to have visits and Bible studies. We just completed Book 1 of Back to the Bible with a man who has visited a couple of times. We had a great VBS with visitors. Last night, we visited a family who had come to our services. Our compassion cards keep going out each week! We have had two requests for baptism through our Bible Correspondence Courses. These two people are in prison; I am working on this.”

East Main church of Christ, Murfreesboro, Tennessee: Brad Rowley (elder) reports, “Our compassion card team sent 69 cards Sunday. We received seven new contact cards. Two of the contact cards are from New Mover Baskets. One family with four children just moved here, and we gave them the basket and a trifold explaining our family and youth ministry. The second contact was a young lady praying for a church family. We are praying that both families will visit next Sunday. We had four folks involved in Bible studies last week. We have two new studies scheduled for this week. One is from our Backpack Drive. Cole, Holly (new convert), Ellie, Anna, and Cassidy have met with the elders and have decided to be identified with East Main. East Main is blessed to add new elders and deacons. We are in the process of assigning these folks into different roles in evangelism. We still have several more projects to complete, including our website improvements and invitation cards. To God be the glory!”

New Hope church of Christ, Middleton, Tennessee: Cole Wade (preacher) reports, “We have recently sent a few compassion cards to families who have lost loved ones. Two families visited Sunday, and they were some of the last to leave because we were getting to know them! Our numbers are still strong, and many people we have not seen in a while have returned! We appreciate all prayers!”

New Union church of Christ, Manchester, Tennessee: Paul Fultz (elder) reports, “We had two visitors Sunday. Greeters record names, hand out visitor bags, and add the names to the compassion card list. We scheduled a visit during the first week after visitors attend. Card Team 2 met before Sunday evening services and wrote 45 compassion cards. Members made six follow-up visits and contacts, not counting phone calls and texts. We delivered five New Mover Baskets and sent nine cards.  We completed two Bible studies last week and have three more scheduled.”

Covington church of Christ, Tennessee: Wayne Dalrymple (elder) reports, “Last week’s study with Thomas went well. He is considering what he needs to do. We will not stop encouraging him and praying for him. We had several visitors Sunday. We will send cards and prospect in other ways as well. On Sunday, we reintroduced bookmarks to the congregation. Several new members did not know about them, and the rest needed a reminder. We will reintroduce contact cards Sunday. This week, Jeff might have a study with two brothers who are grown grandchildren of members. They have been asking a lot of good questions. This might be a great opportunity to restore their mother, who does not attend regularly. We will assign all members to card-writing teams soon. We have used the volunteer method but think this will work better.”

Midtown church of Christ, Victoria, Texas: James Cammock (deacon) reports, “A few weeks ago, we mentioned the baptism of Leonard Bates. Last week, his wife Sonia was baptized! She is deaf, but Leonard assured us that she understood what Brandon was teaching her. Brandon gave her some American Sign Language material from WVBS.”

Canyon Lake church of Christ, Texas (digital): Jesse and Raoul (evangelists) reports, “During the week of August 6-12, our families have gone out into our community door knocking, and we have added a new method. In addition to going from house to house, we have begun introducing ourselves to our area’s businesses. We included visits to Canyon Lake High School, Middle School, and Elementary School. We have filled out background checks to become mentors and participate in a Hallway Heroes program. This will complement what the congregation has been doing with the local Startzville Elementary School for many years. We introduced ourselves to the local Chamber of Commerce, local libraries, and many other businesses. One business was the local ACE Hardware; we spoke with a manager and gathered contact information, and we were allowed to leave our flyers in their breakroom. The manager gave our information to a young man named Luke. We would encourage each of you to introduce yourselves to the local businesses so you can contact the management of stores and schools.
The ladies are making new movers’ baskets and welcome bags. So far this week, we have knocked on 54 doors, visited eight local businesses, visited two past visitors, collected five contact cards, delivered one new movers’ basket, and mailed out 101 cards. In addition, we have begun to teach an overview of the HTH School of Evangelism model on Wednesdays so that all can see the big picture of congregational evangelism. We appreciate all prayers.

Eisenhower church of Christ, Odessa, Texas: Allen Weakland (elder) reports, “As the Eisenhower congregation continues to progress in evangelism, we have been blessed with several families visiting due to VBS. Two families attended the past three weeks but have not committed to a Bible study yet. We invited them to our Family Devotional last Sunday evening, and one attended. God be praised. The other family has three children, and since school has started, they are focused on getting their children ready for the new school year. We appreciate prayers for these two families.”

