Reaching the Lost- Success Stories

Total baptisms (2018-2023) reported from U.S. Congregations: 3,748
Total baptisms reported from U.S. Congregations 2023: 1,403
Total Baptisms Reported from U.S. Congregations 2024: 52
Total Restorations from U.S. Congregations 2024: 1
Total Seminars Conducted (2018-2023): 240
Congregational Enrollments in 2024: 3
Remote Enrollments for 2024: 1
Student Enrollment: 140
States Reporting: 19

Upcoming Seminars
January 21-23: Mountain Creek church of Christ, Chattanooga, Tennessee
January 28-30: Buda Kyle church of Christ, Texas
January 28: World Video Bible School
January 28-February 1: Southwest School of Bible Studies
February 4-6: 9th and Main church of Christ, San Angelo, Texas

HTHSOE Checklist

Featured Work: Southwest church of Christ, Austin, Texas

Starting the New Year, the Right Way
By John Garza (Regional Trainer)

Last week was exciting for our evangelism program as we officially started our evangelism work for the new year. It began by getting information and following up with our visitors from Sunday. A young couple worshipped with us because they desired to put God first in their lives, and we are the closest “church” to them. When I found out that they worked at a food truck down the road, a Southwest student and I went to eat there. While ordering, I began a conversation with them about the Southwest church of Christ, as we are encouraged to do with the three questions. We talked to them for about 30 minutes when Steve asked what I thought about other denominations/churches, I deferred and did not debate. In doing so, I set a Bible study with the couple for this Tuesday.

On Friday, a couple of students and I delivered new movers’ bags, and we came in contact with a man who loves the Bible, but he does not think it is inspired. He thinks “organized” religion is good for “fellowship,” but he does not go because there are a lot of hypocrites. Learning these things about him, I asked him if he would be willing to consider some evidence of the inspiration of the Bible and what the Bible has to say about the Christian religion. He loved that I was willing to study with him, so he gave me his number, and we plan to set up a study this week. Along with three new studies that are to begin this week, we have two other prospects; we plan to ask them to have a personal study, and we have three Bible studies in progress.

Finally, on Sunday, I preached a “Quantity, not Quality” sermon to reset our contact bookmarks. The congregation received it well, and I look forward to the fruit produced from the Word of God. If we want to reach our goals for 2024, we must start right to finish right. To God be the glory.

Congregational Reports

Welcome the Brushy church of Christ, Centerville, Tennessee:  We welcome the Brushy church of Christ to the House to House/Heart to Heart School of Evangelism. The congregation displayed a genuine love for evangelism in their attendance. We look forward to working with them.

Welcome the Hillsboro church of Christ, Tennessee: The Hillsboro church of Christ has had some training in the past but wanted to reboot and take advantage of the new online curriculum. With some pieces of the puzzle already in place, the congregation is now ready to bring everything together by using the HTHSOE model.

Glencoe church of Christ, Alabama: David Marker (elder) reports, “We introduced our accountability board. This will help the congregation to stay apprised of our progress. It will challenge every member to be active and engaged in the work. We had several visitors this week. One lady who was invited by a member attended with her two children. We will begin delivering the new mover baskets for January this week.”

Hatton church of Christ, Alabama: Chris Miller (preacher) reports, “We currently have several visitors who have studied with us, and we believe they are close to becoming Christians. The invitation cards continue to be a great tool, and many members are using them. Right now, we are working with two people whose time on earth appears to be short. We are praying that the compassion cards will open the door for studies soon. We have found that we typically keep 10-12 people rotating on our card list, which has had good participation.”

Monticello church of Christ, Arkansas: Josh Walker (preacher) reports, “Those who have been baptized are asking what they can do to help evangelize. We have plugged them into card-writing groups and are looking for other areas where they can help as we progress in evangelism. We continue to work on visitors, those who have expressed interest through House to House, and current Bible studies. We have prayed for opportunities, and the Lord has not failed to deliver. God is good; we appreciate all prayers.”

Foothills church of Christ, Searcy, Arkansas: Josh Alexander (preacher) reports, “After completing BTTB Book 3 on Thursday night, Kimberlyn decided to be immersed in water to forgive her sins. This is our first baptism of 2024. She received a ton of cards from our members after her first visit, and she said multiple times how welcoming we are. She is the first Christian in her family. To God be the glory.”

Lake City church of Christ, Florida: Jim Flegert (elder) reports, “Our visitor team continues to contact additional visitors. Our mover team added three new contacts to our spreadsheet. Use of our pantry has allowed us to have two more contacts. Presently, two members have three Bible studies in progress.”

Niceville Church of Christ, Florida: Joe Palmer (preacher) reports, “This week we sent 30 compassion cards and 40 cards to a list of prospects inviting them to our Back to Church Sunday. Last Sunday, we had four visitors and gave out three guest bags. We got three new contacts to add to our compassion card list. One study was set up. Kaylee Warren, one of our youths, was baptized last week.”

Woodstock church of Christ, Georgia: Greg Garner (deacon) reports, “The Compassion Card group sent two cards last week. We had 17 in our New Converts class. The Greeter Group reported that we had one visitor this week.  On Saturday, January 13, two groups knocked on doors from the HTH list in the surrounding neighborhoods around the church building. They visited 48 homes.”

Cartersville church of Christ, Georgia (remote): Charles Harris (regional trainer) reports, “A few months ago, I temporarily stepped out of the pulpit and went back to secular work. My coworkers have noticed that I talk, and act differently than they do. This led them to ask me many questions about life in general. Please pray that our relationships can continue to grow stronger so we may have Bible studies. To all my brethren, keep on being a light. Do not underestimate your powerful influence by simply trying to follow Jesus. The elders of the Cartersville (GA) church of Christ asked me to lead their local evangelistic works. In June, my family and I will begin working with them as they enroll in the HTHSOE. I am impressed by the eldership’s desire for all souls to be saved and their willingness to do whatever it takes for His glory.”

Carrollton church of Christ, Georgia: Danny Spain (member) reports, “It is a pleasure to participate in the evangelism program. The elders have asked me to be your point of contact. I am excited about our renewed ambitions to bring lost souls to the Lord. Our start date will be February 4. The elders meet weekly to establish coordinators. They have identified an overall plan. We have chosen a coordinator for the contacts/prospect list and will be reaching out to that person this week.”

Oak Hill church of Christ, Covington, Georgia: Tate Sutton (preacher) reports, “Hey brother! I wanted to report we had a baptism on January 7th. Also, we are on lesson 2 of a Bible study with a nonmember. God is good. Pray for us. The baptism was one of our member’s daughters. She finally decided to become a Christian. It has worked great because it helped set up our Bible study with Stephen. He has been visiting, and it helped him have questions. He and I are studying now because of this.”

Beloit church of Christ, Kansas (remote): Dustin Dougherty (regional trainer) reports, “I plan to give copies of Muscle and a Shovel to a couple of people. I have three speaking engagements scheduled with congregations that would like to support my efforts. I am considering opening another page on FB for Midwest or North Central Kansas virtual studies and sharing WVBS and GBN videos there. I got accountability board inserts; I thought they looked great. I will present them at our next meeting.”

Paintsville church of Christ, Kentucky: Zach Collins (preacher) reports, “Everyone welcomed our new brother and sister in Christ, Cam and Missy Price! It was one of the greatest experiences I have ever had in God’s family! Both have physical handicaps, but with the help of God’s team, we were able to do God’s will. They studied with Johnnie LeMaster for two months.”

Central church of Christ, Paducah, Kentucky: Adam Faughn (preacher) reports, “We rejoice that Randy Perdew was baptized Wednesday. He had been contacted many times through our card-writing efforts, and he studied through Back to the Bible with one of our ladies and me. We were glad when we saw his reaction as he realized the importance and necessity of baptism for the remission of sins. One of our ladies began a study with a neighbor Wednesday who was contacted via card-writing. They finished Book 1 of BTTB and said it went well. We are praying the studies continue to progress. We continue to write cards. There are so many souls to reach!”

La Plata church of Christ, Maryland (remote): Eric Sykes (regional trainer) reports, “We had three visitors this week. We sent out 14 compassion cards. We have three visits scheduled. We have three open Bible studies; two are starting Lesson 1 of Back to the Bible and one is starting Lesson 2. We finished training the congregation on conducting a study using BTTB. We are starting Does it Matter? this week. Two individuals have completed BTTB 3; we pray they will obey the gospel this week. We appreciate all prayers.”