Southwest church of Christ, Austin, Texas: John Garza (regional trainer) reports, “The kingdom continues to grow, especially for the Southwest congregation. Last Wednesday, after much study and consideration, Marissa Norman decided to obey the gospel of Jesus Christ by being baptized for the forgiveness of her sins and being added to the Lord’s body, which is His church. By the invitation of Kara Siebert to worship and then the open arms of the congregation, Marissa agreed to study with Kara and Anita Genduso. Over the past few months, it has been a journey of patience, prayers, and tears because after studying the three books of Back to the Bible, she desired to obey, but she needed to bear fruit worthy of repentance. In short, she and her (now) husband, Blake Norman, were living together outside the boundaries of marriage, as given in the Word of God. Thankfully, her husband Blake had been studying with Tom Genduso, and they both had good and noble hearts willing to hear, examine, and obey the will of God. Therefore, they decided to be married, and after doing so, nothing was keeping Marissa from obeying the gospel.
So, after a study last Wednesday, we studied with her again the gospel of Christ and His kingdom, and she understood that she needed to be baptized, even if her husband is not fully convicted yet. She understood that her salvation was her own choice to make. Blake supported her 100 percent! He looks forward to his continued study with Tom to understand and obey the gospel like Marissa. Praise God! We request prayers for Marissa as she begins her Christian walk, and for Blake as he continues in his study of the gospel of Christ.

“We have several ongoing studies on Sundays and Wednesdays. We have multiple prospects who have visited the congregation in recent weeks, and we are working to set up a meal with each one to have the opportunity to build a relationship and offer a Bible study. The Lord is giving the increase here at Southwest as we continue to sow, plant, and reap God’s blessings of soul-winning. Praise God!”

Granbury Street church of Christ, Cleburne, Texas: Ryan Cowan (deacon) reports, “Cody Grinnell, a member, has been involved in a study with a close friend from work. They had completed BTTB Book 1. Despite Cody’s best efforts, the prospect did not schedule the study for Book 2. Cody finally learned why; the prospect was trying to meet a deadline to maintain a warranty on his home. Cody informed me, and within about eight hours, we activated our service team, led by Bill Cashion. At least four men met Cody and his prospect at the prospect’s home, spending a couple of evenings helping with the need. This left quite an impression on the prospect and his family! Cody and his friend are now ready to move forward in their study. On Wednesday night, 20 members met and wrote ten compassion cards each. Some of the compassion cards are being written to erring members. We now have nine prospects who have received at least 60 cards. Our first Mission Monday is planned for August 14.  So far, at least five families will meet at the building for a quick bite of pizza, watch a few training videos on our ‘three questions,’ and then off we will go. Five Bible studies are still in progress, and we have several more prospects who may be saying ‘yes’ to learning more about Granbury Street. We are praying for tender hearts as we seek the lost in Cleburne.”

North Jefferson church of Christ, Mt. Pleasant, Texas: Kris Groda (preacher) reports, “We are in the middle of an evangelism refresher. We are having some cottage meetings with new members who have not taken the course. We want to keep evangelism as the focus of our congregation.”

Northern Oaks church of Christ, San Antonio, Texas: Mel Hutzler (elder) reports, “Great news! Jae Coleman was baptized Wednesday. He was invited by one of our members; then Wrenn and Anthony studied with him. We are happy for his decision and honest heart to accept God’s Word. We have a few Bible studies in progress and more about to start. We have our door-knocking with Raoul and Jesse coming to teach the congregation how to do door-knocking. We have a lot more contacts from our New Movers program, and we are planning more visits. I will be studying Book 3 of BTTB Wednesday with a couple, and I hope this study will lead me to a Bible study with the young man’s dad. More and more contacts have been rolling in, and more members are following up on these prospects.”

Bridgewater church of Christ, Katy, Texas: Doug Suggs (member) reports, “At Bridgewater we continue to have visitors to our services, and we are trying to get their information so we can teach them. One of our compassion teams signed and addressed cards Sunday evening. Our new converts have been faithfully attending church services.”

Graceton church of Christ, Diana, Texas: Johnny Willeford (elder) reports, “The work continues to be fruitful. A young couple has returned to worship with us because of our new focus. They have six small children, and they are excited about working with Back to the Bible studies and outreach into our community. Our Group B signed 132 compassion cards Sunday evening. We started the new converts class Sunday morning. Six members are in the class using the Growing in Christ material. We are resuming our second Friday game night and inviting community members to come and participate, hoping to make new contacts. We have a meal, and then we play board games, dominos, and 42. We appreciate all prayers.

Central church of Christ, Martinsburg, West Virginia: Robert Veil (elder) reports, “We had a couple place membership yesterday, and we are encouraged that our numbers are increasing. We have a Bible study and new converts studies on Wednesday evenings at this time.”

NOTE: These reports are from Christians and congregations enrolled in the House to House/Heart to Heart School of Evangelism. These emails are sent to teach and provoke one another to remain focused on the mission of Christ. Each week, we share several reports and highlight one with more details. We hope you enjoy reading them.

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