Aberdeen church of Christ, Maryland: Will Brown (preacher) reports, “We are focusing on getting everyone involved with evangelism by clarifying where help is needed and asking members to choose an area of work. We have a Bible study starting next week. We are all working to stay on the same page in growing the church. We are setting up accountability boards for all to see visible growth. We appreciate all prayers for our efforts.”

Southside church of Christ, Grand Rapids, Michigan: Freddie Klein (preacher) reports, “We continue to study with several souls and encourage them as they get closer to true fellowship with our Lord. We will send out House to House every month this year, rather than quarterly, as we did last year. This week, a recipient of House to House told us she plans to bring her neighbor to services next week. We look forward to the opportunities this year will bring.”

Looxahoma church of Christ, Mississippi: Blake Hawkins (deacon) reports, “We had an elders/deacons/preachers meeting following worship. We discussed the possibility of forming rotating teams to visit new movers in the new year. This is such a joyful effort and hospitable way to approach strangers, so we are hopeful that revamping the strategy to make these deliveries each month will encourage more participation. The New Movers initiative has been a great way for us to add to our prospects list. Compassion card teams continue to write on Sunday afternoons.”

Samford church of Christ, Steele, Missouri: Kyle Imel (deacon) reports, “We are using the next few Sunday nights to reorganize and reenergize the congregation. We hope to begin full force again soon.”

West Hwy 160 church of Christ, West Plains, Missouri (remote): Marvin Hatley (elder) reports, “The congregation continues to work the evangelism model. This week, compassion card Group 2 prepared 43 cards for prospects. A study using Back to the Bible Book 3 began last Thursday. This study was tedious due to the prospect’s denominational traditions, but it was still productive. The prospect stayed with the study, and Lord willing, will continue progressing this week. During this study, a loving family member began Back to the Bible, Book 1 with his niece. The study was going so well that the prospect’s sister overheard, became interested, and joined near the end of the study. The two ladies agreed to start over the next day, and both completed the study of Book 1. The study went so well that the two prospects, Janet and Janna, asked to continue to Book 2 that same day. Book 2 was equally successful, and the study with Book 3 was scheduled for two days later (Sunday afternoon). Janet and Janna completed Book 3, asking many questions relating to the spiritual condition of family members, and expressing a desire to bring those family members to Christ. Janet and Jenna were eager to make the great confession and put Christ on in baptism to begin a new life. Attached are pictures of our new sisters in Christ. We are grateful to God for the many opportunities that were provided to make these studies possible. To God be the glory!”

Foristell church of Christ, Missouri: Rod Jackson (elder) reports, “We are viewing weekly congregational videos. We are thinking of other ways to contact new movers until weather permits visits. We will begin a Bible study Wednesday, Lord willing, with the husband of a recent convert. We appreciate prayers for its success as well as all our evangelistic efforts.”

East Flushing church of Christ, New York (remote): Clarence Jenkins (preacher) reports, “By God’s grace, we had a visitor who continues to attend worship services. We took another visitor and her children out to eat after services. We send out compassion cards every Lord’s Day. We are rejoicing and looking forward to God adding more souls to His family in 2024! We appreciate all prayers.”

Cary church of Christ, North Carolina: Larry Fife (preacher) reports, “We are gearing up for our Rekindle the Flame training and door-knocking day on January 27. I have preached two sermons to prepare us to remember why this is important. Our visitors/greeters team will have a training day Sunday to be better prepared. We have reorganized our connect groups to begin sending compassion cards on January 28.  We are look forward to the opportunities before us this year.”

Carthage church of Christ, North Carolina (remote): Randy Chambers reports, “We conducted two Bible studies, one using Does It Matter, and the other using BTTB 2. Both studies went well, and the next studies were scheduled for this week. We prepared compassion cards for five wayward members and one for a family that lost a child; we will be mailing them out this week and in the next three weeks. We are praying that much good will come from these efforts.”

Windham church of Christ, Ohio (remote): Roger Brown (preacher) reports, “We have received all the training and evangelism materials. We are now ready to watch the videos. “

Streetsboro church of Christ, Ohio: Ralph Price (preacher) reports, “We began working our way through Believe the Bible Sunday and we started delivering new movers’ baskets. Some members went out Sunday afternoon and had positive interaction with several people. We have all the materials for our visitor bags. One of our members designed a logo for the church, and another used her computer to cut them out of vinyl. All in all, we are having great involvement from the congregation. Recently, one brother was restored. The compassion cards played a part in that. We appreciate all prayers.”

Greenville church of Christ, Ohio: John McGiffin (preacher) reports, “We had 16 visitors on Sunday due to a family gathering of a member. Last Friday, we studied Book 1 Back to the Bible with a person who has visited on and off for about two months. We are scheduled to complete Book 2 on Thursday. One of the eight ongoing Bible studies concluded Book 2 of Back to the Bible. She stated that any church not wanting to bear the name of Christ must have a reason. She figured that the cause must be that they are not doing things the way Christ wants them done. Two Bible studies are starting Book 1. It has been bitterly cold, which has hindered some visitations. We will start our second round of transitional visits next week. One of the past visits led someone to state, ‘Maybe we are attending the wrong church.’ They are now trying to schedule a time to start Book 1. We continue to go through training and keep coordinators up to speed. We will begin our third round of prospecting on Sunday.”

New Concord church of Christ, Ohio: Terry Townsend (preacher) reports, “We had a family revisit our services for the third time, and it looks like a study may soon be set up with them. We received our New Movers list and made a couple of visits to deliver welcome baskets.”

Lake Milton church of Christ, Ohio (remote): Mike Bisson (preacher) reports, “We sent eight compassion cards. We made two visits last week. We appreciate all prayers.”

Sullivan Village church of Christ, Lawton, Oklahoma: Glenn Brennan (elder) reports, “Sullivan Village continues with weekly card writing endeavors. We are averaging sending out 250 cards per week. The new converts class has allowed us to see growth in our new brothers and sisters as well as those who are leading the class. Visits and phone calls are being made to new prospects and the wayward. Each service we are seeing at least three visitors. Steven Hill continues to present lessons from the pulpit on evangelism; he has done a great job encouraging the congregation to get behind this effort. The New Movers program has been started, and three new prospects have been made through this program. As with any program, it takes time and effort to be successful; I am glad to say that here at Sullivan Village, it has been very well supported by one and all.”

Coweta church of Christ, Oklahoma: Keno Shrum (regional trainer) reports, “We mailed compassion cards. Later this week we will begin following up on the ones we started mailing almost 10 days ago. “Yesterday, I visited with a woman who has worshipped with us several times. She comes from a charismatic church but has been attending with us recently. While visiting, she told me her husband, who does not attend anywhere, is going in this week for knee replacement surgery. She asked for prayers. I asked her if her husband might be open to a Bible study, when he is feeling better. She said she thinks he would, and she will ask him. So, the next time we meet, we will write compassion cards for him and pray he will consent to a Bible study. We have had a lot of participation from the congregation in evangelism, but some still have not found a place in the work. Next week, I will ask everyone to indicate areas where they are willing to work. Then we will start training in all those areas so that they are equipped to do the work. Once they are trained, I feel we will have a higher level of participation. We are excited about what this year holds for Coweta and this nation! May God bless all who labor in His name!”

York church of Christ, Pennsylvania: Mark Raschke (deacon) reports, “We wrote cards to two additional contacts. We have a long list of contacts to whom we send cards. We have scheduled a visitation meeting for next Sunday evening to assign visits in January for the 13 prospects on our list.”

Union church of Christ, South Carolina (remote): Terry Hale (preacher) reports, “We sent out cards last week to a visitor and plan to visit him this week. We plan to study Does It Matter after going through all three books of Back to the Bible with an 80-year-old lady. She had a great training class that started at the door and progressed to the kitchen table today with eight members participating. We are doing training two days a week and learning so much from the HTHSOE videos.”

East Ridge church of Christ, Chattanooga, Tennessee: Charles Cochran (preacher) reports, “We had a baptism Sunday night. His name is Jonathan Leverette. He has been attending with one of our young ladies, Gracie Benson. Mike Frost, Clint, and Tara Benson taught him. Gracie has had a positive influence. Our theme for this year is “Disciples Making Disciples.”

New Union church of Christ, Manchester, Tennessee: Paul Fulks (elder) reports, “At New Union, we continue to review the Bookmarks at the close of Sunday morning worship services.  This week, we had six contact cards submitted.  We did not have a single visitor from the community.  Card Team 2 Doug Aaron’s card team met before Sunday evening services, and 40 compassion cards were written. Several New Mover Bags were assigned for delivery. Last week, members made four follow-up visits and conducted one Bible Study. A New Convert/Bible Learner class meets each Sunday Morning.”

Chapel Hill church of Christ, Tennessee: Matt Jones (deacon) reports, “We had an all-coordinator meeting to see how things were going. All coordinators assemble their teams and start meetings and training with the various groups. This is our second week of the sermon series, and Isaac has done a great job presenting and beginning to train the church. The best news is that Saturday night, we baptized a new brother into Christ. This resulted from a study led by Neil Dalton that had been ongoing since the end of November last year. We plan to present the certificate and Bible. Praise be to God! We are off to a good start this year!”

Covington church of Christ, Tennessee: Wayne Dalrymple (elder) reports, “We are seeing positive effects from sending compassion cards. We received thank you cards from a family we are prospecting with cards. They are blown away by the fact that someone who does not even know them personally would care that much about them. We had more visitors on Sunday. One of them is Joy. She has visited several times. She is ripe for a Bible study, and we hope to set it up soon. A focus for this year is our erring members. The elders have made a list of all those who have gone astray. We intend to reach out to all of them this year. Frank is still studying with Steve and Anice. We hope to see them in the kingdom soon.”

New Hope church of Christ, Middleton, Tennessee: Cole Wade (preacher) reports, “We are looking into studying with one of our frequent attendees. It is clear to me that this person has been considering obeying the gospel, but it is a matter of being encouraged to act. We appreciate all prayers as we help this person come to know the Lord!”

McKenzie church of Christ, Tennessee: Randy McCadams (elder) reports, “This month, we are reaching out via card mailouts to some members and friends of our community who have lost loved ones. As for contacts, we are still challenging our members to turn in names of people who might benefit from receiving cards of love, prayers, and encouragement. We will be positioning contact cards on the back of the pews throughout our auditorium in specific cardholders with hopes that this will generate more contacts as the cards will be more noticeable and more readily available. We know the contacts are there; it is just getting our members to think about and submit the names of those in need.”

East Main church of Christ, Murfreesboro, Tennessee: Brad Rowley (elder) reports, “East Main had seven people involved in new Bible studies last week. One of the recent studies resulted from a benevolence request with two young ladies, Christy Lucich and Cherie Carroll, who led the study. Another study involved five new people led by Mark Isenberg and Joe Hurt.  We have five people involved in ongoing Bible studies.

On Sunday morning, January 7, Jon Mitchell and Tim Hayes delivered evangelistic sermons to challenge the congregation for 2024. They focused on asking the congregation to commit to identifying ten families or individuals on their bookmarks and communicating 2024 goals. “January 7 was graduation day for the new convert class of 13 new converts. Each student received an Apologetics Press Study Bible. Sunday morning, one of our prospects visited East Main for the first time. He commented that he wanted to meet the people who had sent him compassion cards. This is an example of how effective the card strategy can be. We completed one follow-up visit. To God, give the glory!”

Eisenhower church of Christ, Odessa, Texas: Allen Weakland (elder) reports, “As 2024 begins, we are preparing for a very busy year. Over the past several months, we have scheduled a spring seminar with Jeff Miller as well as our annual VBS and our fall festival. Each endeavor is focused on reaching out to our community to produce further contacts. Presently, we are studying with a mother and daughter who have become serious about spiritual matters. Add to this, one of our recent converts has started bringing her daughter to Wednesday Bible study. Last Sunday, I saw her daughter walk in, and I immediately greeted her. She said she had changed jobs because she wanted to be able to attend all the services at Eisenhower. May God be praised. We have set up a study with her; Delia, her mom, is overjoyed. We ask for prayers for these two families as we plant and water. God gives the increase.”
Northern Oaks church of Christ, San Antonio, Texas: Mel Hutzler (elder) reports, “We continue to have a few ongoing Bible studies. Cards and prospecting are always taking place. We hope to have more training in February on delivering gift baskets effectively. Our new convert’s class continues to go well and the card writing teams are producing cards. I hope to report more results in a few weeks.”

Canyon Lake church of Christ, Texas (remote): Jesse Stuart and Raoul Ferris (evangelists) reports, “We delivered new mover baskets to six prospects and added them to our compassion card ministry. We did a follow-up visit on one new mover who has been getting compassion cards for a few weeks. She wants to do a Bible study on her day off this next Monday. We studied Back to the Bible Books 1 and 2 this week with a cousin of one of our new converts who has been coming to services with her. His name is Chris, and he has enjoyed his studies and plans to do Book 3 next week. We continue to teach our new convert classes one-on-one and do follow-up work. This week, we assisted the Hillcrest church of Christ in Coleman, Texas. We did follow-up work with them from a door-knocking last October. We taught the congregation how to use an organized method of evangelism using Back to the Bible.  We set up two evangelism tables and tract racks. We taught the gospel to Amanda, and she was baptized into Christ. This family has not missed a Sunday since the door-knocking in October, except when their son Landon is sick. Landon was born without kidneys, and due to this complication, he is at Cook’s Children’s Hospital quite often.”

Wheeler church of Christ, Texas: Garrett English (preacher) reports, “Last week, our community has been hit with a few men of good report having great health difficulties. Some are battling in the hospital, and one has passed away. We have reached out for ways to help their families at this time and will be sending them as many cards as possible starting Wednesday. I have a Bible study with a denominational preacher resuming next week. We seek prayers for an open heart. We are planting seeds and watering, waiting for God’s increase this year.”

Granbury Street church of Christ, Cleburne, Texas: Ryan Cowan (deacon) reports, “Monday night, we kicked off our first PEP (Personal Evangelism and Pizza) event for 2024. We were thrilled to have approximately 13 people in attendance. This year, our PEP meetings will be focused on equipping individuals with the skills necessary to conduct one-on-one Bible studies. To guide our discussions, we will utilize Bobby Bates’ book, Fishing For Men.During our first session, we delved into some fundamental aspects of personal Bible study, such as the importance of deferring instead of debating and completing a questionnaire before the study. This groundwork will set the stage for our future sessions. On Sunday, January 7, John encouraged the congregation to start 2024 with a renewed dedication to evangelism. He emphasized the need to maintain momentum and highlighted how everyone can contribute to the church’s mission. In the evening message, John addressed the importance of treating our visitors with warmth and kindness. Within the message, he reviewed specific guidance implemented since the summer of 2023 to facilitate a visitor’s potential for a future Bible study opportunity. We are thrilled with our progress in the early days of 2024 and are excited for what lies ahead.”

Crosby church of Christ, Texas (remote): Jon Wheeler (elder) reports, “A new movers couple returned to Crosby a second time after visiting other churches. They stayed for lunch and told us they loved being welcomed at Crosby. One of our members ran into a lady she knew previously from another congregation but had been out of duty. She invited her to come to our services, and she did! We had the scheduled meeting after lunch to train designated greeters. It went well. We are excited that another family signed up to help distribute new mover baskets. Compassion cards are being sent this week to a sick father (unbeliever) of one of our members.”

Bridgewater church of Christ, Katy, Texas: Doug Suggs (deacon) reports, “We are setting up a Zoom meeting with Austin Fowler. The reboot video is an excellent idea and will help our congregation. We are sending compassion cards to visitors and others whose names were turned in.”

Windmill church of Christ, Texas (remote): Eric Tipton (preacher student, BTSOP), reports, “Richard Massey preached the second part of the John 4 sermon, and we looked at how to come up with ten names for the bookmarks. We set out the evangelism table, and I gave introductions and excerpts from the tools. We have three ongoing Bible studies and one that resulted in Jesus saving our new brother in Christ, Colby Burwell.”

Itasca church of Christ, Texas (remote): Justin Hopkins (preacher) reports, “I have a Bible study scheduled with a prospect who has visited several times. He is coming for dinner and to study of Book 1 tomorrow. His name is Ruben. The congregation is going through the training videos on Wednesdays.”

Chesapeake church of Christ, Virginia: Ernest Benjamin (regional trainer): “Herman Wine and I are going to spearhead implementing the HTHSOE model.  We are scheduled to meet this week.  This is an exciting step forward. We appreciate all prayers.”

NOTE: These reports are from Christians and congregations enrolled in the House to House/Heart to Heart School of Evangelism. These emails are sent to teach and provoke one another to remain focused on the mission of Christ. Each week, we share several reports and highlight one with more details. We hope you enjoy reading them.

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